If you have read thd latest issue of GameInformer Magazine Bungie has confirmed Recon armor is the reward for completing Vidmastr, sorry i dont have a scan of it u should just buy the magazine and read for yourself.As you might not know brainpan(find all skulls on Mythic maps) wont be possible to unlock til H3:ODST releases. H3odst contains citadel,heretic,& longshore the other mythic maps . So once youve unlockd Brainpan, Recon Armor will be yours IF you buy Halo3 odst, odst disc contains the armor.
I think Bungie is using the armor to boost the sales of ODST. And yes the armor can be used freely between Halo 3 and Odst. The armor will most likely be stored on ur hard drive.
Old ****ing news dude. Most of us have known about it for the last month or so and others including myself guessed that it would be when Bungie announced the new achievment list.
As Waylander said, this is old news. Many threads on this already. But its still awosme nonetheless. Though this warrants itself a lock.
As cool as Recon armour is, this makes it a hell of a lot less special. Recon will basically be the new Hayabusa.
That sounds like a challenge. Hold for Pwnage. EDIT: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/46107-vidmaster-challenge-anyone.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/45144-recon.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/44992-you-can-haz-recon.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/38775-vidmaster-rainbow.html All threads either stating that you can get recon for the vidmaster achievements or like I said discussing weather that is the prize for doing them before it was confirmed. Lock now. And just so you know, the search took about a minute. ANOTHER EDIT: Oh yea and Bungie themselves announced it (even mentioning the article in Game informer) some weeks ago on the 14th. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=16208