About a month ago I had a dream. (no joke) This dream I envision foundry and one really cool base against the metal door in the left corner.(being a red base because of the red light) after this brief dream I started coming up with concepts to bring it to life and into one complete awesome map. Next I came up with the blue base witch I used the top right corner of Foundry for. Last but not least I envisioned a bridge to connect the two. Final 024 is my last and final map, I don't have a XBOX 360 anymore I sold my XBOX 360 half a year ago because I needed food and money 4 rent. lol So on my vacation visiting family I was able to get 2 a hold onto a 360 and halo once again to make my Final map + Fun Fact: In this map I had to learn how to geomerge lol OVERVIEW: Here's a better look at the maps design. *This is NOT exactly how the map is because this was my second blueprint but it's similar. LV1 LV2 Final 024 has a great blend for long range, mid range, and close range battles. *Weapon List x1 Shotgun: 120sec x1 Sniper Rifle: 120sec x1 Plasma Rifle: 30sec x1 Needler: 45sec x1 Magnum: 30sec x1 Plasma Pistol: 30sec x1 Rockets: 120sec x2 Brute Shot: 30sec x2 Cov Carbine: 30sec x2 SMG's: 30sec x2 Spiker: 30sec x2 Spike grenades: 20sec x2 Sticky grenades:20sec x2 Mauler: 60sec x5 Battle Rifle: 30sec x5 grenades: 20sec Some people said it's "seems to open", so with that said then having a shotty, maulers, and rockets means they can't be overpowering, Right... *Power Ups/Vehicles x1 Regenerator: 90sec x1 Power Drain: 90sec x1 Invasibility: 120sec x1 Overshield: 120sec x1 Mongose: 60sec x1 Ghost: 120sec Red Base Side of Red Base/Leftside of Bridge Blue Base Main Bridge Under Bridge Supports 6-14 players Gametypes: CTF, Slayer, Team Slayer, Assault, Territories, KOTH, Oddball.Download here: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details MLG version: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/46853-final-024-mlg.html
this map looks great! i must down load this now!....i get the feeling i have seen this already or at least read the beginning
that looks really fun the inter lockng is superb and sois the geomerging to bad its your last map tho because it seems that you have real skillz. i hope you get thngs sorted out and that you can get things sorted out so you can make some more. 4/5 and good luck on getting some extra cash
Must say, you have me peaked. I can't tell a lot from the pictures, but for me this isn't a bad thing. I'll download and get a game..updating with my thoughts later good sir.
it looks pretty nice. although in some places it looks VERY open. the main bridge looks very cool. but the blue base looks like crap (unlike the rest). i also see the red guy in the ghost which spawns for blue side. so that kinda makes me wonder if the red side has much more power or the sides arent equaly matched. or it could just be that the guy happened to get the ghost, id like to know. so in a nut shell, beef up the blue base and add some more cover here and there and i think itll be perfect! even though u dont got an xbox...
i think the phrase "pimptastic gameplay" really sums this map up. i dl the earlier version of it this morning, me and my friends were playing on it and everyone liked it (even though it wasn't completed LOL). 5/5. nice.
Good job on this map. The interlocking and geomerging is clean and spot on throughout the map. The layout is unique and well thought, or should I say dreamed, out. I especially like the bridge. It's maybe a little open in a few areas, but you can't really do too much without restricting the ghost's movement. The biggest thing that restricts this map from a feature is blue base. Compared to the rest of the map it's lame. I don't know if it's a lack of materials or a lack of ideas, that happens to me a lot, but something needs to be done with it. idk what but you should sleep on it (; Overall 4.8888889 out of 5. Great job!
wow, this map looks great! t first it thought it looked too crammed, but the opening in the middle is awesome! im not fond of the mancannons/sheild doors etc in any map but urs made them work. and NO SNYP4R? thats a first... great map 5/5 PS: im sueing for copyright of the '024' (i use that number alot, mai favorite number)
Downloading this map right now. I will do a forge-through and get a game on this in the next hour if I fixed my connection. If not I will get back to you asap with a Phreakish Review.
Thanks for the props my man...This was the first time I ever Geomerged. After the 1st acouple of hours trying to get a box merged in the corner, I was starting to think that this map wasn't posible. After acouple hours rest I got back on and things started to flow and things started to come together. As for needing cash, I'm doing great and trying to get away from the xbox and more into other things(school, work, sports). Ive been trying to learn 3d Studio Max to pursue my career in Architecture and Game Design so I would be able to get my ideas out in a much more free way. Considering forge only gives you box's etc. No more 360 4 me lol I'll be alright. HALO 3 is the best game everrr! The blue base was tough, and yes there was a lack of materials. I had ideas but I felt as though there to be a real base/fort. So I put the truck outside, made a room, and a balcony, with a limited budget. Thanks for your input Midnight Haze theres a Sniper just forgot to add it on the list, thanks for the reminder. And about the 024, See you in court lmao jp hopefully not! Thanks to everyone who's commented, Thanks for all the great feedback, and enjoy my creation. Sincerly Grayson Samples
Woah man i agree with everyone, that blue base needs FIXING the whole thing looks pimp.. and then theres this little bluebase that really needs a facelift, to get a feature, maybe geo-merge some stuff into the ceiling and have some pimptastic interlocking that has people saying OMFGWTF and then saying kthnxbai, and getting a FEATURE! too bad you dont have a 360.. maybe get someone on this site to help make the v2? VEry good overall. 4.799999999999/4.8 because of blue base!
This map is really cool, and it looks almost like a map i built, called Munition. However, this map is a lot less linear and offers more ways to get around. I like the multi leveled area of the map and it is overall very smooth. I'd give it a 9/10