Nasty's Tips on Good Map Design

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by squidhands, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I came across this over at the MLGpro website, and thought a lot of what Nasty could greatly benefit the community here. I feel that there has been far too much emphasis placed on geomerging objects just for the sake of doing so, and ends up doing nothing for the map's overall playability. Hopefully this can help some people get a better idea of how to create their map, and also to spark further debate/input on how to create a good competitive Halo 3 map.

    P.S. For those of you who don't know who Nasty is or why you should listen to a word he says, go check out Narcosis. It was published back in February and puts most of the maps currently made to shame.

    1. Elevation Modulation - One of the most important things to remember when making a map. You always need variation in the Z axis. If you ever find yourself with a long, straight walkway or corridor, consider changing it to ramps up and down. If you can cut down the line of sight so that people aren't fighting from miles away, it's probably a good thing. Also think about platforms that are "looking out" at each other. If there's a line of sight between them, you'll probably want to put them at different Z heights. You want to make sure that your level is played in 3 dimensions, not 2. Make sure that your elements have some wrap-around. Wrap-around is when a path interacts with itself by ramping up or down, then circling back over itself. A great example is on Damnation. If you're at sniper by pipes, you can go up pink tunnel, circle upwards, and end up peering out on top of the pipe.

    Also, one of the best things you can add to a map to increase skilled game-play is a ramp that is exposed on its lengthwise side. Shooting somebody whose strafe takes them both left-right AND up-down is much more difficult. An excellent example is standing in front of a base on Onslaught looking at somebody who is moving up towards top A or B. You've probably noticed how difficult that battle is, and it's not just because of the elevation.

    As a final note, you should think about elevation in several ways. Firstly, you can use it to give one area a height advantage if you wish. As a corollary, you can use ramps to give one pathway an advantage by making them particularly hard to shoot at on one axis. Secondly, you can use elevation to break up lines of sight that are too long, or boring. Finally, you can use it as a general technique to make geometry more interesting by having wrap-around.

    2. Walkway Continuity
    - One less recognized piece of making maps is consistency. In every map you will have tunnels, walkways, or paths that take you here and there. It is important that you keep these walkways smooth and uninterrupted. Nothing ruins the look, feel and flow of a map more than failing to do this. There are a number of don'ts here.

    Don't make people jump. Let me re-iterate. Don't make people jump! It's bad map design. The only time you can break this rule is if you have a power-weapon or position that you want to make extremely dangerous. Examples are Chill Out's Rocket spawn and Wizard's top center. Outside of this type of conscious decision, the map should smoothly move up and down to where it needs to go. It will help you in the long run if you are forced to fit ramps between various areas, because it will likewise force you to keep good distance between your map elements. Don't lie dumpsters next to every box-height platform. A dumpster jump-up is by definition a piece of un-continuous walkway. If you want to let people up to a place, make a ramped walkway to it. People should be jumping from continuous element to continuous element in a perhaps unforeseen connection.

    Keep the walking space the same. Remember, we're talking about walkways, not rooms. In a room, it's fine to condense the movable area as you move to the edges by adding doorways that channel people through. But if you have a walkway, which by definition connects you to different parts of the map, its width should stay constant. Don't randomly widen it and then contract it without good reason, because you create hiding spots and bad aesthetics. A strong width for a walkway is, conveniently, the width of a box. For a more treacherous walkspace, bridges are fine. Try not to modulate straight between these two widths, because the result looks sloppy. Let them each be their own surface that is continuous until it meets a larger area. A good example is on Mecro. Notice how the Rocket S Curve is bridge length, but garage (under window panels) has a box length walkway. To resolve, there is a much wider lookout hole that is wider than both.

    3. Tight Corners
    - Tight turns and corners are a no-no. The most you should be doing is 90 degrees at a time, and if you are turning 90 degrees, it's preferable to do it with a bit of space around you and not in a tight corridor. One of the most frustrating areas in the game is from Snipe 1 of Guardian up to Snipe ramp. How many times has some infuriating melee battle occurred there? In general, soft turns should be used to keep people out of short range, the same way elevation is used to break long range. Lockdown and Midship do this well. We've already talked a bit about this before, by saying you shouldn't widen corridors without good reason. We'll talk about it much more in a second.

    4. Chunky and Technical - The hardest concept to understand, the easiest to identify if you're experienced. Beyond all other pointers, if you can grasp this idea then it will guide your element design the best. The best existing forge that exemplifies this is Xyience (Flux). The best Bungie map that exemplifies this (indeed, the best Bungie map period) is Damnation. K, here we go.

    When making a map and its elements, you want to keep the geometry either chunky or technical. What the hell does that mean? Let's break it down. We've said we want to avoid tight corners, and we want to keep walkways consistent. We've said we want good elevation modulation. We also want to keep things simple. Adding too many paths interacting makes it too confusing to play, and skill gets lost in confusion even for great players. When we say we want to make a map's geometry chunky, we refer to the ratios of its walkway widths and heights, the lines of sight, and the walkway continuity and elevation all at the same time. Essentially, we don't want random crap littered through the map.

    Make maps, not clutter. There is no such thing as "adding cover" in the way that most people think about it. You can add cover in the sense that you can cut off lines of sight by walling something off, or making a window or railing. But adding cover to an open area should not be done. Your level is your cover. That's why we say that things should be chunky. Geometry should be substantial and looming. Its wrap-around should encompass your view and define your movement. It is not just some stuff in your way.

    When your chunky map structure is made, with large pieces creating soft angles, elevation changes, and comfortable flat areas where you can catch your breath and look around, your next step is quite different but very subtle. The other half of making the map is the wispy technical pieces. This does NOT mean sticking signs in the ground, or blocking half of a walkway with a door. We already know the latter is wrong because it interrupts walkway continuity. When you're doing this, think about Damnation's central area which has narrow girders that connect the chunky top walkway and above shotgun areas. The wispy part of your map is what we're calling technical.

    The technical pieces of your map should very rarely be open on one end. Almost always, they should connect a ceiling and a floor, or two adjacent platforms. Technical elements are so-called because they require highly technical play to use them correctly. The map cannot be totally covered or made from these elements, because as we said above, the player needs a breather. The general map structure should be simple but elegant. The pieces should strongly define where you can see and where you can't, and define where you must go to see certain parts of the map. Technical pieces are things like thin columns and narrow walkways. You can use them in high-risk or high-traffic areas to break things up and separate the men from the boys. A great situation for a BR fight is to be fighting around a pillar that is just barely wider than a player. This is why Warlock was a good 1v1 map - it had lots of technical fights because of all of the narrow columns. Think also (you guessed it) of Damnation. By angling yourself you can use the column as cover when the enemy fires, then open the FOV for your firing. Great players can put even good players to shame in this environment, and you get some amazing 1 on 1 battles this way. If the wispy elements are horizontal instead of vertical, they can act as a difficult walking surface. It should not be a common path that always needs to be used, but rather a place that if you could maneuver well, you could cause some damage. Think big window on Chill Out - easy to fall off, dangerous to be on, not necessary for flow, but delicately powerful when used correctly. A more current example is the columns used on Xyience, along with the two walls right above the OS spawn. A common area of battle using thin geometry. If you've ever played Zanno's Greenhouse, the courtyard makes great use of columns to make OS battles interesting.
    cleej112 likes this.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Quote for EPIC TRUTH. I wish more people understood that.
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    sDrakulich told me about this thread a couple hours ago. I think we'll find this very useful while making the structures. Nice post Squidhands!

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    i read this over at mlg a couple weeks ago, and there are some massive truths in it. A great overall guide to competitive map making.

    Thanks for bringing this over here Squid
  5. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    These are some universe-breaking tips for a lot of the forging community.
    The tips are beyond useful. I know they're not laws, but they're an extremely important guideline.

    All of the example maps were impressive too.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Hm, i am not the best at making my maps flow well. This should help a bunch. I'll use this as a reference. Thanks for posting this.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Methinks we should get permission to get this little ditty front paged.

    We've covered techniques, but this is really the first solid layout explanation I've seen. I think I read something very similar to this months ago. It's how my map "Slate Creek" came to be.
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Finally. Someone needed to say this.
  9. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    This has definately enlightened me to forge nirvana. But seriously this has opened my eyes to some useful assets that i will use in every map i will make. This is a terrific guide and im so glad that it was posted. You my friend rock.
  10. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I agree with you completely, Draw. We need to make this into a guide on our site. (Read my thread in the Pub; this guide is a perfect example of what it would contain)
  11. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    Yes I agree that this is a well writen Guide. But, I have to ask if you read the sticky on MLG that takes you here?

    A competitve design guide writen by someone that mods for quake. More info, and IMO even a better read. Not to take anything away from Nasty and his efforts.
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I took a good long read through that guide the other day while I was browsing the MLG forums. He does have a lot of good information there, but I don't think it would be accessible to the general public here, sadly.
  13. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    what do you mean by accessible to the general public. The link is there:)
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I meant it might be a little over some people's heads....that and it's length may put some folks off from reading it. Not everyone of course...just those who are "special"...I think that's the word they use now a days, lol.

    But anyone interested at all in learning about this stuff should definitely check it out. Its a solid read.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I posted that here, too. A couple of months ago, in fact. I troll the MLG forums more than you realize, good sir. ;-)
  16. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    why is this not in the forge master index yet? anyways nice job and mostf not all of those are the truth.Ifonly the noobs who make inpossible infectiion maps read this
  17. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    I pretty much agree with all of these statements, however I would like to point out that in some maps, these rules need to be broken in order for the maps to play right, not because they are forced into being broken, but because it better suits the purpose of the map. For instance you make a point that cover should be integrated into the map not placed randomly, however if someone is trying to make a realistic war-like experience, they may need to have randomly dispersed cover. In real life war zones aren't just built to suit a soldiers needs, they have to make the best of what they can and use anything in their environment to their advantage.
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i agree, with whats said, it seems that if everyone followed these rules, we'd get the same open yet slightly intertwined multileveled maps over and over. Im happy with some people not entirely sure on how to create decent maps, because it allows good maps to get noticed more, and even some of the not so great maps, turn out to be good in the end anyway.

    Its not always about first glances on a map, its always about how it plays :)
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    what you are speaking of is more of a casual map. This is geared towards hardcore competitive maps.
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
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    Hmm, im sure what he's speaking of is competitive.. All of bungie's default maps are competitive as they use them in all the ranked playlists. For the casual maps, they use a different variant.

    For example. The Pit's default version has fusion coils which doesnt really help anyone running by them, but sometimes you have to. That is Bungie's competitive map. It breaks the rules of not just "dumping" something to fill space, it just provides a different angle to how people have to play on it. Even if it means avoiding certain areas.

    The Pit's infection variant, has the Active Camoflage blocked off on one side. It has A LOT of random crap dumped on it.. because it improves gameplay on that map for a casual gametype.

    All in all, if any map is created for a specific competitive gametype (i.e. Team Slayer, MLG, Team Snipers, Flag) then the map itself is a competitive map despite what it looks like. It just might not play as well as initially hoped.
    #20 Stevo, Oct 14, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009

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