Debate Aetheism vs Theism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pigglez, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Religion is behind it, not god.

    I'm mildly offended you think the universe is 'random' without god. :p
  2. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Umm... I said that's what I believe. It takes a spot of faith sometimes to be a Christian ya know.
  3. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    You didn't say i believe, you said 'God did.' My point was that you have no idea whether god DID anything or not.
  4. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    It is not that they don't do anything. It is the people that are praying lack faith in him to actually help them! Here read this:
    A Prophet Without Honor

    Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him.
    Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.

    So DimmestBread I ask, did you have the faith that god really would help you win?
  5. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Religon did spawn the idea of an afterlife, as well as the idea of a god. So if there is an afterlife, it won't just be there because it is, someone/something will have made it.

    Well without some intelligent design, then it would be random, wouldn't it? If no one did it on purpose, then that means it happened on accident...? Things like chemical reactions work without any kinks in the rules. If no one made these things with any intentions, then things would kind of just happen. In other words, it would be random.
  6. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Yes, I believe god did do that!
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Whether you have faith or not, prayers do not do anything. Most go unanswered ( because there is no God to answer them) And ones that are 'answered' are coincidences, or were things that were likely to happen anyway. All scientific evidnce supports that conclusion, according to my research. ^_^
  8. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    So you say we Theists are weird because we believe in something that can't be proven? Well, atheists do also! They do not know god doesn't exist they just believe and think he doesn't!
  9. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    This scientific research needs a link methinks. =)
    And Rampage, that was one heck of good point in my opinion.
  10. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Why thank you =)
    Keep it up, we've almost cracked them! Oh, g2g work on some homework see ya later.
  11. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Thats just stupid! How can you not know something exisits, if there is no proof whatsoever of it being there? That is our whole point! You do not know, will never know. have no proof, will never have any proof, meaning that the belief is (As i have said) A completely blind one!

    An you simply cannot say that god must of started everything unitil you explian what started god, so don't use that as the hypothesis for your belief, please.
  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Say God was the force that set things in motion. As in the force itself, not just someone who made something happen. But, this force was an intelligent one so it made things with a purpose. So then what started God? I dunno. What started the universe?
  13. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    My point is, we don't know that (and probably never will, certainly not in our lifetimes) but why make your belief a blind one?
    Anyway, i have to go, we can do some more debating tomorrow ^_^
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Belief in God is not blind. It explains how everything is what it is, not just why. And you are right, we may never know how the universe started. So then why not believe that a god created it? It's just another way of looking at the picture. Denial of a god is as closed-minded as the Church was centuries ago when they were the ruling body.
  15. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    What? So your saying that its better to believe in something you know isn't true merely because it explains how and not why? Why not believe a god created it? Because theres no evidence supporting that its even a possibillity. Nearly everything in the bible has been proven to be wrong, and if parts are wrong and not credible than you would just be doing yourself an injustice to beleive in the other parts that have yet to be disproven. Simple logic would dictate if the majority of the things are wrong than the rest most likely follow the same pattern. I don't care how you look at the picture. But when it affects my day to day life than there is a problem. If someone can use god as a excuse in a debate (not this one but things like stem cell research, abortion, etc) Than theres a BIG problem. And on that last comment. No its not, we don't burn people at the stake because they believe in god. We don't force people to change their findings to obscure the truth if the research helps prove the existence of a entity such as god. The church when confronted with evidence that may sway beleivers acted like any corrupt government would, and tried to cover it all up.
  16. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Right off the bat I want to say, stop talking in; "You're stupid cus I rite!" format. We have proof that God is alive and well! He changes lives! And even if we didn't, you still have no proof that he does not exist. We are not blind and arrogant, listen to yourself I beg! I have my opinions and you have yours. It certainly doesn't make me blind, it is relative for me.
  17. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    If it has, give me some links. It is relative to my life, and I enjoy seeking advice from his word. God is all powerful, it doesn't have to be "scientifically" possible.
  18. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Don't put words into my mouth. If I knew something was not true, then why the heck would I believe it? And I didn't say "how and not why", I said "how and not just why". This means it doesn't just say things happen because of (example) this chemical reaction, it gives a bigger answer: why these things occur in the first place.

    So... what has been proven wrong in the Bible? The specifics (maybe, you tell me what has been proven wrong). Because there were people who were accounting these stories, and they put down wrong info (or they did it for shady reasons). However, just because someone screwed up the details does not make the idea as a whole wrong.

    I do not use God as an excuse for anything (I know you were not accusing me of that, but I just wanted to put that out there). The Church did try to cover up things that went against them. I agree it is a bad problem. But just because there are people who abuse religion, again, does not make the idea as a whole wrong.

    Plus, we are just talking about Christianity. So maybe it is a bad example; however, think about how long it has been around, and how long it has had for people to come in and screw up some details. So let's focus on another religion: Buddhism. They have the same basic ideas like most other religion: a god, some afterlife, things to live by. Has anything disproven these basic beliefs? Do not say, "Oh. Well you can't prove the afterlife or God." That's not the point! These things cannot be proven or disproven, so that is why they are part of a religion; they require faith. It's all a matter of opinion.
  19. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    ........You know what actually I think its probably better if I just said this.
    The way you interpret the bible is obviously on a level where any evidence I could come up with would most likely be pointless as you say it doesn't need to be "scientifically" possible. Thus meaning that it could be done no matter what science and logic dictate correct? If thats your stance than theres obviously nothing I could really say to change it. And to the person above were not "cracking". We are being pitted against arguments based on heavy amounts of faith and belief. And as much as I hate to say it, its nigh impossible to argue against faith and belief unless you use faith and belief. As no matter how you present your argument someones faith and belief will be as true to them as anyone elses points and opinions.
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    True. But we are simply justifying why we believe what we do because we have been challenged.

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