A barrier? Press up on the D-Pad. Go to Scenery Press RT twice Up on The left Analog Stick A That's a barrier. What do you mean? If this is not what u want.
Sorry, I never explained it properly... Like the MLG Foundry map varients. Except only using Fence Box's and Fence Walls.
I could have sworn you did that on purpose. There are a few maps on foundry made especially as barriers to keep the deafult bases separate but if you were to use them, you'd probably have to give the creator credit for it. Have you already created the actual map? Only because it's best to do so first, then create the wall because that way, you won't run out of vital objects when creating your map. Otherwise, too many resources could have been used on the barrier. Also, I don't think just fence walls and boxes are enough due to the lack of them. The wall won't be high enough. It's your choice to be honest but I'm sorry I won't be able to help because:1. I'm not great at perfectly straight walls 2. I haven't really got too much time due to the fact I'm only allowed on after a certain time.