Recommended Reading- Parkour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Parkour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mirror's Edge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia So, are you already an enthusiast? Just getting started? I want to get started, but there's no real good places in my town, but there is a nice alleyway that is so thin you can climb to the top if you're reach is wide enough.
Here are some videos and discussion:
Yeah, me and my friend joke about doing it a lot but there are really no places we could do it around where we live - a lot of trees.
I've done it, very basic, its actually very hard, and I have some **** with bad knees, so I can't do it a lot.
Ive got a real bad right knee so their is no way i could ever do any of that hardcore stuff, but the simpler stuff probably. Seems like a great way to stay in shape, and it actively engages many different muscles. Oh and Didn't somebody post a video about this a while back?
My friend does it a lot. he lives down in lousiana. He will go on long walks just to find good places to have fun. He just taught himself to do a gainer out of his bedroom window so I thought that was pretty cool. I love it, cool to watch but I can't do it to save my life. If you want to get good at it, youtube traceur or david belle and you will learn a lot.
Since playing mirrors edge demo and seeing it's parkour trailer I want to be able to run though **** like that but im not that talented or in shape like that. I found some REALLY cool vids of it though. Looks like a really deadly sport if your not a master at it.
it is indeed very dangerous. While watching my friend, he almost landed on his neck trying a backflip out of a tree. Very scary. If you want to get in shape, you need to do some working out that incorporates lifting your entire body, like push ups and pull ups. Just lifting normal weights doesn't help as much, and try sprints and long distance running.
why is everything so dangerous about parkour/freerunning. It's such a stupid stereotype....goddamn. It's not all about jumping gaps from one side of an opening top of a soccer stadium to the other side, and about falling 6-7-8 stories to the floor below. source See my point? You don't have to do it in the most dangerous spots to be able to (honestly) call yourself a traceur. kthnxbai, have to go.
doing it in easy areas can easily be dangerous. I've gotten my wrist caught just vaulting a simple low fence. (which is about all I can do)