Tremor Blast

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Creeping Death, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    When i loaded it the brute shots didn't spawn? Btw after a couple of games this map
    is very addicting. i love those high tension moments where your the only
    tremor on the mouse side and they're coming your way with the flag then it all comes
    down to you to stop them
  2. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks bud, glad you like it. Geomerging was a must on this map for sure.

    LOL. Yeah, a few people have bashed and bashed until they accidentally got stuck. That's why I put a rescued Mongoose in the middle cave, so you could hop on and hopefully get back quick enough to get a new Tremor. Thremors are on instant respawn so it sholdn't take too long to get it back.

    Thanks for the awesome reveiw Boyle, much appreciated :0)

    Another good review :0) Thanks Debayter.

    Umm, they should be there. Perhaps you were in the Tremors base? They only spawn in the Mouse base. Or perhaps you didn't get one in time. Only 4 spawn and they only come back after 3 minutes. And yes, the tension does get intense, that's the fun of the map!
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Needs more interlocking, 2/5.

    Seriously though, this map is awesome. I'll play it on all my TGIFs now, if people can handle Tremors, Cat N Mouse, Tremor N Mouse, and Tremor Blast all in a 3 hour period...totally epic funz0rz.
  4. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    i know why they didn't spawn i had to put weapons on map to default and enable weapon pickup enabled for some reason they were off
  5. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Oh wow, thanks for noticing that. I guess I linked the old gametype from before. Either way, I fixed it and have updated the gametype link. Sorry about that :0)
  6. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    This map was awesome. Intelligence and creativity was a must in every game I played. Definitely a game worth keeping =). Oh, and is my epic strategy still there?
    And was this the end of our near epic flag captures with the, umm, awesome strategy? If only our mongoose hadn't become wedged... =(
    Great map & gametype with near flawless execution.
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Are you referring to the mancannon trick? If so I took that out, only cause I wanted to force people to stay on the ground.

    And you guys were in sudden death when I barely splattered Tic Tac (I think it was him) but he was pissed he couldn't run under the bridge. I tried to explain to him and the other guy that if I raise it up at all then Tremors may be able to get into the base and that would break the game.

    Senior Member

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    congrats Creep, this game is SO awesome. This has come a long way since the first version, and I can't think of a way to make it any better. Its awesome that people are still finding new, original, exciting games to play.. proving that despite all these other games coming out that Halo is still king. Great job, my friend
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks Lights! You're the bestestest. Many an epic game has been played so far and many more to come!
  10. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This game has some amazing game play, very nice geo-merging setups, and will most like be featured due to all the colors involvement... But this is far from anything revolutionary when it comes to game type concepts. When it boils down to it this game is really just a tremors remake on avalanche with the addition of mongooses and 3 capture points in place of 1. This is the only thing this game falls sort on in my opinion, but most people don't appreciate or care about the complexity/originality of game type use just the overall fun of the game play and this game has tons of it. great job!
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    since you clearly haven't played the game before, let me hit you with some knowledge. The mongeese are in fact the main difference in the game, and what a difference they make! They turn the traditional Tremors gametype completely upside down. No longer are the attackers basically playing by themselves, but they must work together as a team. In addition, with the added speed and teamwork by the attackers, the Tremors are at a large disadvantage, and will NOT win without strict teamwork and a good chemistry together. Tremor Blast is much more of a sport gametype than Tremors ever was. Tremors are forced to coordinate with each other in what usually ends up being a zone defense, and must be in constant communication of who is coming, and where they are coming from.. and even then its quite a feat. Honestly, this puts the original Tremors to shame in every possible way. And no, this will not get featured because of the "coloreds" involvement. Creep is a f-in badass forger who has proven himself in both the competitive and mini-game categories. This game has been played nearly every night by multiple large parties for the last week and a half at least. Everyone loves it, and as such, will probably get featured on that basis alone. Next time before you critic a map/gametype, try it out. You clearly haven't yet.
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    well even though i havent been playing this right ( was using the tremors to flip mongeese it was still pretty fun my only question is why there is a mongoose on the floor area, its just asking to be stolen good geomerging and the inclusion of brute shots make this epic win and i like how you have multiple lives that mad me very happy
    a 5/5
  13. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Q F'n T.

    If there is one thing that gets under my skin about quick reviews it's that 99% of them are based on assumption. I can see where you are coming from Morphine, if you just skimmed the post and it's details you would assume it was just Tremors with Mongooses. But, as Lights stated in such an epic manner, there is a great amount or strategy involved and it actually reverses the way Tremors was played by giving the Mice the power and forcing the Tremors to work together as a team to prevent the score.

    Try it out for real. You just might like it.

    Are you talking the goose in the cave or in the base? The one in the cave is for a quick ride back if a Tremor falls off and the player lives, or for a mouse if he is on foot and needs a ride. I put it there because it's in the center and offers quick transportation in a large level. And the one in the Tremor base is just in case you are trapped in the base with no ride :0)
  14. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Wow, I have never felt more unjustly attacked in my entire life. I can't believe someone who can be so assuming and accusatory could rise to the ranks of moderator and 'journalist' at this site.

    The fact of the matter is I have played this game before. And Lightsout you just wasted your time arguing a point I never mentioned, I know that the gameplay is different and involves strategy. You guys act as if I said this was a bad game. The only thing I said was the gametype wasn't designed in a unique way, rather a combination of two other existing games.

    Vicious Vice invited me to play it off the TGIF1 about 2 weeks ago and I have played the game multiple times since then. What exactly is so clear about my post that you guys wrongfully assume I have never played the game before? Why would you assume that my comments about the game play being 'amazing' were blatant lies?
    #34 Morphine, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  15. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Dear Lightsout and Creeping Death,

    My friend Timeless161, you may know him better as Morphine, has played this map many times with me and I have no clue on the amount of times he has played this map without me in his own party. He made a good review on the map and showed the highlights as well as the bad parts to this game. I feel that you have wrongly accused him of never having played this map and saying be should try it before reviewing it. He is telling the truth about the large similarity to original tremors and is pointing out how the only difference is the addition of mongeese and the number of lives. As this does help the flow of gameplay and the enjoyment, I feel he should not be critisized on the fact that you feel threatend because you read his post in a manner of which you deamed rude and ignorrant. Saying things as accusingly as you did shows how childish some people can be when enraged by misjudgement and misunderstanding of the human bieng. I feel you should apologize to Morphine for wrong accusations of never playing this game, which be obviously has since he said the gameplay is great, and that nobody should be yelled at for the carelessness of ones reading and misinterpretations of another. Morphine has only pointed out what he thought was wrong and not trying to say that this map sucked. All in all this map is a great map and I know even Morphine enjoys it from personal experience in the same game as him and I do not believe he wanted to say anything bad about this map just to point out minor flaws and similarities to another gametype.


    P.S. Love the map 10/10 for me. Many good times(alot with Morphine) with my XBL friends and friends in real life.
    #35 zackj191, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Ok, I will apologize for assuming he didn't really play it, but first off, he puts in a not so innocent jab at the Mods saying it will be featured because I'm colored. So that pretty much sets up any "rudeness" he might incur.

    Second, he states that the only differences in the game are the Mongooses and "3 capture points instead of one". Well, there is still only one capture point, always has been and always will be. And he failed to mention the inclusion of the Brute shot in his differences. This gave me the impression he didn't play it and just reviewed on the post.

    Now, I know he commented on the great gameplay, but that is something that is easy to lie about and just say, so I had to take it with a grain of salt.

    Look man, I am going to assume that there was some sort of communications breakdown here and give you the benefit of the doubt and say sorry for overreacting. I am glad you liked the gameplay, many do. Yes it may be a combo of a few different games, but im my opinion gameplay/fun is far greater than just coming up with a new idea. How many maps on here have good ideas in general, but fail in the gameplay department?
  17. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    All I said was there were a lot of higher up members posting on this thread with good reviews, so it was likely to be featured. I'm sorry if you guys misconstrued this.

    I meant number of points(flag captures) the attacking team needs to win the round. In the original tremors as we all remember, there was only 1 flag capture, in your version there are three.

    I accept your apology. I understand that you were mainly just referencing what lightsout was saying, of which I was the most distort. Basically, a series of unfortunate misunderstanding and unnecessary jumping to conclusions.

    I also completely agree that gameplay out weighs innovative design but when the two meet together it can be a truly amazing thing. Again I think you did a good job with this map and don't think the game type effects the map's playability only the level of imaginative ingenuity.
    #37 Morphine, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  18. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    It's all good man. I think the "points" were what threw me off most, I assumed you meant points as in locations, not points to win. I assume Lights thought the same as well. Anyways, all is good and thanks for the good words on the game an such.
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I loved the Foundry tremor n mouse. This one looks even better. Did you set the tremors' starting weapons to Brute Shots? If so, why?
  20. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Nope. Starting weapons are Magnums. Brute Shots are in the Mouse base available for pick up.

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