Hey guys, I actually registered because I saw Insane24's post over at OCH and I needed some clean custom forge maps for making films and such. So this is why I'm here, you can thank your very own staff for advertising!
Nice going insane, hey nice to have you over heere at the forums, just make sure you read the rules pretty well and you should be fine welcome
ya I saw you responding on threads that are very old try not to comment on old maps tey are known as necroposts and you can get in trouble for it.
Use the search button. Type in 'clean foundry' or 'canvas' or something. that might help. EDIT: Oh here you go http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18-canvas-maps.html Hope that helps.
Hey man welcome to the site. Just wondering but what is OCH, if you could I'd like a link. But heres some helpful links and tips to easily maintain a good exterior on the forums.The RulesAlright well the rules are located here. But here are the basic ones to follow. Spoiler No spamming. For "A Closer Look" at Spam, Click Here. No double posting. For "A Closer Look" at Double Posting, Click Here. No necrobumping. For "A Closer Look" at Necrobumping, Click Here. No flaming. Do NOT excessively criticize forge creations. Listen to the staff members. Do not claim someone's map was your idea. This is an old and tiresome exercise. Arguing over who's head the idea popped into first is pointless. If you want to do this go and join the eight year olds flaming on the Bungie forums. No personal insults. Do not flood the forums - this will immediately net you a perma-ban. Post in the appropriate areas. NO racism, sexism, or abuse of power is tolerated. This includes use of derogatory terms towards sexuality, race, gender, etc. The posting or linking to of pirated property, software, or other files constitutes a minimum 50 day ban. Illegal activities are not tolerated here. Do not rate a map without even downloading it. Now if you want to socialize, I suggest you come to the off-topic section of the forums. Here are some good threads to post in just to meet people. The 1million post party countdown here. And a thread where you can ask the even staff questions about anything here I would tell you more but I'm rather tired and don't fell like typing much. Just post maturely and your be fine.
Thanks everyone, I guess I already got a warning. Silly me! But maybe you should tell your event staff, who should be setting an example to have a little bit more modesty when PMing someone. Currently getting harassed by one.
OCH? I'm at alot of Halo forums, but I'm not catching the acronym. I'm sorry for any trouble you may be having with staff; however, we have to deal with alot of people, and we can't make exceptions. Warnings are just that: a warning. It bears no infraction points, and doesn't make any decisions anywhere, its just to warn you that your doing something against the rules.
do you want me to put the conversation here for embarrassment purposes? don't call me out then. you said something. i retorted. it was one-upmanship from there. enough said. such things are in the past, and frankly i respect you for your little response at the very end because it was hilarious.
Okay, I've created a guide here on ForgeHub to help you survive. Don't insult Sarge, or argue with him unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that you are not mistaken by the comment, AND have an IQ over 200. Sarge's style of arguing is very unique, and can be difficult to understand. So when you're arguing with him, you're going to be pwned so hard you won't even know what has hit you. Don't argue with everyone like I do. Try to get on the Staff's good side, unless you know what you're doing. Otherwise you're going to be infracted. Think before you post. Slap Norlinsky when you see him. Call COMMANDERMATT1 a stalker when you see him. Follow the rules closely. Even bending the rules can get you infracted.
1. You got that right. Sarge is addicted to words and you'll never win. 2. Yeah because just look how Frag turned out. You don't want to be a Frag Man<-- realize I'm joking 3. Be on the staff's good side otherwise yes you will be infracted but they will also cry. 4. Of course 5. Nooo. Norlinky's cool. 6. Whatever 7. Follow the rules of course.
Frag, you can let him walk all over you. I personally didn't feel like dealing with it. At however late it was.