New colaboration

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JEEF, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I was only talking about the box under the mongoose. I know full well why the box was geomerged into the stairs, that was a good idea. I mean the box looks good but please tell me, or i'll ask solo, why it is used there other than looks. I will take up the challenge as well, although I will probobly fail who knows.

    Not trying to get on your bad side, just pointing out some stuff I see, just trying to help.

    For the underline part, this is my opinion, I care very little about aesthetics. I am almost all for gameplay. Look at the Halo CE maps, they didn't have brilliant aesthetics but they played amazing.
  2. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    The mongoose pad was placed simply for a nice aesthetic touch, and it fit the space very well. It has no significance beyond that.

    Also, I don't think people understand the time and patience it takes to do what we've done. It's like you're assuming it was a 5 second job just half-assed at the last moment, and to say that something like this is unecessary is very frustrating. Maybe you will appreciate the effort we have put forth by attempting those merges. Who knows, maybe then you won't take the work of others for granted, and respect their efforts.

  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Since when did I say that that merge took 5 seconds? when did I say i havn't tried these merges? When did I say I take others work for granted? when did I say i didn't respect their efforts? Exactly, I havn't said any of those things.

    All I asked for was an explanation of what it served, if it was just aesthetics or if it had something to do with gameplay. You anwsered that, but then went on about all that bullshit that I could have been thinking. Do I know how long it took you to do that merge, no. I know how long it took me, about 1 hour.

    I did that merge once, and once I found how useless it was, I never did it again. I realized that box and the 4$ budget it takes up can be used someplace else.
  4. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    you didnt say anything you implied it. you also didnt ask you stated it was worthless. and jesus have you heard of unlimited budget you noob. it was also open so it cost 6 $.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    No **** i've heard of the unlimited budget glitch. One map in my sig uses it. Try looking around before you say stupid **** like that. And no I really didn't imply it. All I said was it was for aesthetics only.

    Senior Member

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    everyone quit your ****ing bickering. Dimmest does have a point tho. But STOP trying to put words into his mouth. Especially because he is right. Whether its budget glitched or not, boxes like the one in the stairs or the mongoose box should most certainly be the LAST items you place, after weapons, spawns, everything else. Dimmest is right in the fact that they could be used more appropriately, and if push comes to shove, Im sure you will re-allocate them to a more suitable spot on the map. But as is, aesthetics such as these should definitely be left for the last bit. But I can say with 95% certainty that the mongoose box will have a more suitable home in the end. And getting stuck in the stairs? what foundry have you played, lol? Thats most certainly not the case.. ever lol. Basically, you guys ahve brought it upon yourselves. The original post ya'll have is solely here to show off your merges, and you haven't mentioned one single word about how player movement will flow, weapons, overall basis for the map. In other words, if you aren't focusing on aesthetics, then you need to act like it.
  7. Furry

    Furry Guest

    I did a forge-through of this map with Jeef. I must say, its half way done and I'm pretty sure it will get featured. I really hope you guys use the spawn system appropiately. Also, I found that when going over the man-cannon rampish looking thing that makes you float to the base, there is a spot where you can camp with a Sniper or Needler or any weapon for that matter. I'm not sure if it will effect gameplay greatly but its very very innovative and think its one of the best maps. The gameplay is already phenomenal from what I got to see. What I mean by this is, is that the flow of it is really nice. Not actual gameplay but more of a taste of it.
  8. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i hada forge through looks nice... even tho u gave up our colab over that 6 week waiting... and yes JEEF is a biggy on geo merge and aethetics... but im not saying at all they haven't looked at gameplay... the base with its intricate design serves as a traffic area for battle from the looks of it... it will be the last step over the threshold of this base that gets the caps... and the elevated surface gives it an uperhand on attacking stragglers... as well as the small base seen in like the last picture is a good place to catch your breath gain your sheilds and regroup.... dont think they dont no what their doing... and while colab forging boredum sinks in.... someone is garenteed to do some pointless aethetics... and why would they delete a perfectly good pad... and say they run out of boxes then they can delete it but if they wanna redo it it will be even more work... yes they have a good looking map... yes theyve thought bout gameplay... sure their gaining publicity... but can't someone leave them a comment instead of haggling them bout doing to much good merging... and making their map look good... i mean come on at least put something nice at the END of the post... so u dont seem like an undermining assholewho is getting jelous.....

    EDIT: Oh and that box and the first pic is angled an not straight... COME ON JEEF wats up w/ that straighten it out now or i will rate it a 4.99 lol im just messing

    PS. that comment wasnt meant for neone specifically...
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    And with that, I leave this thread. Thanks lightsout. also, your map does look quite good and like I said i hope the gameplay is too. I'll look out for it in the future. No hard feelings.
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I heard how you took Camo's idea that is in the picture with
    a bunch of arrows. I really dont like how SoLo did a useless
    geomerge under that mongoose. Kind of pointless and yes I already
    saw Dimmest's argument about that. So far im not seeing much
    originality from you JEEF. Lots of useless junk in the build. Other than
    those wall geomerges in the room I think the rest of it is an iffy.
    Hopefully this map doesn't have layout problems like Epoch did.

    EDIT: Also please don't rant on me about me only liking my maps and
    never giving good advice. It got really old a really long time ago
    #30 Phreakie, Dec 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2008
  11. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Thank you.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'll be honest. So far nothing i have seen has impressed me much. Odd merges do nothing, absolutely nothing for what you seem to understand as being 'aesthetics'. They are boxes. The only reason people seem to think they are good is because they don't have the willpower (not the skill) to do them, and aspire to be able to.

    The only thing i liked was the Fence Box placement, but i liked it because of a gameplay aspect you could have introduced. I am fairly confident that you won't introduce that aspect, so i conclude that most of the object placement so far is pretty wasteful.
  13. Furry

    Furry Guest

    The map is decently small and the mongoose box can be removed at anytime to be place somewhere else. If someone else says something else about it I will ask for your gamertag so I can show you the map and then cuss you out and perhaps teabag you. He's not really stealing anything. You think you can steal ona video game, man, that's pretty low... No offense, go outside, get some air. Originality is only limited to invention. Last time I checked none of your maps are really original, nor are anyone elses... Come on man... You offer no help in any of that wimpy paragraph. You talk more about false accusations and some bogus comments about aestetics. Epoch plays very well actually, so did some of the staff.

    Alot of what you think is aesthetics in this map does actually effect gameplay one way or another. The stair geo-merge no longer has the hole in it, for smoother gameplay. The walls were created most-likely to cut of such a large area. Anyways, stop making this thread about Camo's geo-merge or some **** like that. If Camo's no longer working on it then don't bring it up or else I will report for spam and others should too. That wasn't directed towards Matty.
    #33 Furry, Dec 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2008

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