So I've been away from Halo 3 for a long while until when today a friend asked me to join him. And once I started playing, I couldn't figure out why I ever left lol. So now I'm back at forge, and I'm in the process of making my first truly ForgeHub worthy map. But since I've been away for so long, i've forgotten many of the simple forging techniques. So here are my three questions: 1. How do you merge custom powerups into walls and other scenery? 2. How do you make weapons float in mid-air without Weapon Holders? 3. How do you merge man cannons behind walls and under floors?
1. interlock them by placing them slightly out of the wall/object of your choice 2. You cant, or at least to my knowledge you cant
3. Save quit the mancannon, place at start no, 188 (hax) - Save quit doors where the mancannon was, force spawn mancannon after. - Grab mancannon, savequit - Should be behind the wall/floor
for number one you have the double box you want to put the custom powerup in and you set it to respawn at start no. Then you have to visualize where it was and hold the powerup,using the save quit method. you might have to try this several times
I was the first person to do that. Get owned. Hey drak, how do you geomerge custom power ups? Noone ever told me how to do that...
umm no? it was the first thing I did after learning Forging 101, trying to make a switch. As for geomerging powerups, its the same exact thing I just explained with the mancannons, but you need to do it with a powerup. Presto
For #2, I believe you are referring to people who have interlocked the weapon holder into the wall or floor, so that it cannot be seen, but still has grab on weapons and equipment. To do this, simply interlock the weapon holder in much the same way as eguitarplaya33 said to do with the powerup, only with a weapon holder obviously.
Thanks for all the help guys. The map is coming along pretty well, but I've got another problem. I completely forgot to use the budget glitched map, and im definately going to run out of money soon. Isnt there a way to budget glitch certain objects w/o me having to restart on a budget glitched map and try to re-do everything from memory?