Evolution wise? Assuming evolution is real, if you do not believe in evolution don't post. Also assuming that we don't blow each other up. I think we'll slowly adapt to climate change and we'll eventually become immune to a few diseases. Opinions?
The technology we have at the moment is hindering our evolution. If there was a huge global disaster, such as a nuclear war where lots of technology and most of our livlihood is destroyed over time, we may continue to evolve. But still this is a very small possibility in many peoples book. Some say that we have reached the peak of human potential but who knows? Also, only a tenth of our brainpower is actually used, if there was another way to unlock the rest, or even just a little more - it may lead us down a new path. I personally love the subject of DNA and stuff like that so this is a really interesting.
Natural evolution occurs merely out of chance. With further advancement of technology, we should be able to start evolving ourselves with the proper techniques. When that happens, I want wings.
Human population is growing at alarming rates. This could only mean diseases will spread faster, and easier than ever. I expect something as big as the black plague, but since we have technology, and smart ass scientists, some will be able to afford medicine, and thus survive. I just hope that if something like this does happen, I'm far away from all the sick people. i.e. I don't think the Americas were affected by the black plague at all. Like, deaths-wise. That's just what I think. Just hope it never happens.
I think we will grow wings. jk I agree with you. I also think that some of our organs may become useless. Like how some we have now our.
I doubt the organ thing. We use every organ in our body. Even the pancreas. Well, except me, I'm diabetic. We might loose our body hair though, considering we don't use it.
We do use body hair. It's part of homeostasis. When we get cold, vasoconstriction occurs. Arrector pili muscles (hair) contract, causing our hairs to stick up on end to create a layer of warm air around our body. In addition, blood vessels narrow to keep heat in our body. This is the opposite to vasodilation, where hair muscles relax.
The vasoconstriction only works if you have a thick layer of hair. We don't have a thick layer of body hair to trap a layer of warm air around us, so it's useless. Now the blood vessel constriction still works.
I believe naturally we won't evolve with all of this technology we have. You only evolve to adapt and since we just create technology to do the adapting for us, our body has no reason to change. However, we might actually be able to scientifically make ourselves evolve eventually.
There is a movie called "The Time Machine" and in it the guy travels really far into the future and what happens is we humans destroy everything and then those who survive start a square one basically and everything is primitive again and thats what i think will appen at some point and then we'll have to repeat everything we have now it might go faster or it might take along time who know's