Halo 3 Basketball So i made this basketball map/ gametype. it is assault, with floating plant points, and one bomb. the goal is to get the bomb into the other teams plant point. you are invulnerable, and have a grav-hammer, unless you have the ball, then you can be killed. this encourages passing, and dropping the ball from time to time. also the bomb careior is slower. so anyway, i was wondering if you guys thought it could be fun, or if someone already did it. Also i was looking for people that may want to test the map. if so, post your gamertag below, and FR me on live. not shore when i may be on this weekend, or how many people i will need, but ideal a total of 4-8. my GT is Teaco27. lastly if you have a mic please post that because i would prefer if i could talk with people. thanks for your help. -Teaco
This could be fun but the fact that the ball carrier is invulnerable might take away from the fun. Can't the ball Carrier just keep going to the end and plant the bomb without getting killed? If I were you then I'd give the bomb carrier several overshields (x 4 or something), but this game is also a lot like grifball too so it's not that original. It still could be fun because I love Grifball so I'd like this too but try to think of things that can differ from Grifball.
I'm not sure exactly how it would be any different from Griffball. You should post some pics or take a video, because if it's not any different, then there really isn't any point. Also, you spelled basketball wrong and it's annoying me >.>
The difference is that instead of senselessly beating people with your grav-hamer, you use it to whack them away from your goal, or the ball carrier, or possibly "steal" the ball by killing the guy with the ball. I feel that this uses more team work in that way. also, you don't just run around with the ball, because you are vulnerable and slow when you have it. another way it is different from grifball is that has a smaller court, as it is based on Rats Nest as appose to Foundry. this smaller court makes it a more fast paced game, plus the round doesn't end after 1 point. Lastly, i don't have any screen shots or videos because i just thought of it today, played several times, and am still looking for some people to test it with. P.S. sorry about the thread name, i just realized and can't figure out how to fix it.
You go to EDIT, then go to advanced, then you can edit the title. (I think, unless only moderators can do that.
I don't think you can. Only right after it's made. Anyway, cool I guess. I see the only main difference is that the ball carrier is the only one who can be killed. I like this. I hope to play this one day.
Oh you're right. You can only change the title of your post, not the whole thread. Well at least now I know.
OK, so i recently played this as 2v2, and it was amazing. the major difference between this and grifball is that this takes much more team work, and strategy. so anyway i was looking to do some tests in the not to distant future, so if you are interested please FR me at Teaco27, or drop a post here with your gt. Thanks for your support. -Teaco