I'm not completely sure whether I should provide evidence, as they were screens of the December GI (which should be out by now I believe), but basically in the two small to read article it said that Assembly and Orbital, both with pics would be part of the mythic map pack, but the 3rd map wasn't named. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured GI said this because they weren't given any info on it by bungie. Bl00d had posted this link which pretty much got us all in the know that in February with the release of Halo Wars CE, the mythic maps (named Assembly, Orbitbal, Sandbox) would be coming in box, and possibly soon after or same day for XBL download. Now, shortly after seeing this I found the same basically add actually on the XBL website when I searched for something (accidentally), so than I thought hell I'll search mythic map pack and see what comes up, and that happened to come up again and be the only link. So I thought, hell it must be true than. Now after seeing this GI article last week, than again looking at it last night, I decided to just now check again on XBL to see if the same info is still there. It's not. My searches of Mythic Map pack, Mythic and Halo Wars Ce, Halo Wars Collectors Edition yielded nothing. This has me worried that Sandbox will not becoming this February which I already thought was too long . I can see this as a likely possibilty, as the forge community is much smaller than the general halo community, and being starved for maps for almost 10 months, they may be angry with a second foundry. Now there isn't conclusive proof, so I'm basically wondering, does anyone have anything else to further one side or another?
Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News Ah yes I actually found that just a second ago, I didn't realize that bungie really made an official comment on the subject. I guess GI probably did just say " isn't confirmed" because they had no pictures to post. I wonder why bungie holds back info on sandbox, it seems to me like the forge community is a smaller section than the general fans, and it would be a smaller reveal to them than the other maps.
because those other ones are "just maps". Sandbox, if it is what we speculate, is something unique and huge for us. Do you remember when they revealed foundry? We forgot all about ratsnest and standoff.
Honestly I think bungie has dragged it out far too long. Anything they release now won't bring near what they would expect in return. Hence why they are putting them out with other games. (Halo Wars, Halo 3: ODST/Recon) They know that no matter what they release now, it wont measure up to our expectations and all that is going to do is kill off the remaining comunity. I don't even think a campaign expansion will pull anyone back for very long.
True but thats only us right. A lot of my xbl friends didn't care about foundry passed the fact that they liked to play it. I still think the larger majority would care much more about the other two new competitive maps. My only thoughts are that it might be so awesome that they know people will care. Thats my optomism.
believe it or not, there are far more forge oriented people than you think. The ability to create infinite amounts of new maps will keep tons interested. and waylander, not everyone is done with halo. Im still Very much involved and excited.
I just gotta say, me and sweeny are on to something pretty big, and the distancing of sandbox is killing us. Hell, it's so awesome it brought him onto halo. In my opinion, they should have released them for halos bday, or halos 7 years. Like, what itll be 10 months come the time we pay for maps since the last time we have. I duno, but to me that seems like something MS wouldn't want so many whats up? People are going to buy it regardless, this hype is pointless.
What hype? There has been little official info other than a few pics of Assembly and release dates for disk hard copies. Nothing else, it's almost as if they are hoping we'd forget about them. And Silence, have a look at the new post pages and tell me how many half decent maps you see versus BS off topic or debate threads.
Bungie simply didn't want to release it to the world yet. The Update is tonight, however even though Bungie said they wouldn't be revealed on a Friday, knowing Bungie that means nothing.
Knowing bungie if there is one it'll be more info about people they've hired or bull **** about ODST.
dude it will be there its just bungie dosnt want to release to much info, and the pictures in the GameInformer are the only thing were gonna see on the new maps untill december, and also theres not gonna be 3 maps, but 6.
yes, please bungie, blow your load of info right this minute so that these people will be happy, and then have nothing to tell us for 3 months. please do so, right now.
The Mythic Map pak will consist of Six Maps, Longshore, Assembly, Sandbox, Orbital, Citadel, and Heretic. The Achievements are already applied for the mythic map pack Sandbox is specualted to be a bigger version of foundry (which sucks in a sense cause then Foundry will be considered a terrible map) ^If any of You remember Bungie's thanks for winning the Gphoria video game of the year award this was the speculated Sandbox
What they can't give us more info on at least one of the other six maps they have? 3 months to go right? that's 12 weeks (or there abouts) Surely they can release some info on say Orbital or another couple of maps between now and then. Do we not get any info at all on them until release? What the **** is the point in that.
traditionally, they wait till about the last month and give people crazy amounts of info. I like how they work it.
Yeah by the time they Come out I'll have waited my brter to come back from marine basic training a second time (if he had to) Silence has a point, they come out saying at the anniversary NEW MAPS! So we all speculated they'd come out on the 25 but did they? No, they should've kept their mouths shut and let their fans scream (for some reason) bring Blood Gulch Back (Which makes no sense Because I love Valhalla.) Instead of "When are the *%^$)( maps coming out!" and now I got to worry about reserving a copy of Halo Wars (which I intended to do anyway) and get those maps. Oh and a screenshot of Assembly
No. The mythic map pack will only consist of 3 maps. It's already been announced. 3 maps are coming out in the mythic map pack and three more will come out in the late future. The reason why they made all of the achievements for all six maps is so they wouldn't have to do another big update in the future. Wow that's Sandbox? Not what I pictured, but still pretty cool.