Have you used them yet? They are pretty cool with like 10 people. I like it because I can forge alone but still talk with people. Tell me what you think of them.
I've never actually tried it because when I'm at my friend's house playing Xbox at lunch time, no one's ever online to talk with, but I hope to try it soon.
i thought the limit was like 8 people per party...maybe not. but yeah they are probably the best add ons to the "new xbox experience" you can talk to the people on the other teams, yay!
Yeah SnD is so much easier and cheap if your in a party. You can have teamates look around corners in 3rd person. And yeah you can do things alone, but with people talking to you.
I consider this to be uber cool. It was annoying before only being able to speak with one person in private chat but now ... its up to 8 people at once I think its brill. I can't wait now for play station home to come.
I love it. I was talking to Stealth, Chief Wiggums and a few other people while I was forging alone yesterday, it was a great idea.
I like it, but it also gets annoying, when i go to invite someone to my game and it sometimes throws myself in a party by myself, then i have to push the button and go over then exit.
True, and I hate it when random people join your party from another game and stuff when you're forging. I was in forge with someone else and a bunch of people joined the party and started talking so we couldn't talk.
I've never tried it yet like I mentioned earlier. Can you make the party invite only and open to friends and **** like that like Halo 3?
You can if you go to Party. Then Party Option (above the people) and change it from there. Also you can boot people =D