Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    It's a bg with a render, I suggest having the border on the bottom covering him so he appears to be "popping" out of the sig. There is also no blending whatsoever so maybe try some smudging.

    Here is mine:

    Better? Worse? Improvements? (I swear to god if I get something stupid and provides no help, like "lawl its kewl", I'm going to be angry.)
  2. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    It's very nice RoB. I like how the line goes in front and behind the character.

    I've always been a fan of your sigs. I've always failed at smudging sigs aswell. The only thing I can see is the lack of light source and that where the lines meet, takes away the main focal.

    Other than that, great work.


    [I would do yours Zstrike, but RoB gave good enough criticism.]


    I honestly can't remember if I posted these three, so here I go again. xD



  3. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    First one is alright......but havent i seen someone else's that looks EXACTLY like it? I can't remember. The second one has a great Background but the spite kinda sucks....it doesn't blend very well either.....the third one is great! The background with the fractal, wisps and sparkles goes great with the render and looks very ethereal. Great job!
  4. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Must be in ForgeHub X to CnC properly.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    this ones alright....


    oh and its white borders, so FHX is best used when viewing

    EDIT: [​IMG] tried a second one with different effects.
  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I wait 17 hours just to get my signature CnC'ed, only to have it ignored.

    Ok, this one is great. The first one didn't have much more too it, but this one does, and it blended well also.

    The only problem I have with this signature is the character. He himself blends okay with the sig, but it's not great. Some of the colors on his clothes stand out way too much for the signature. Oh, and the background you mixed. You mixed it well, but it look like puke, or the insides of someone's body.
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    The first one was better, Kninja. The second on looks bad. Too dark.

    @Frag Man, its not much to look at. Its just a render, text and a transparent BG. There's not much to CNC. Join a website if you want CNC. The G&A thread......well i've been noticing that its dieing. So, i suggest you take your CNC somewhere else if you want a quick CNC.
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I just need to know if I cut the render correctly. It was a nightmare trying to get it rendered.
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    The rendering isn't too good. You can kinda see the lines, and some aren't so smooth.
    I like the concept though.
  10. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    I like the simplicity.

    Cnc on my current sig please.
  11. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    The sig is great for starters, but it could use some improvements.

    The logo is placed in an area that ruins the whole look. The two robot thing..ie...merbobs are put too boring.

    Other than that, there is nothing to complain about. Needs plenty of effects and improvements though.

    Did this for a friend. Suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Here's one with border. View in ForgeHub X to CnC.
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I'll rate the second one as it is the better of the two.

    To begin with, it's a very good sig.

    But, the smudging on the right side is a little overboard. It looks messy and it just makes a mess.

    Next, if I were you, I'd have gone with a border going all around the edges. The one you have now would probably be better suited for something cinematic.

    The text needs to be more fancy. The render gives off an impression of a rich person or somebody who would write in a styled way.

    Sig 1: First problem. Get rid of the mini sig in front of the actual sig. It's just distracting and in the way.

    The square pattern that you have is unusual. Without noticing the pattern, I assume that the sig is fantasy based. But, the way you have makes me think of technology.

    The text needs something needs to look more like a sword or something like that.

    Other then that, nice colors.

    Sig 2: I would like to say that you pulled the colors off yet again.

    The one problem with the sig is that it seems more like a tech sig due to the box in the bottom right and the cut at the top right. Judging from the render, I'd say that wasn't what you wanted.

    As it is a basic concept, there's not much else to judge it on.

    Sig 3: You're strong suit is definatly your backgrounds section.

    Put a gradiant on the border at the top and bottom where it gets more transparent as it goes across.

    Top one is better.

    One problem I see straight away is the white borders.

    Another point against the sig is the lines. The problem with them is that they are the only straight thing, other then the edges, on the sig.

    Bottom one is better.

    The only problem I have with it is that the white lines separating the pictures is too thick. Keep the thickness of the white lines consistant all the way through the sig.
    There is one main flaw in the whole thing.

    The renders aren't in the centre, nor are they in any way more interesting then the background so I assume that the main focal point is the Fallout 3 logo. Then you make the absolute rookie mistake of putting it at the bottom. This ruins the whole thing. Never make this mistake again. In a sig that size, something must be in the centre.

    Is the G&A forum dieing? No, it isn't. The problem is that people like you, Hell and Teerav put those little tags at the bottom of the thread which basicly said that the whole community isn't going to help you CnC your sig and so, nobody puts anything for rating.
  13. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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  14. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You know there's something wrong when you can barely read the text.

    Make the border thiner.

    I can't say much else until I can see the sig prperly.
  15. KB

    KB Ancient
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    meh one of my quick thrown together kinda sig... photobucket destroyed it though
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    The only thing wrong with this is the text, and the render. It's too distorted.

    One quick solution to my sig. I can't fix it, otherwise I have to start all over.
  17. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Hmmm... maybe the text color or something but yeah it makes it easier to seee what you at trying to show.

    Played with the text a little and sharpened and resized the render a little so here:
  18. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Render is still squashed. He looks like he has been shortened.
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    IN BEFORE DOM! Yea that's right Dom.
  20. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    ... Since when did I ever give a **** about this thread?

    GG Frag. Lol.

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