I have noticed alot of people aren't very up to date on the maps that will be coming out soon, and ones by some of their favorite forgers. So I am going to try and get some research in by means of messaging and on LIVE. Featured News~ Linubidix has joined BrokenBlaze productions. Current News: Linubidix~ Remedy has been released! TexturedSun~ Some Far Cry 2 maps in the works currently, and he said he will get back to me with more info. And also, so what if it isn't forge. It's just one in a big list. Bl00D F1R3~ Working on some new mini-games and a project map! Buddhacrane~ "I'm about to start work on a new competitive map that will use a new concept I like to call "The respawn lobby" - Think "Perfect Dark Zero" but, er, good...Also you could think "Armoury" but again, er, good. I suppose you could also think "Tower of Power" but again, ah you get the idea. This map will also include my first attempt at a switch, or two. I'm hoping it's a new implementation for a switch, but I admit I don't really know much about switches. If I can pull this ambitious project off then this new map will really mix up gameplay in Halo 3, creating a very competitive map, and requiring tactics that you're probably not used to (in a fun way)." Cosmic Rick~ He's hard at work on yet another ground-breaker! All I'll say is that this one is very low-to-high-ground oriented, and has very distinctive gameplay. For now, it's called nameless build. Check for this one in about a month! Draw the Line~ Slate Creek has been in his blog for awhile now, just in case anyone has missed it. He also has a race map, and a KOTH-themed map with a death pit he is slowly working on. BlazeIsGod~ "I have handed all of my maps off the either the other owner of the map or have given it to Brokenblaze productions. BBP are going to be choosing between them to see which they would like to finish first which I believe they have chosen a map that i started with TNF. I have also helped with a few maps you don't have listed up there in the other peoples spot but I will let them decide if they want the information to hit this page. :-D" Insane54~ "I'm not doing any more quidditch maps atm. Right now, I'm working on one map that can work for 1v1 to 8v8, one more star wars 2v1 saber duel map, am designing about 3 more maps, and Hangar 02 V3 for matchmaking." Updated! Vicious Vice~ Been working on a map for the past five months, with help from Matty, and thesilencebroken may finish it up with him. Iv0rY Snak3~ Working on a map that is going to be submitted into ATLAS, can only expect the best! Pegasi Delta~ Working on a map that's great for one-sided objective games like one flag. Using a structure he contributed to the non-premium map (Project Askar) it will be suited for 3v3 and 4v4, and even 2v2. LIGHTSOUT225 & Creep1ng De4th~ Working on yet another collaboration. Really looking forward to it after the success of Helvetica! Creep1ng De4th~ "Tremor Blast just released in Casual. 2 of 3 maps completed for upcoming non-foundry map pack." Squidhands~ "I've snagged a pretty sweet sketchup design from HITtheLIGHTZ and have started forging already. It's an asymmetric design meant for 1v1, but I think it'll be big enough to play larger parties. Fingers crossed that I have enough materials to do what he's designed as well as some modifications that I have in mind. It's called Harmony." Sounds awesome! Devinish~ Working on another spawn guide. More in-depth than the original. How's that possible???! chrstphrbrnnn &xX5w33ny70ddXx ~ Working on a project together. They tell me it's going to be extremely epic with new ideas! ABCrew~ Seven projects underway...That's because they stole Vorpal! lolol xSharpshooter94~ "I am actually working on several maps right now including 2 competitive and a race maps. I'm stuck on one of them but it has an interesting feature that will allow the player to use the map against his opponent. My race map is actually a small map where you need to have good handling to win. As for my Forgehub Top 5, I have officially made it bi-weekly, although due to me being grounded i may be late on this deadline. The overwhelming amount of submissions will also contribute to this Also I have been recently accepted to the Testers Guild and I am planning on joining the review Hub. SO whenever I'm on, If someone needs a map reviewed before posting, don't hesitate to ask!!!" Deathtoll77~"Well I am am working on a symmetrical map,alone, currently it's coming along well. The map has a huge focus on gameplay more specifically objective, this does not mean that it won't have good aesthetics. The layout is unique because of a special feature. This map also will require a massive amount of teamwork to succeed in. If you are a lone wolf, you will be hunted down and killed.........." Waylander~"Basically I'm building a version 2 of THIS map from the ground up. Much cleaner, easier to move around in, harder to break out of and some new battle areas Current progress is I've got one of the main walls done and have started on the Bases. I hope to be done with it in the next few weeks but it depends on how long it takes me to do all the geo merging." JEEF, TKS x MoNsTeR x, and SoLo~ Working ona collaboration with a friend. Complete with insane geomerges, and great structures. Full thread found here. H3C x Nevz~ "I'm about to start a casually forged map taking up all of Foundry, which will be centered around different gametypes that utilize custom powerups and are very far from the original. (SnipeFlag, for those who know it.)" sdrakulich~ "Working on a Collab with GD BlueDevil, BlazeisGod. The known map High Voltage now includes me." "Working on a Collab with Camoflaug, assymetrical one flag map, to include some new features not seen to forge yet...." Smeagle~ Finishing up my "Snowbound Revisited" map pack which will consist of Brute Burnout, Tremor n' Mouse, and something else. Expect it posted within two weeks. Also, around one quarter of a way through my competitive map on Foundry (codename: Gravel) and am using a couple tricks. Expect it within a month! Furry~ Working on Gravel with me! And, working on a respawn guide, hoping to get paired up with Devinish.
Very nice. Thanks for not giving out too much info on Remedy. Should be out within a week or two. I still have to create the "special gametype", for now it's in the idea stages. You probably should've gotten a couple more people to document on, but still it's a nicely written post. I could see this having a future.
Like I PS'd, I will head over to the GoO to get some more info today. And, yeah I do not want to ruin Remedy for anyone. To spoil something like that would mean death on three levels. *~*
Hey that's a really good idea to do ForgeHub news. I could help if you want me to, I have strong contacts. On my friends list I have the guy that runs GameBattles. And on his friends list is all the famous pro's (Walshy, T2, Lunchbox, Roy, Makeo...) I have semi pro's, and really good Forger's on friends list. I could help, interview people, and either qrite the posts, help write the posts, or just get the info, and hand it over to you so you could write the Report. Anyway around you can hit my up any time GT - IB u IN N ii
I wanted to play Gears d00d, but if you want some news in there, send me a PM, k? And to the above, I'm not sure if I'll need help. But, I'll send you a friend request!
Smeagle, I forgot to mention the fact that I got the 1 RROD, about a week ago. I already sent in my Xbox to be repaired, it should be back within 1 1/2 of a week or so. Sorry.
You trying to joke around with me or something? You remember you have RROD right after I tell you I don't need you? Real immature buddy. Also, updated the list with a couple more names.
Well sorry sir, I though I put that information in there, although when I read the post (After posting it :0), me mentioning that I had the RROD wasn't there...Its magic. But anyway around, I should have my Xbox 360 back soon, really soon. You, and everyone else on my friends list can just wait a little bit until I'm back.
Alright sorry, just kinda seemed like the typical "oh wait I forgot" speeches. No offense bro, just came off that way.
Can I test it with you? I have seen Ivory Snake's new map that wasn't announced in this thread. It is awsome and will be entered into Atlas. Cosmic Rick's map is pretty sweet too. I've seen it and I havn't seen any thing like it. Mabey a 4th feature for Rick? You can add BlazeIsGod to the list also. He is collaborating with me on High Voltage andthat should be out next weekend. In spite of his xbox, its coming along very nicely. Everyone loves it so far and right now we are working to create a better weapon set and spawns.
I've snagged a pretty sweet sketchup design from HITtheLIGHTZ and have started forging already. It's an asymmetric design meant for 1v1, but I think it'll be big enough to play larger parties. Fingers crossed that I have enough materials to do what he's designed as well as some modifications that I have in mind. It's called Harmony.
What is this Gravel map you speak of Smeagle? EDIT: Devinish and myself are working on another in-depth guide to Respawning. I have very little information on what he is doing but mine includes lines of sight, equipment and weapon weighting. Will be posted relatively soon. For proof of Devinish 2nd respawn guide, look through my visitor messages. NOTE: Our guides are seperate. We're not working together, or at least not as of right now.
Good job on this, It'd be great to see something similar to this go up regularly on the front page with not only information on maps but also with community events etc.
Well, it's the one we're working on silly! Now people will know. And the guide work will be added good sir. Didn't know about that... Yeah, that would be nice. It would really keep the community involved in the maps section. And, I am also going to do community events, even though this is in Forge Discussion.
Interesting guide, Smeagle. Good luck forging with Furry, he's always splattering me with vehicles from forge mode. Ahhh Furry. Lol. I'm about to start a casually forged map taking up all of Foundry, which will be centered around different gametypes that utilize custom powerups and are very far from the original. (SnipeFlag, for those who know it.) Anyways, I'll have a SketchUp of it soon. EDIT: If anyone needs another Ghost for testing, hit me up any time after vacation.
After me and PJfan post our map we WILL BE ON THESE THREADS! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I really want to see helvatica though. Will probably be good with the two of them working on it. EDIT: Oh yeah, and GD should be done with his map soon. It's gonna be ****ing sweet.