Halo 3 Forge Foundry Sketchup Components

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fritzster, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    sorry but i kinda agree with silence here. Maybe not so much on the part whre you hold yourself above us, but definetly the part in "Dangling it over our heads and then yelling at us" thats kinda offensive. We arent selfish its just that releasing half the package doesnt completely help us do much.
  2. The Phoenix 9

    The Phoenix 9 Ancient
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    I've decided that if he doesn't post then I might as well just make it over for you guys. Still in the modeling phase, but everything is to scale... yes i measured everything by box and wall(1/8 of a box) and got it amazingly close so far. Hope Fritzer reconsiders, but for the time being I'll continue working.
    -The Phoenix 9
  3. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    This is amazing work, I'll definitely use this to design my maps.

    Thanks for working on something so useful :)
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Understood.....I dont understand either, and he profile messaged me back saying why would he?

    And the bases are too thin....thats whats killing me...

    And still, why would we make our own, when you obviously have one already done?
    What do you want from us?
    What can we give to you?
    Personally, if you gave the full package in the first place, I'd Front Page it...but thats just me...
    Otherwise, why not? Do you want to be the almighty Fritzster who has it alone, and designs amazing things in sketchup, like the Regecide Concept?
    Why not release it to all. We all do know it would set the bar of forging yet again higher...but isnt that good? Wouldn't it astonish people when someone came up with the best usage of foundry, only to be broken by someone else after you were to release this?

    Personally, I am disappointed in the slight selfishness you have....it may be subtle, but its still there. And then the defensive posture you take when we get let down that you didnt release it? That's just not ok by me dude, not at all. If I had your skills at both forging and sketchup, I'd release it in an instant. Better yet, I'd make it just for ForgeHub. Thats all from me, and I hope you truly reconsider releasing the full package, instead of one half that isnt really usable in full until the second half is given.
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    wow this maybe actually better than foundry designer just the only downside is that i have to download it but oh well its worth it

  6. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I just gave it a whirl. It works very well in showing others people your ideas. I asked for my father to come over to my computer screen and asked him what map I was creating. It took him awhile, but he said it was very similar to that of midship. This google sketch thing is very cool.
  7. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    umm I download your forge componants but it was a read only file. I got foundrys shape and all but i couldnt seem to find the objects can you help me out?
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Window -> Components

    Read the first post dude.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    It could be in front of me but where is the template for foundry so that i can use it on sketchup?
  10. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Look at his first picture: the components he has are placed (you have unlimited components, dont worry...) is inside of the crappy foundry he provided...
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    wow. two months of waiting. greatest forgers says hi. he says here is objects. says have fun. no foundry thats sexy. fan is sad. fan goes to bed and is ashamed of Fritzster. fan of amplified very sad. cant design cool maps. very sad ;-(
  12. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Why don't you stop being a douche and be thankful for what you have. Seriously he said here's the components and dbags like you say, where's the foundry template. And then after that he say's he's not sure if he's gonna provide it because all people have done is complain about no template and then you call him selfish.

    Doubt some of you have even d/led it, I've already used to to sketch up a rough design for a map, so what if its not to scale you can still work on creating a general layout, I don't see why you have to have everything in the exact proportions that the map will be in. Christ what he gave you is still very useful.
  13. drak

    drak Ancient
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    hey genius. I've downloaded it. The template of Foundry he does provide is atrocious, its not even close to scale, and according to the components he provides, the dimensions are sometimes bad as much as 3/4 of a box less wide....
    Therefore, its not that he didnt provide a template, he did, thats a given. But the fact that he retains his own "special" template is just downright not ok. It's like giving a carpenter nails, but no hammer. It's like giving a man a full fishing gear set, only to have him living in the middle of the Sahara. Do you get where i'm going. For all I know, the template is very hard to use, and you cant plan full maps out, unless its general structures, not layout.
  14. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Damn, no offense people, but just be thankful. He gave everyone a better version of Foundry Designer. Sure he didn't release his "textured, 100% scaled version", but honestly, you end up changing everything when you forge it anyways.
  15. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    So what if its ****ing 4 feet off, on mlg people have made sketchups that have been turned into maps that didn't use any template or components, look:

    Halo 1 style map: The Hangout - to be built in Forge - Asymmetrical - MLG Forums

    Look Xyience: Xyience - MLG Forums

    Sketchup Project Phantasm - MLG Forums

    And these components are obviously a drastic improvement from that and you go and call them worthless, and accuse someone else of being selfish.
  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    What exactly have you done for the halo community?... nothing... Fritz has done a very kind thing for the whole community, he has made us a very detail object list, sure he has held onto the foundry template, but seriously sdrakulich.... Get over it, I'm sick of your ****, your always trying to act tough, you pay people out for no apparent reason, and it's not cool what you do.

    This isn't the first time that you have done this.

    Fritz, this has been of great help to me, thanks very much.
  17. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Yo JAY, how about looking through the previous posts instead of thinking I'm the only "unappreciative" guy in this thread. I'm not the only guy who thinks its selfish of Fritzster to not release his full package, instead of 2/3 of it....
    Now whats the point of fishing in the middle of the Sahara Desert....hmmm
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Yeah sure, you aren't the only one, but you are being the most idiotic person about it. Sure, he hasn't released the whole thing. Fritz didn't release the whole thing because people have been pestering him about it, how would you like it when you go on XBL and there is at least 20 messages regarding "when are you going to release it?" Everyday for months. I'm happy with what he gave us, did you ever think that the foundry template is more out of whack then the one we already have? Just sit down and stop complaining about it. Shish

    EDIT: I don't want to cause an argument out of this, but what I'm trying to say is, keep you cool and don't flame him because he hasn't released the full foundry template to the community.
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Awww... no argument? Blast...

    Honestly though, your complaints about it being out of scale are near pointless seeing as YOU CAN SCALE IT YOURSELF it took me maybe 10 minutes one night to measure foundry then replicate that in the sketch-up by pushing walls back.

    Sure it isn't textured all fancy like, but who cares? you have exactly what you need, with little to no expense. So all of you calling out Fritz for not releasing his template, STFU.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I remember Fritz saying the template need some work a while ago anyway.

    sdrakulich stop being an idiot.

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