Moon Waffle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Devinish, Nov 23, 2008.

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  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I can explain this odd phenomenon.

    All of the angled fence walls when combined create a waffle-like texture.

    The elevator takes you to the moon!

    Moon + Waffle = Moon Waffle!
  2. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Look, I'm not trying to bash your map, but I did play a game on it, that's where I took that picture. Nothing spawned there, so either nothing spawns in FFA Slayer (Symmetrical) or nothing spawns there at all.

    Also, I have checked multiple times in forge, through multiple rounds, NOTHING spawns there. I was merely trying to notify you of this, because exploiters can be irritating, and would ruin the fun of this map.

    Good Day,

    ~The Cheat~
  3. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I have to say this elevator is pure genius. I would have never been able to come up with that. As for the rest of the map, I think it plays great. Nothing really really great, but nothing to bash about. I played slayer and team slayer with five people and it played great. The rest of the map is a little sloppy, but that is fine. There is one problem though, I didn't find the elevator to be any use. Maybe this only happens in slayer, but it was more trouble to hit RB and wait for the elevator then to just walk (if your facing the elevator) to the left and drop down or jump up. Maybe I am just using it wrong and it is supposed to be used like cover to go in and recharge your shields, but to get to the second floor, there are many better ways. Anyway great map. 4/5
  4. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    This map is now the final DL in my que. When I fix my xbox, I will definetly check it out.
    I really like the idea of the elevator, at first I thought it was just a cannon, but the I read idiot's post, Now I really wanna play it, I rarely see rb switches anymore
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Yeah, the game plays completely different in one sided objective. I used symmetry options to make that drop down mostly one way (a skilled jumper can make it up)

    Perhaps something went weird with the budget glitch. It's been known to happen. Anyways, I updated the file and it seems to have resolved this issue. Thank you for pointing that area out to me.
  6. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Wait in one sided games that ledge disappears?
  7. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    No, there is a barrier that blocks it off. So you can drop down easily, but not climb up easily. I placed the barrier in such a way that would allow the attackers to knock it down to make for easier access to the top.
  8. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    OMG! Sweet elevator! If you leave the map and look behind the elevator you see how complex it is. Genius. Overall though, the gameplay seemed really repetitive. As in, every battle felt practically the same and it got a little old. Overall, good job though
    #68 Soup & More, Nov 26, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  9. Furry

    Furry Guest

    No, its supposed to not only bring the introduction of elevators into Foundry maps but is also supposed to feel not like another Foundry map. Angles are placed in distinct areas for distinct effects. Play the map, rather than doing a damn "forge-through". You guys make no sense. Why would you have variety in a small map. You want to have unbalanced battles. The equation for small maps is to have a small weapon set. If you have to many, there are to many combinations. If you have to many combinations, you will end up with some epic fail gameplay because of how unbalanced the battle can be.

    WTF Man? All you've been doing is advertising in other people's maps and social groups.
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Alright, Devinish.
    As promised I have returned with a review that is decent and really goes into detail with the oh so famous, Moon Waffle.


    Moon Waffle's aesthetics consisted of mainly its overall
    layout and amazingly constructed elevator. Although it
    included these, they were not very eye pleasing. In Moon
    Waffle, you created the map in a circle sort of shape but
    kept line of sight in play. To accomplish this, instead of
    completing the walls that made the circle you made a slit
    between the inner-circle so that players could shoot in and
    out with ease. I have to say though that this could have
    been accomplished much better. The walls are somewhat
    crooked and dont connect to the next completely.

    The elevator was the main aesthetic feature in my point
    of view. It altered gameplay slightly and was constructed
    without many flaws. There are a few slanted bridges here
    and there but they are hardly noticable. The map itself
    seems to be more based around gameplay and is not much
    of an eye-pleaser.

    Total- 5.6/10


    As I described in the aesthetic section, Moon Waffle was
    built around a circular image. The Layout really screams at
    me because of all the maps on forgehub, this has only been
    done two or three times. Once on PonyD's Infection map
    whose name I cannot recall at the moment and once on a
    very old infection map built long ago. The reason it stood
    out to me this time is because instead of creating this map
    for infection, you turned it into a competitive map which hasnt
    been done before with this kind of layout. The elevator was
    also placed ingeniously.

    Total- 8.8/10


    Gameplay on the map was very entertaining. I played many
    matches of slayer on Moon Waffle. I was contantly looking
    over the inner-walls to see if I could catch a glimpse of the
    enemy across the map. Although I would occasionally get
    four-shotted across the map, it made me laugh. Weapons were
    placed very neatly and strategically which I really liked. You
    couldnt find them easily but you didnt have to look very hard
    either. (Excluding Camo) Spawns on the map were fairly well
    placed. Occasionally, a player would spawn directly in my crosshair
    but as Insane54 said, "They cant get any better in such an
    inclosed map." After hearing that I completely agreed with him.

    Something that also caught my eye was that you left many
    patches in the ceiling over the center bridge. At first I thought
    that you just got careless, but while I was playing I threw a
    grenade that just happened to go in between the wall. Thats when
    I realized you may have done this just to ensure that grenades
    could fall between the spaces. I may be right or wrong but if I am
    correct than you deserve a high five for that idea.
    Total- 7.9/10


    Overall, Moon Waffle is a very playable and fun map. It has many
    new and exciting features that really proves itself to the community.
    I am still debating in my mind whether this map is feature worthy
    though. Most people say it is, but you have to keep in mind that a lot
    of the Hubbers are suck-ups to colored members. Again, I really adore
    this map since you based it solely on gameplay and I hope to see you
    bring other things to the community.
    Total- 8.1/10

    Notes: I hope my rant on the aesthetics doesnt offend you Devinish. I based this purely on my experiences playing and looking at your map and this review is completely unbiased.
  11. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
    Senior Member

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    **** man, you said that you'd review my map like 3 weeks ago!
  12. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Outstanding review. No offense taken whatsoever. I wish the rest of forgehub was like this... +rep for an excellent review.
  13. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Wow. Well, the main reason for COMPLETELY interlocking and geomerging is so the map is NOT Foundry. There are far too many maps that you play on and the whole time you have the feeling of Foundry. This is not one of those maps. When I ask my friends is they want to play on Moon Waffle, they know what map I'm talking about.
  14. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Now THIS looks spectacular.

    I cannot begin to Comprehend to toils you must have endured to make this map look this good. The lines of sight add a good element as far as shooting, but the fact that you can see through a lot of the walls (Stairs) adds a whole new element of callouts, scouting, and overall gameplay.

    I need to say this is one that should be downloaded by all.
  15. Destroying ace

    Destroying ace Ancient
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    Amazing map. The elevator was beautifully forged. It is the best elevator I've seen on halo. Great job!
  16. FrickHorse

    FrickHorse Ancient
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    I like close quarter maps, very interesting design too!
  17. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    Wow, that is an EXCEPTIONAL map. I mean, the elevator was ingenious. You should make a vid showing how to make that thing. 200 out of 2 STARS!!!!
  18. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Download it to find out how i did it! :)
  19. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Well, exactly. I've broken it.
    What happens if someone is avoiding a grenade and runs in by accident?

    That's not true... I'll be releasing v2 of my 2 way elevator soon which will fix these issues, I'll pm you.
    By the way, two ghosts hanging from a window panel is a good way to make a re-usable RB-flip switch without having 30 fusion coils, sheild dors and a fence box.

    You're welcome. I know I sound harsh.
    Anything I say is not intended to put you down, I'm just saying what I think. You're right I didn't play a game on it, I'll admit I downloaded for my interest in switches, which is why I didn't make a single gameplay comment.
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well, as everyone knows, I am teh useless at actual reviews.

    At first I have to admit I thought it looked a tad sloppy. Though I guess a more accurate description would be "unconventional" which in most peoples eyes = "I am not used to this design, it is therefore poopies". Once I played some actual games on it and took a sledgehammer to the wall in my brain I realised that the design was very well-thought out (Well, except those fence walls that make up the "ceiling" on the stair bridge, I couldn't be convinced there)

    The elevator, as many have said, is a stroke of genius. I do feel however that the map is just ever so slightly too small for it to be a truly impressive and tactical asset. Whenever I spotted someone using it I was usually able to get myself within grenade distance before they were able to leave the contraption. I would then proceed to use a well-timed grenade to pwn them as the door opened, since they were effectively trapped like sardines in a can. If the map was just that teensy bit bigger, so that I couldn't have made that journey in time, then the elevator would've truly been a spectacular addition to the map. As it was I was just too speedy gonzalez for it.

    Weapon placement was nice, as were spawns. You can't really rave on about weapons and spawns but at least I have nothing negative to say about them (which is usually the only time people bring them up in reviews)

    Oh, and naturally I escaped the map. I'm not going to say where or how, since It's not the easiest of breaks and can probably be left in. But needless to say it was achievable without the need of any grenades, equipments, or vehicles.

    Overall a great map, but one that feels as though it's killer app "The elevator" doesn't quite fit in, for me at least. I guess it's like all ground-breaking achievements; The first time they're used is never quite perfect. I think we can all think of examples in gaming (not just Halo forging) where a great new concept has been introduced, but not quite used to its full potential: (Force Unleashed, Portal, Fable, The first Red Faction, Fracture, TimeShift, etc.)

    I'm extremely confident that, with your forging skills, the next time you use this contraption it will truly blow my mind - not with the genius of the contraption itself, but with its seamless integration into a map that makes me feel like we should've had this feature all along.

    Having said all that - what do I know about reviewing maps? lol!
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