Black EyeBlack Eye is a small FFA map about half the size of foundry. Its also my first competitive map. Black eye is chock full of interlocking, asthetics and merging. Its Slayer and Oddball ready. Best with about 5 players. Weapons BR x2 Mauler Sniper Carbine Spiker x2 Needler Assult x2 Plasma pistol Stickies x6 Regen Over shield NEW! Video walkthrough. Thank you LMS TRILOGY PICS overview1 Overview2 middle. if u looks at where the OS is, follow that wall straight down and the mauler is on that wall. Back of the map. Home to the plasma pistol. Take the plasma pistol and make your wa to the mauler and you got a dealy combo. the back ally is lined with pillars. two stickies are located in between the middle pillars The shield door is like a little hole. the tower with the pointed wall has the regen in it. Two spikers are right behind the A sign needler using the hole to jump up and suprise enemies sniper spawn. Its like a small ally way to the sniper so it adds risk but the reward is the sniper! Bunker. The carbine spawns in side here. its also close to the sniper ~Download Black Eye~
5/5 i think this map has great interlocking and geomerging which just adds to great gameplay another thing is it seems well balanced in weapons and structures + you didn't put a shotgun on it so you can't camp in the overshield shield mauler... meh but still 5/5
thx for the good reply. one reason i put the mauler there is cuz if u want the overshield and the mauler the best way is the get the OS and slide down the wall and pick it up as you slide down. this prevents a lot of camping and ppl who get all the power weapons (like me :]). i also used a mauler cuz all maps have a shotgun. i wanted to switch it up a bit.
Wow,this is an awesome map since its your first competitive map!The interlocking and geomerging is very clean.The map overall looks neat and impressive.Great job!
wow this is really good it has great interlocking and geo-merging. i like the stairs on the last pictures the leads to the bunker. This map is really good 5/5 dl and keep forging
Wel... First off I'll agree that the interlocking is pretty spiffy but I don't see any geomerging anywhere... Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the pictures show any geomerging. In fact it looks like walls were used to hide the fact that the boxes weren't geomerged into Foundry's wall to get rid of the gap, that's not a negative by the way, it's perfectly legit but it's not geomerging so I'm a bit confused by the above comments
lol, yea thats what the walls are for in that one section. but in all the other place its geomerged into the walls. the center structure is geomerged. its hard to see it in the pics though. dont blame ya.
Mmm... The centre really? I can't see it but the the part along the wall does look like it is (my bad), nice work
So this is what you made out of that one wall . Very cool 5/5 or 99.7% .3% off for not showing it to me first. Great interlocking I need to download this map. But also keep working on csi and more LOL pics
Map looks great! I've heard this is your first competitive map? This is good for a first if so! PROS- ~Map is very cleanly geomerged ~Weapon lacement Is Great ~Map Looked Asymmetrical (Mark Me If I'm Wrong) CONS- ~Some Interlocking Looked Sloppy (The Bunker Wasn't Straight In The Front)
Well if you did take a minute to do a look through in-game you would notice an average amount of geo-merging. I was there while he was making the map and he made it so next time dont "just judge a map by the images". Anyway for the map i really enjoy the fact that you only used the half of foundry. 5/5 really nice job. \Trilogy/
I have never actually seen a map use just half of foundry like this so well. Very nicely made map, one of the best maps today, if not the best. Just so I don't break any of the forgehub rules or anything( I don't think this goes under the "not aloud to copy other maps" catagory but I will still ask) do you mind if I make a map using just half of the map?
pretty good, interlocks are neat the geomerges ( in a small amount) are fair, could use them to get rid of nade eating gaps i like the use of the hole half of foundry, mabey you should expand it out a little more, so that wall isnt a straight line mauler+ 4 shiled doors+ os= retardedstupidityomgihatecampre feelings
Wow! 5/5 man! i love how you didnt put a shotty in this map (so now when i play 1v1 on this my friend cant camp it ) definite DL for me.
wait man, u gotta choose one score! cuz 5/5≠99.7%. it indeed is .3 off so u cannot give him that 5/5 score, heesh
Wow perfect merging and interlocking and I love the hole to jump out of. The only thing I would suggest is adding a little more to the back (with the truck). 5/5
Its very well made, love the clean interlocking and I can see only one geomerge, but your map still looks amazing, for gameplay I can see how not adding a shotgun/sword works out, also the oversheild spot with the mauler promotes camping, but i'll see if that happens when I play it later, I qued It and will edit my post as soon as I test this map.
This map has a very excellent layout and the interlocking on this map is fabulous. The only thing i can really point out for improvement is too geomerge some of the double boxes so that players can easily jump on top of them instead of having to jump on something else first. Looks great