Intec, is a symmetrical based map with asymmetric side bases (A side, and B side). It is an MLG map but can play other gametypes. It plays MLG CTF, MLG KOTH, and MLG TS. This wonderful map was made by KFf SimpL3 and is my last forge and what I think is the best of all my maps. I loved playing this with my friends and here are some pics and the info for the weapons. BR-4 on map Carbine-2 on map Mauler- 1 on map Frag Grenades- 6 on map Plasma Grenades-4 on map Here is the Link as well.... : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Pics.... Top of Red Base viewing Blue Base View from Blue base to Red BaSe B side, the Red bases' B side is exactly the same A side, on blue base exactly the same as Red Bases' A Base B Base Bottom mid ( mauler Spawn) View from Top A Base Please download and leave tips that i need because they really do help. Thanks everybody!
I like your general layout. It is kinda like a typical MLG map, but i do like some of your unique ideas. I love the center structure, i haven't really seen anything like it in MLG maps. 'A Base' looks a little overpowering to me. 'B Base' is way too simple, and MLG doesn't use fenceboxes/fencewalls due to their inconsistency in letting bullets pass. Overall, nice map. Ecspecially for someone low ranked like you (and me lol).
Yeah..i think you call that...what is it called, OH YEAH,SPAAAM.LOL Back to the map.The middle/central area is pretty eye catching and the map layout looks really nice and just realized that there is no geomerging,but it still looks fine with or without,keep up the maps and with better quality.Nice post
This is a really cool map. Though you would want to have a mod move this to the MLG thread, as this is an MLG map. I would add a little cover to some open areas just to reduce spawn killing, but it looks really good. 9.5/10
This map has some unique ideas in it and the that is mostly tilted towards the aesthetics. The layout is good and the gameplay looks like it would be good too. What you could do to improve this map is to place some cover in the empty spaces around the pillars cause that area looks open. Too open. Talking about being too open, I realize most of the map is like that. Add cover to a V2 or something to improve this map. Good job though.
I love the high-rises. It's great when you get that closed in feel to make it feel an attack could come out of nowhere (instead of the general one-sided base) The interlocking looks extremely clean also. 5/5