Marooned v3 ^DL above^ Ok guys, I finally released it on FH, I was reluctant at first, because I was a little angered at the community for a number of reasons. After Marooned v2, as most of you probably forgot, Me and BISON were to make another Marooned. Well, BISON started playing Cod4, so I made it by myself, and because of my activity on H3A, I decided to put a switch in it. The switch is a wire activated (touch a wall) wall in the defender's base. It then blows up a min/maxed ghost outside the map. Then, as most of you probably guessed, a ghost spawns. A few of the changes I have made, besides the switch are mainly for aesthetics, but others have a purpose. I took alot of the weapons out, more or so the power weapons, leaving a sniper, a brute shot, a flamethrower, and a few battle rifles and spikers. I have also redone the treehouse, and the mancannon leading up to it. Now on to the pictures. Now for the switch pictures. Before acivated Being activated Wire Now the ghost has spawned. Joyride I hope you all enjoy the final installment in the Marooned series. (Pirates is back)
Wow. You've created something quite remarkable on Ghost Town. The fence wall bridge you have made fits in very well with the feel of the map and for finding a place where it actually fits is something in itself. It is sure to increase the amount of gameplay in that area compared to the normal Ghost Town. The geo-merging used is top notch. It has been used in very effective places and to its full extent. Adding extra levels to gameplay and blocking off areas using this method has been used to great effect here. Even the small features such as the barriers placed randomly around the map look great and are good for cover. That possibly contradict my point because they can't have been random! Also, implimenting a switch into a competitive map is a diffiicult feat to achieve but you sir, have done it. Having the ghost switch spawn is effective because it can drastically affect the way that the game is played. The way it has been quite subtely placed is great too. All I can say is...amazing. 5/5 in my eyes for effort, concept and how it has turned out.
The barriers actually were kinda for aesthetics, but they often just end up distracting everyone, because of the strange "barrel on a barrier?" sorta thing. The switch took me a while to come up with, but it serves its purpose well
Yo, I remember this map! I do because that bridge you've got there was the massive highlight as far as I am concerned. You inspired me to try to build a Ghost Town map but I failed epically. I am happy to see that you have built another version. Great job at this, 5/5. Keep forging and NEVER play Cod4 =D
I'm glad someone actually remembers Marooned. Now lets see if we can get this thing some attention, unlike any of the others. If this thing gets somewhere, I'll make a completely new Ghost Town map, just for you guys.
this is a really good map. i love all the time that went into it. you geomerged those bridges to block off that one hole. it made my jaw drop how well it was and It became a download at that point. not that geomerging is really important, just that it showed that you had to be a rwally patient and good forger. I love the map and it is amazing for it not being in foundry. this is an amazing map and a definite download. 6/5. 5 points for the map and +1 for not using foundry.
This map has to be one of the best Ghost Town maps to date.In the fourth picture,i think i pissed my pants a little if those bridges are geomerged with the hole.The map is nicely geomerged,neat, and very creative.Nice work,keep it up
Yeah, I spent alot of time on this one. ahh my keyboard is being stupid. But i wanted to make it look all neat and pretty