
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Phreakie, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool, I played a few test games with you on this map. I didnt know you posted it. I like that you changed so that there is only one Ghost on the map at any given time. After our test game, I left and gave it a forge through and saw that there were two ghosts in certain game types. I thought that was a bad idea cuz its kinda tight for one anyways but if the same team gets both Ghosts, that could be overkill. I love the entire layout. The little tower where the corner wall goes up and over like a roof or a bunker is great. Another thing, During my forge through, there were a lot of Fusion coils.I cant remember the exact amount cuz its been a minute but it was in the 20s maybe low 30s, im not sure; either way I feel like it was way too many I shall download to see and by the way, 8.5/10 (could change after DL). great job, Love the height of structures.
  2. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Well, since I forgot the other day (and got warned (yay!?)), here is my kinda review.

    Since I couldn't get a game together to play on the map, it'll mostly be on the look.

    It looks really nice. Three things that caught my attention. One, the nice jumps. I enjoy jumping around and there are a lot of places to jump to. The second, The way you used the teleporters to surround some of the weapons. I really liked that. Not sure why. At first i saw the trip mine and thought it was decoration (didn't bother to pick it up) until I found the sniper rifle. Third, your "power cores." Very cleaver.

    Also, nice interlocking and other generic praise here (kidding and for real).

    It seems it would be good for a FFA but, again, as I couldn't get a party together, I couldn't say for sure.

    My only thing, it doesn't seem too Elite-ish. I don't think that was your fault seeing as how everything is human themed.

    Overall (minus gameplay): 7/10

    That would go up with gameplay. Unless gameplay was absalutely horrible.
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Well i hope that you will find this map at least an 8 after you play a game on it because i spent a long ass time trying to present a new multi-leveled, balanced gameplay. But I will take any criticism politely..

    DL count is 72 only so far...
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    You give Elites a good name. I declare (if you're a SPARTAN) that you will become a Honorary Elite!
    This is definately one of my favourite maps ever, Downloading right now.
  5. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    This is by far your best map. I shall dl it and check it out. I can see from the pictures that you put a lot of work into it (even if you spent so little time on it) I like how you used bayobridges in your map. Other than that, I like the the look of the map. I hope it plays well.
  6. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I have never actually played this map but I remember you showing it to a party I was in after we played Crescendo. I haven't had a chance to play it because me Halo disc broke, but what I saw was pretty good.

    Aesthetics: This map has very unique aesthetics but also incorporates excellent ideas from other maps, an example being the bridges from Bayonetwork. The layout of your map is very unique. The map has a lot of different levels incorporated into it. There are a lot of ramps which keep you from having to jump everywhere and everything flows smoothly together. You also used double boxes, shield doors, and powerups to create more interesting aesthetics to your map. It is also interesting how you used only one of the side sections of foundry. The wall that blocks off the one side is very nicely made with the stairs interlocked in to add an eyecatching feature to a necessary part of the map. On the other side, the structure is original and different. I like how you can get under that structure and the top has a small ramp up to make it more than just a flat section. There is also one walkway made out of fencewalls. They are smooth and work nicely for a change in the mainly double box layout.

    Gameplay: This map looks like it plays very well. The map has sections where the the fighting is more focused. One of these places seems to be around the fence box and the outside perimeter. Also, the weapons on the map are very balanced. The ghost can only travel on the ground, but the map is many layers heigh so it does not dominate. Also, there are multiple mid ranged weapons but also short range as well. These work well in keeping the fighting at any distance. Also, you utilized the verticle space very well in making people move around and try to get a good vantage point. The map plays very well in general.

    Overall: With an excellent and original layout as well as balanced weapons and excellent aesthetics, this map stands out from the crowd. It is one of the maps that you notice for aesthetics and then love because of gameplay. Very nice map Phreakie.
  7. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    this looks very cool and fun to play on. good geomerging and interlocking. you coulda done a little better with the overview pics because i cant really tell whats going on in those. but those sketch things are AWESOME and really help with the viewing of the layout of the map. how did u make those?

    i will DL and check it out, but prolly forget to come back and comment on it.... >_<
  8. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Nice work man all around great job!

    The map itself looks awesome and I'll definitely play it some time today to give you a better review, but aesthetically, so far it looks great. The originality of it is not super high, but it's definitely not a copy of anything. Anything I've ever seen anyway.

    I also liked the description a lot (The in-depth pictures/diagrams). I was wondering - how did you make those diagrams showing where the scenery is, but without the geometry of the map? Is it some program or really good photoshopping? Anyway, overall fantastic work and I'll be checkin out any new maps you come out with. Peace out!

    Oh yeah and a 10/10 for now I'll play it later and see if anything changes.
    #28 Doog Nit, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  9. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you.
    And I also remember that this map was really cool. Why? Well I'll tell you all.

    First off, we played 1 Flag. It took a little getting used to as far as knowing the map concerned, and Phreakie's playing and score reflected it. But as we became more familiar with our settings, we really began to enjoy our experience there even more.

    The weapon selection was balanced, and the landscape was nice and smooth. The overall design allowed for some interesting gameplay, but there is one flag route that is definitely the best one to take. I'm sure if you play you will figure it out yourself, but the fact that this one seems obvious gives the player the opportunity to fake the opposing team out and really confuse them.

    I was a bit confused at why the Sniper is closer to the Attacker's side then the Defender's side. Regardless, everything worked out great. The aesthetics are very nice, with Phreakie paying close attention to every detail. I honestly think that this map is excellent feature material, and I believe I will see it on the front page very soon.
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Great map, it's well laid out, and you have plenty of places to go. The weapon layout looks nice too. The interlocking is great, and the objects have been placed strategically.

    I see no "wow" factor though.

  11. Pacific State7

    Pacific State7 Ancient
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    I really like how you went for an elite sort of theme for this map. It was a new way of going about things and I'd have to say you achieved it quite well. The map is amazing. And its wow factor seems to resonate from the staircase thingy.
  12. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Clean work! I like the idea of doing a covenant base map. Alot of maps focus around human-made places.

    Also, where did you get the layout thing? Did you just make that yourself?
  13. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    what do you mean no "wow" factor? like asthetics?

    the #1 WOWzorz factor in a map in the layout and gameplay.

    i dont give a S**** if a map has an entire scorboard of tele node Bars, if the map has sour gameplay, it doesn't do itself ANY good.

    This map has a seemingly perfect layout, many separate rooms to avoid cross-map nading and BRing.

    and lots of cover to aid in not limitlessly dieing.
    plus, each area has many different routes to each area for many possible pathways.
  14. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    Insanely winsuase map right there. Im really feeling the layout and the merging and interlocking is smooth and presise. 9.4587999/10

    Also, did you (phreakie) send me all the invites to test this, cuz ive gotten like 8 from you in the past 2 weeks.
  15. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    This is the same exact post you put on Tantela. Your comments dont mean anything if you just copy/paste them everywhere just for a post count.
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I noticed that too, he has been given an infraction and I deleted the post.

    As far as the map, I am intrigued and I am going to have to download this and check it out now that I have a brand spanky new Xbox :0) The pics look sweet and everyone has seemed to like it so far so expect an edit of this post as soon as I test it out.
  17. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    The post is starting to deteriarate and i am afraid that this map may have been another one of my flops. Anyways, Creeping death i await your review because ive been waiting for a detailed one on this for a very long time.
  18. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    This map looks very clean but very sophisticated. 4/5, Looks very nice overall.
  19. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Your post is on the brink of spam. I suggested you start rewording your posts because you may get infracted. Truely honestly, I really have nothing to reply to this post on. I assume you are just trying to heighten your post count so you posted a random reply after skimming through the pictures. Fail sir...
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    i finally got around to playing the map. I liked most aspects of it, but some of it just felt WAY overdone and old. You're a fantastic forger, dont get me wrong. I like your work. However, being a fantastic forger, i expect more out of you than battery columns and bayobridges. They are so tired and over done. I have still yet to see you stamp your name on something and REALLY impress me like im waiting for...

    onto the map itself.

    The layout is nice, and it REALLY has a nice flow to it. The weapons are for the most part placed within good reason. I didnt feel anything was horribly placed. The gameplay didnt SCREAM at me, but i did enjoy my time on the map. Spawns worked okay, nothing upset me there.

    Overall, id give you:


    However, next round, id like to see something more unique and defining from you.

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