Okay so this is my third map posted on Forgehub it took me about 2 and a half hours to make and I tried to add my interlocking skills to this one. I dont think im very good at interlocking but I dont know so forgive me if its bad so here are the pictures: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Finish The new fence wall thats here spawns after 20 seconds because if theres any mongooses left undriven, you will be able to jump over them so they dont get in the way. Thanks for looking at my map and download it if you want to. If you want to earn points for completing laps download the gametype: lDownload Mapl lDownload Gametypel
The interlocking looks nice for a beginner, but parts of the race look like you just added a couple walls and left a big open space. Looks really short, as well. 3.5/5 Also, don't vote on your own map. It makes you look egotistical.
I dont care if im egotesticle or whatever u said im still gonna vote my map as awesome and u cant do anything hahahahahha!!
some one loves themself but anyway shut the hell up your interlocking isnt that bad just that the map is WAY too open and obviously it needs to be fixed P.S sorry for telling u 2 shut up im just a little pissed off today
This map is a pretty decent racetrack. The interlocking is good, and you did a great job making the track uncheatable. The track was pretty short and rather uneventful compared to most of the better racetracks being made today, however. Also, the banked turn could have a smoother transition from flat to bank, and the checkpoint grav lifts constantly push you into the walls. You need to move the walls back some to allow for a decent turn, instead of crashing into them. Overall, this is a decent racetrack. 6/10
Interlocking is great. I don't like how open half of the map is; you should have added something there. 3.5/5 It would get a 4/5 but waay to open. Also I think you did a great job for one of your first maps.
this race map looks way too short for me... Although the interlocking is pretty good. I would advise using up as much of the foundry space as possible while using as many items as possible to make a fun race map remember: race maps don't have to have perfect interlocking, only if it helps the map
Like everyone else has been saying, it is a bit too open and short, but the interlocking looks good. The main problem I have by the looks is that the items aren't put in straight. For example, the fence wall that spawns above the mongooses is a bit crooked and the fence wall bridge looks a bit sloppy. But otherwise nice job.