Fire Fighters

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Nicdog829, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    Hey guys this is my second map posted on Forgehub so I hope you like it

    Somone is setting fire to the village! Stop him!


    You start at the very back

    The Burner throws firebombs while you try to get to the exit

    The Burner and the Exit

    The Weapon Room
    Action Picture 1

    Action Picture 2

    What you do: You start at one side and the Burner starts up in a fort on the other side. You have to get from one end to the other without getting burned and you have to kill the Burner. Once you get to the other side you go into the teleporter and it leads you to the weapon room which gives you:
    -Fast Running
    -Low Gravity
    -Instant Killing
    And then theres a teleporter that leads you to the Burner. And its also not as easy as it looks to get to the Burner because you have 50% Speed and the Burners do 100% Damage. When you die you are out for the round; you dont become a Burner.

    lDownload Mapl lDownload Gametypel
    #1 Nicdog829, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  2. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    This looks cool. I think it would be better if not all the barriers spawn at the start or maybe just take some out because it looks like theres a lot of cover for the humans which would make it easier.
  3. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    Actually its still not that easy the humans have low life so one tiny touch of fire could kill you
  4. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Wow, this is actually a very cool idea. It makes me wonder why all the pyromaniacs out there haven't made it (popular) already... Good job, but I would like to see a bit more variety in the cover. It doesn't have to be a symmetrical hallway. Perhaps a new map for the game mode could be made? Hmm?
  5. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    This seems like a really original and fun game. It sort of remonds me of duck hunt only with a fun and better twist. It does seem like the humans have a pretty good chance of winning. does it have good gameplay. I am guessing it does because you wouldnt post it if it didnt. OVERALL, THE MAP looks rwally good and I will definitly download.
    edit:sorry about the part with the all caps, not intentional.
  6. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Looks like an fun original map. The only problems I see is it looks a little small and not really like a village or building.
  7. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    I didnt try to make it look like a village it was just a story line
  8. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
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    Nice map, very original idea. Although, how easy is it for the regular people to kill the person throwing the grenades? If its too difficult then the map wont be fun.
    4/5 just looking at it though.
  9. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    This seems cool. At first it looked easy, but I guess the last picture said otherwise. I think that you should make a second side. So, like the fire fighters get through the first set of teleporters, then they have to go through another set. The zombie turns around, and it's the second side. I think that would help the game be a little longer. Still, great map. 4/5

    Edit: Sorry not the last picture, but the second to last picture
    #9 Darkkaiden, Nov 25, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  10. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    Its not hard to kill the dude they have 50% speed and the zombies do 200% damage
  11. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    cool concept. the actual map could be better though. just make it an actual village or town and u have yourself a great game.
    but for now u get a 5/5 anyway. the map shouldnt be the downfall of a great game.
    BTW: does an infected person become a burner??
  12. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    looks like a new duck hunt! watch out! (maybe why one tag is duck hunt?)
  13. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    no, when they die they are out for the round
  14. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    very nice take on the classic duck hunt although i do believe making it longer with the other side would be a nice addition. Do you mind if i make an additional map to play this on
  15. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Damn, I wanted to be the first one to call out DUCK HUNT! Everyone that is saying good origninal map, just take out the orignial. It does look like fun, but maybe a little too easy, although you did give the runners 50% speed so, I guess not that easy.
  16. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    maybe try putting only a little cover and it spawns little by little and they must stay alive
  17. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I think you could make the game simpler by giving the humans swords so they don't need to pick up any weapons to kill the burner, they wouldn't be able kill him from distance which brings me to my next suggestion to also give the humans damage right off the bat (no power up needed) because with swords they won't be able to kill the burner until they got up to him anyway and again, it would simplify things. Other than that, I think that you should just improve on the maps aesthetics and then I can see this becoming a classic.
  18. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    Although I agree with giving the humans the sword in the beginning. Taking out the power up is dumb. The firefighter could throw fire grenades at the teleporter and cheat. So it would take out an honor rule if he kept the power up in there...
  19. Nicdog829

    Nicdog829 Ancient
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    I made it when they get to the wepon room it automatically makes them pick up a custom power up that makes them invulnerable so he cant stop people from getting him
  20. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I downloaded this and played this with a party of ten people. This map is completely unfair to the humans. The zombie is WAY overpowered, all he has to do is constantly hit LT and he kills anyone who goes through the first shield door. Make it so that the burner is less powerful, because otherwise the game is pointless and not fun for humans. 2/5 from me, because gameplay was completely unfair to humans.

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