I saw this movie today, and I have to say, it incredible. Maybe it was just more so because I'm Jewish, but this was probably the most powerful movie I've ever seen. By the ending, practically everyone was crying, and nobody really moved while the credits rolled, we all pretty much sat there and just stared into the words without reading them. I think everyone who has a chance should watch this, it was amazing. As for the movie itself, casting was pretty good. The main characters I feel could have been switched; their respective size felt wrong for both, the Jewish one behind the fence seemed too big, especially when comparing him to his German counterpart. The father and mother, along with all the other secondary characters, seemed just about right. Anyway, I think everyone should see it, especially if your Jewish. Go see it nao.
No no no, it's about two kids, one a Jew in a concentration camp, and one a German outside, they have a deep bond. I personally have not seen it, but really want to.
Wow. My parents took me to see it, and I only knew it was about the Holocaust. I was expecting a sad story, but nothing like what I experienced. I was a really emotional story. I almost cried actually, but I managed to hold it back. =( Anyone who has not seen it, see it now. It will open your eyes.
I had a few paragraphs written, but I didn't want to give anything more away, so I deleted it. I'll just say if you can handle a sad movie with a really good meaning, you should definitely see it.
its not showing in texas! ive never heard of this movie. thats retarded, im not jewish, im christian, but im all for religiously positive movies. so many now adays are all like, "we cant offend the religious people now, uh, we just offended islamic religion, lets rewrite it all, and recast, and remake" honestly. anyway, ill find someway to get to it, if i have to fight a hundred flaming tiger cubs with chainsaw guns and combat slippers.
It's not really religiously based. Its more based off the Holocaust. I think these Holocaust movies have started to come out as that generation is dying out so, as the saying goes "Never forget"
Title sounds.... interesting? If its one of those movies that are like a "make-you-feel-good-inside" movies, I will have to debate before seeing it.
Now that I just got a recommendation from you to go see it I might. I've been debating on whether or not to go see for a few weeks and so has my wife, but I think we'll go watch it later this weekend, that is if she wants to see that over Twilight.
Make you feel good? It's a Holocaust movie, it more makes you feel guilty about living... I didn't say I cried, I said I almost cried.
I'm going to have to bring the fiancee and see this movie. She's really into these kinds of movies. Btw Insane I saw you cry. Uploading pics now.
LIES! lol Anyway, I havent seen a relatively in depth review thus far. But seeing that you know your movies very well, I'll find some time to see it. I personally like Holocaust movies. Not because I'm racist or anything, but because it shows one of man kinds darkest times being overcome. Plus I like emotionally movies.
It must be good if it made Insane54 crai. (Sniff sniff) I seen the movie trailor for it and wanted to go and see it, I will get on top of my friends head and wear a long jacket to get into the cinema to see it. It did look good on Television. EDIT: I decided to look up the trailor on Youtube and It's ****ing Epic, you should watch it.