
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JEEF, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    Epoch is my third post on forgehub and is made for the following gametypes: One Flag, Territories, and Slayer. This map does not use the back alleyway, but uses the remaining part. It is made for 3v3s and 4v4s only. The picture above is of sniper bridge, a focal point of this map. Epoch has only 3 power weapons, a sniper for attackers, a shotgun for defenders, and rockets, and rockets are neutral. As far as my concerns go, through days of testing, that spawns are mastered, thanks to blood and camo. Br start reccomended.

    Weapons list
    battle rifle x9, spawn time varied, 1-2 clips
    spiker x2, 45, 2 clips
    mauler x1, 120, 1 clip
    rockets x1, 180, 0 clips
    snipe x1, 180, 2 clips
    needler x1, 60, 1 clip
    shotgun x1, 120, o clips
    plasma pistol x1, 60, none
    turret x1, 180, none
    symmetrical turret x1, 180, none
    fragmentation grenade x5, varied
    spike grenade x5, varied
    regenerator x1, 120
    bubble shield x1, 120
    power drain x1, 120
    hog x1, 180
    mongoose x1, 45

    optional:i have provided two slideshows of each base. they will be reiterated in pictures.
    Defenders base
    Attackers base

    Teleporter Door
    (you have to jump)
  2. Lunatic Lawyer

    Lunatic Lawyer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks AMAZING. I can see from just the pictures that this map was very carefully made. I will download this map and update this post with my review of gameplay as soon as I possibly can.
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map i like a lot of the things here, i have never seen them before. i would like to say that the box in the wall for no reason is kinda stupid but it makes me want to down load it more b/c i know how hard that can be.
  4. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
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    Looks like a good map, but it could use a little cover on the ground. I really like what you did with the open double boxes in the 11th pic.
  5. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    love the look and feel of this map. I hope I can get enough people together to play a match on it. The teleporter door is a cool gimmick, will see if it works properly in game though.
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    This is most definitely stolen. I saw this before like two months ago, except I don't remember whose party I was in, but it definitely wasn't JEEF46i3694643643690i4369439 or whatever.
  7. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    FEATURE! how many hours, NO DAYS, did you pour into this! looks like it took a month! 256/5 I like the industrial AND urban feel! Amazing! DL!
  8. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    ...Where are the comments? This should be much more popular. The aesthetic appeal in this map is phenomenal. There's ton of creativity when it comes to your building designs, and the bases and structure of the map looks like it would fit very well together. Great urban designs, looks like the gameplay would be awesome. I've downloaded.
  9. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well, youve finally posted it, and aside from my enourmous nagging of the name, and how it sounds like arrogance, im glad its finally here, and i can download it. this plays real well, and has a good balance of weapons, although like ive told you, it has a personality crisis, i dont think its that big of a deal. and also thanks for using my jump up, my road blocks, my placement of wire spool, as well as a few weapon adjustments and changes. fuel rods almost never work......anyway i noticed you went ahead and went with that hight for hte bottom staircase of the sniper tower, i cant wait to see how it affects gameplay. over all id say this is a pretty nice map, although it has its flaws, and i wouldnt be at all surprised if it gets its feature. nice work Jeef.
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I take back that I said it was stolen. I now recall that I played this with Metallic and, I think Silence. That was why I thought you had stolen it, but I apologize.
  11. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    VERY great map. I love everything you have put into it. Fantastic aesthetics and structures seem perfect and completely original. This should get featured without a doubt in my mind. I KNOW gameplay will be good just by the looks of it. Nice job. 10/5 Definant download when I make room.
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wtf spam reported!

    It has goregous interlocks and wonderful geo-merging. Great job. looks really fun. Seems to be good fro ctf or assault.

    Ps-great name.
  13. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    This map looks fantastic. The interlocking seems very clean, merges were precise, and i'm sure gameplay will turn out just as great as the aesthetics. 4.8/5 until gameplay review. DL
  14. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    This map is really good. the interlocking is clean and the geomergings straight.

    This part is amazing. the ladder looking parts on the double boxes and the bridges on the stairs. nice job.

    I really love what you've done with the barriers its origional and good looking. Why did you put teleporters on the tower though?
  15. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    A great map jeef, the geomerging is outstanding i love the whole kinda forerunner urban feel to it. I played some slayer on it and it played well, i really like the big main, gate/arch way, all in all outstanding job. I fully think this deserves a feature =]
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map looks just, um, great? Yeah, this map is so awesome, the bridge work you did is sweet, I've seen it done before and can never actually pull it off myself. The single box that is slightly poked out of the wall is some of the most impressive geomerging that I have ever laid my eyes on. Great job on that! 5/5, can't wait to see this featured!
  17. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    Holy ****, Ive got to admit im highly impressed with the avanced forge 101 skills, but looks sort of like an MLG map, but you know thats just my opinion, otherwise great job. 4.4985769803/5

    Love, BAMFthesenior
  18. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    OM MY FINALLY lol... n u didnt have to put the boyle06 part lol... but it looks really nice not sure i like the front pic tho... but the rest looks good... nice workk... i didnt read it but i hope u plan on putting a gameplay vid... b/c i think that is a major part to this map... nice job 5/5 for sure
  19. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    wow there re so many good things here. i love the clean geomerging and interlocking, i can never do that. I design is pretty cool and i loved the teleporter door idea although it didnt work a few times (but my retard friends were playing so they were a little slow) the sniper area is perfect for my sniping skills. this map has diffrent levels and i love that in maps. mustve taken alot of patience to perfect the geomerging. This map should seroiously get featured! 7/5
  20. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hold on... ima havin a forgegasm...
    lol This map is impossible to describe with words. if my maps dont get featured, then yours will.

    (scrolls up to see more unbelieveable detail) *..ohhhhhh....*

    EDIT: IMPORTANT!!! you deleted the pics of your old threads in whatever website you were hosting them. i wanted to see your other maps, then i got cok-bloked. :(
    ...map is still amazing, tho :)

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