Bungie has announced that Halo 3: Recon is now Halo 3: ODST Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : Bungie.net Blog
I had just been over at Bungie.net. It was annoying. Now I have to re-download the trailer and put this name in my memory. I liked Halo 3: Recon - it had a nice catch to it.
I think it woulda sounded cooler if it were called Halo 3: Helljumper or something like that so correct me if im wrong, the release date for this game is gonna be February now? not November of Next year? cause if i read right that would be freaking sweet.
I pretty sure Halo 3: Recon sounded much better and could relate to people in some way because if they wanted recon Armour, you could say "buy the game *****". Damn it Recon sounded much better.
well i just got back from looking at it and to be honest i hate the name halo 3 odst it just doesnt sound right personally they should have just left it. or they could have named it something cooler like halo 3: street watch or Halo 3: back home or something cooler that i just didnt think of in 30 seconds. unfortunatly my little voice wont do anything so i guess i just have to get used to it
actually, the game still comes out next October. Three of the mythic maps come out in February most likely. The other three maps come with Halo 3: ODST
Well kind of I actually like recon better than odst oh well that only means that I have to explain to the noobs around my school that run around screaming there is going to be a halo 4 called recon!! and tell them no its an expansion of halo3 and its called halo 3 odst lol
Yes it was a kick-ass name, but it won't alter the game itself. And they didn't even release it yet. Its like choosing a name for a baby, you have many choices and theres one that you love but then you change it due to whatever circumstances. And better yet Bungie didn't even have to announce their new project that early, so say they released it now and it was called Halo 3:ODST, I don't think there would be much commotion.
What, Way to go bungie take a great title that describes the game in one word and change it to an anogram that only tells people who they will play as. Like silence said i just got used to Recon to. Bad change.
Halo 3: Oh-Dee-estee sounds horrible cuz it rhymes wierd. Sayn "hey lets play some Recon" is much better than ODST. and if bungie retracted the name itd make them look unprofessional. if there goin to change the name again itll probably be during early-mid summer ir my bet. theyll just let the community cook awhile.
If bungie originally called Halo 3: Recon, Halo 3: ODST and then they changed it to Recon, all of you will still be complaining about it. Having it called ODST makes more sense, mainly because you are an ODST. EDIT: and I'm not saying that you're all complaining, just a few of you.
When I opened the video, some crappy music that sounded like it was from the N64 game Starfox started playing. I'm on a mac and I quit finder and safari and the music still plays, and I know it's not a radio or anything. This is definitely odd but it's funny also.
idk, while i agree that they shouldn't have changed the name necessarily, i understand the change. You're playing as an ODST soldier, so it makes more sense this way than Recon. The only real relation Recon has to the game is that you can unlock recon armor through it via vidmaster challenge achievements. Nonethless, we can't judge a game based on it's name. I mean look at the names of past games that were great: metal gear solid? wtf? legend of zelda, sounds like some sabrina the teenage which spinoff. super mario? ub3r italian ftw? idk just something to think about.