Well I just expected the lag and crappy snipers to be from ps3, but I'm definitely excited about the new maps
I've been playin this for quite a few days now... I enjoy it a lot... What do you all use in your custom classes?
Just got STG (lol I feel like a noob....I'm in Norlinsky's clan lol) so currently, I have: Gun: STG with Aperture Grenades: Smoke Grenades Perk 1: Bouncing Betties Perk 2: Sleight of Hand Perk 3: Deep Impact Vehicle Perk: Coaxial Machine Gun
It's k I don't even have stg yet. I'm level 35 I still have m1 garand lol I love the snipers in this game though I always hated like the dragunov in the last game btw drak nice sig how come i didn't get any cake when i joined? I was like a ****ing founder
I have the last machine gun called like the PP sh or something. It is bad. I also use the STG and the geward often.
I haven't actually played WaW yet but I've heard from friends that it is really good. I'll probably get it after Gears though. The new zombie part sounds cool and I really wasn't expecting that at all.
lately, ive been completely dominating(like avg of 4.0 k/death) with just an apertured thompson with stopping power. but i love the stg as well. and i cant wait till i get the browning and the last sniper (forget what its called).
They are not the best ever. The last machine gun is though. The sniper is no different than the others.
Ugh, I suck with the snipes anyways. I am more of the run and gun type. I like to play ground wars. I can't stand to do the slow games like search and some of the hardcore stuff.
The thing is, hiding behind a wall next to a window, after I see your muzzle flash with my STG apertured (just got scoped sight...) with deep penetration wont do sh*t for you.... Just saying, sniping doesnt always win, until you get the overkill perk...
Guys, tell me how good is compared to the beta? Does it stay just as fun as when you start or was it like CoD4 and gets way old way fast? I'm decideing whether I should buy it.
This game is way better than the beta. It has not got old for me and it is just a great game. When you first start you most likely say you don't like it but once you get into it, it is way better then COD4. It does not get boring either because you have to get to a 65 to prestige. You are getting better weapons while you are going up which gives you a goal everytime you are playing.
21 kills 2 deaths headshots 5 KD 19 13 best streak 2 recon 1 artillery 1 dogs/4 kills just got that, one of my better games