You just have to do the whole thing over again this just isn't that great of a map. The idea is also unoriginal. You couldn't really make a map like this that good
I liked this map, seems everyone dies so fast. I think you should add more barriers etc, so the mice have more of a chance. Also, maybe try and figure some way out, so the Mice can't hop in the warthog and kill the Gunner. Other than that, I loved it! <3
dude dude dude WHAT you only tested it for like 1 minute dude till you started to rant on about some stupid stuff like saying make it bigger every 2 seconds and you my friend is the only person who tested it for 1 minute that says the map sucks
I played this with deathtoll and some friends and even though he was a little hard on it, I had fun. I have some suggestions though. First I like the idea of surrounding the turret with windows. Second the man cannons don't really do much and are awkwardly placed. You should place them so you go up and across the map not near a wall. I realize that you can't put ramps, but deathtoll was saying that you should put destructable/moveable scenery like barrels, soccerballs and pallets. (I don't really like this idead, but deathtoll didn't say it in his post). Finally aesthetics, you need them badly. Spruce up the wall and the driving area, you haave all those supplies and plenty of money. P.S. don't listen to those people who say its to easy to die. I found it hard to kill someone, unless you only focused on them.
official announcement!!! V3 is on its way(not really) but v3 will be more epic than v1 and 2 combined also it will be UNBREAKABLE!!! no thanks to sage
i said i would be back! i love the map! man this is a really fun game. the only thing i say you should do is make it bigger and change the game type so that way the gauss does not do so much. 4/5
its a definite improvement on gauss and mouse but not much is changed besides some minor flaws fixed and im pretty sure the flare, its still super fun for large partys but i fell like you need to change something to make it new instead of a update, like what about crates? the guy can shoot them but it make it more fun, also why not move the arena so that dang crane is out of the way? you could move it to the right and down and if the crane was blocking a wall just interlock a box into it also equipment, the flares a good idea but a regenerator would be nice and maybe a deployable cover also, and someone said this but, try surrounding it with windows, and if you really want to impress us then how about a thing you shoot that drops a fusion coil, and maybe one bubble shield that spawned in-front of the gauss so they could throw it on a guy your owning to promote teamwork its a good game but it could be so much more and good work on the area and how the gauss stick out exactly a 4/5
This is one of those simple but amazing ideas. This looks very fun and may account for some crazy gameplay. 4.5/5
yes thank you for the suggestions i will think about adding some of the things you asked but a bubble? no sorry i cant do that it would be unfair for the zombie. but adding destroyable cover is going to be in v3
This map is great there is nothing i can say to make this map better. 5/5 but i would like to know can i play it with fewer people?