Great map! Me and my friends love it and the elevator works perfectly. But one time the flag dropped under the elevator. Only once so it was probably a rare occasion. 9/10, great work!
Well well well, thought you could make a map and it wouldn't get criticism, eh? Well, think again! I'll start off with some positives: - The map has a nice layout and flow. - Weapons are balanced for the most part. - Elevator = SMEXY FORGASM. - Inescapable ( I couldn't anyway...) However, there is one thing that concerns me, about the elevator. I have downloaded your map. The elevator works, but after a few times going up and down, I noticed the negative space in between floors. After a single try or two, I realized that the player could actually jump into this negative space. Now, this little negative space may not seem like much, but upon further examination, it was revealed that at least two players can get into this space and be completely concealed from the other team. This would obviously be frustration to the other team, especially in a 2 v 2 Slayer game. If at all possible, I would get rid of this space, or make it smaller, as to avoid any unwanted map exploits. Final Score: 9/10 A- ~The Cheat~
lol im pretty sure he will be most welcoming of constructive criticism. no where in his post did he say you cant criticize it. so im not sure where exactly you are coming from with that, but anyways, good post. you've shown how to effectively criticize a map, something that is far too uncommon here at FH, so cheers. As for said negative space, yeh I guess that is possible, but its easy enough to lob frags down there to get easy kills on trapped players, so its much more of a disadvantage of inattentative players than it is an advantage on the game.
Well, I was intending for the criticism thing to be a little joke. =D Anyway, thank you for the complement, I would unfortunately have to agree, not many people can criticize positively anymore... =( Well, as for the negative space, I've encountered many players that don't pay much attention to small things. Also, the average player wouldn't necessarily look out for players hiding in an elevator shaft, they'd assume that they just left the elevator and are roaming the map. Just trying to help save Devinish the hassle of complaints for that, is all. =) ~The Cheat~
way to go! as soon as i entered the sight i could smell the epic wind sauciness! the elevator is so great i cant even think of a way to describe without sounding like a noob, but ill just say that dumpster door=excellent idea the weapon placement is perfect and so is the aesthetics 5/5 this is so gonna be featured and moon waffle is the greatest name since kentucky tango
Your map looks amazing Devinish, I'm sorry I cannot download it due to my xbox being broken. I'll have to base my review off of your post. Aesthetics: The first thing is what has been repeatedly said by others who have seen your map, the elevator. This has to be the most innovative use of Halo technology since pallet parade and this is much more practical. The elevator works so smoothly and flawlessly it looks like an object you would be able to place. The fact that it has doors that open and shut are awesome. The elevator itself looks pretty nice. Most elevators are very aesthetically displeasing but your's fits perfectly into the surrounding map geometry. The rest of the map definitely looks more inaugurated for gameplay and less for aesthetics. There are some cool features and the first picture looks great. A lot of the map seems to be a bit sloppy. I know you said it is all set up to give lines of site but some places still seem a bit unrefined. The map as a whole has a pretty nice look to it and is very original in layout and structure design. The one part with the staircases on the sides looks nice and very unique. Again, I give you props for your very well constructed and aesthetically pleasing elevator. Gameplay: When you look at this map you can tell it was created mainly for exciting and fast-paced gameplay. The map utilizes lines of sight throughout the entire layout. The layout itself is interesting and new and works very well for a relatively small map. The map seems to flow nicely and using the elevator as a way to change vertical levels was a great idea. The map does seem to be lacking in weapon variety as was previously stated. This is probably due to the fact that the map is small. The general idea of the map seems like it came together pretty well. The elevator, the line of sight based gameplay, and the different sections of the map seem to work well. The entire map is very creative, probably the most so that I've ever seen excluding aesthetic maps. As you said, people will need to keep moving to keep from being cornered or sandwiched by enemies and the sections of the map flow smoothly and keep movement necessary. Overall: A well functioning elevator and awesome gameplay make this map. The aesthetics are a bit lacking but the is reasonable for a gameplay focused map. I know you have a reputation for your immense knowledge of respawn techniques so I expect they are up to par. All in all, this is one of the most original and exciting maps to date. Great job Devinish.
I downloaded this map...and all my friends agreed. "If only it were bigger" The elevator was making us all go crazy though. It was like a magic trick lol. Maybe you could delete like 4 unessessary fusion coils and open up that empty space in the middle and put some stuff in there for cover.
Okay, wow. The elevator is nothing short of amazing, and even if the map around it sucked (which it doesn't), I would still download it anyway. I wonder though, I think the third time you go into the elevator in the video, there seems to be enough time for a player to walk into the elevator before the crate comes back down. Is that an exploit? Yeah. Well, I'm really glad I happened to click on the maps section tonight, I believe I've found a gem.
OK, so I DL this map just because I wanted to check out the elevator and while I was completely amazed for the rest of the map I was not. For me the map look, may I say sloppy? A few things like the roof and the walls could have been interlocked. I do give you credit on the geomerging and creativity, but the overall map was just not up to my standards. Keep on forgeing, you have some pretty good ideas that could just be perfected. Overall map = 3/5 Switch/elevator = 5/5
Oh my god! I downloaded this and looked through it. Best map I've seen, EVER. The interlocking is beautiful and there are some geomerges on this that I could never pull off. The layout is beautiful. The lift is unique and probably the best lift on forgehub. When you flip the ghost, the door opens and then you step on the crate. It is just sooooooo cool how the elevator has a door. Also, the little pond like area is a nice touch and the little active camo sewer is sweet to. This is simply your number one priority for a download on forgehub. I promise you will get this map featured. I also like the fact that you can shoot into the sniper bridge. This is simply the best map ever. 10/5
Look, I knwo it sounds nerdy of me, but this map is...beautiful. Oh Gawd, Nerdilicious. Anyways, the map has one of the best layouts, aesthetics, and gameplay I've ever seen. This is ****ing awesome. Pardon my French. 19/20. This deserves a feature.
Thank you for your well thought out post and concern, but I am one step ahead of you; though players can get into that space, there is a death teleporter at the bottom of the elevator shaft, so if anyone decides to hide in there, they will promptly die when the elevator goes down. I also have a spike grenade spawn in there, just in case you accidentally get stuck. And don't wish to wait. There is no true hiding spots on the map, the elevator shaft included. I thought about opening up the middle, but I really like how it played with the restricted movement. Remember, just because you can't walk there, doesn't mean you can't shoot/ throw grenades through it. There are several holes in very purposeful areas for this purpose. Also, all of the fusion coils are completely required for the elevator to function properly.
What's the map too small for? I've seen smaller maps get tons of noob praise for all kinds of pointless crap. I actually think this map is a fine size for 1v1's and 2v2's. Also, the map's too small for interlocking?? What does that mean? lol, ridiculous. And then after all this talk of the map being too small you say it doesn't have enough variety with 6 weapons? Would you prefer the walkways be covered with grenade trails and one of every weapon on the map? lawlzorz.
I'm saying there's too much interlocking that's not needed in such a small area, which makes the map feel cramped and ugly. You can still add a variety of maps in a small map without having too many weapons, as well.
Okay, I don't like that elevator. It's inefficient resource wise, incredibly. breakable (standing on the dumpster), and you can still get trapped under it. The sheer amount of explosions used also makes the game run inefficiently. As for the rest of the map... It feels like you're trying to sell the map on the elevator... There's nothing wrong with it but nothing really special either... Although those stairs almost made me puke, I'm afraid. Harsh but true.
If you stand on the dumpster, what have you accomplished? Looking like an idiot trapped in an elevator door? Sounds like a huge tactical advantage. There is no other way to make the elevator work as desired, unless that space is there. Which is why (as previously mentioned) there is a spike grenade to kill yourself, and a death teleporter. Who in their right mind would walk under a moving elevator anyways? You clearly didn't play a game on it. I guess this is just a difference of opinion. Thanks for the feedback.
Well, Mr. Devinish, I wasn't actually referring that area, but that counter measure is well thought out. This was the area I was referring to, between the upper and lower floor of the elevator shaft.
CTF is good if you set the respawns a bit quicker, and flag at home to score. Team Slayer is really good as well. That area isn't actually there in game. It probably didn't spawn for the first round of forge Now go play a game on it foo' I'm gonna be really pissed if someone else says some stuff about my map without actually playing a game on it.