Is the online in FarCry really that scarce, or is just that you get McSuck teams and stuff?In CoD5 Beta, some games, I'd dominate and even, vanquish. Though some games I'd go so bad that I'd want to punch the TV screen inside out. (Not rly, for the slow ones.) I now want something different than a shooter, I guess. Fallout 3 looks real awesome with the VATS and stuff, but I REALLY wanna see the gameplay in action and see what makes it hard. What's up with the mutant stuff, too. xD I still want to have FC2 though. =/ Anyone got GRiD?
HOLY ****! Captain!- lengthy paragraphs ahead! Well I'll just start by saying that Gears of War 2 is a solid choice. It of course, doesn't go without it's flaws, and I should point them out. First off, if you were an acrobatic shotgun toting version of Rambo who dealt out curbstomps like AOL free trials in the first game's multiplayer, you will be disappointed. The game play is in no means "bad", you just no longer a "God" among noobs, where your tactics of roadieing your way to the enemy before splitting their ass in half with a shotgun will no longer work. Instead, the shotgun is a weak weapon by standards, featuring a slower fire rate, limited range, and one could swear hit detection issues. This isn't bad in my eye, but it is worth noting before Gears 1 "purists" get a chance to open their trap and ***** about it. In addition, the Lancer's chainsaw redefines "noob weapon" in the sense that as soon as one starts to rev their motarized bayonnet, you are dragged toward it like a small child caught in a ocean current might be dragged out ot sea. So what I am trying to say here, is that previous Gears players will undoubtebly feel it their obligationt o ***** that they can now be killed. That aside, the game is amazing in most every aspect. The Campaign is the right length, even with co-op. The enemy AI can be infuriating because they can be just that damn good, and you find yourself thanking friendly AI for actually picking your ass up when you get down. Ontop of that, the game is naturally "bigger" as so promised, where 3 story monsters no longer seem to be a threat, rather than an overly large target that is fun to watch die as countless explosives blow them into chunks of meat. However, be warned, Gears is a game that you play with friends, and for several reasons. First off, when you die during the story mode, you can blame it on your friend for not shooting the sniper that took your head off. If you try Horde mode alone, you won't have any fun at all unless you are trying to get ****ed in the ass, in which case I suggest finding a male prostitute instead. As for Live Multiplayer, be sure to have a full party of 5 so not only matchmaking finding times won't leave you waiting long enough to cook a buffet, but so you can also invite everyone into group chat while blissfully ignoring the British wankers that live alone and insist on facing you 1v1 because they are having lag issues. So in the end, do yourself a favor, and get Gears 2 should you have Xbox Live. Even if you don't, because by owning it you automatically get to call yourself a "gamer". As for COD 5, let me just say it is COD 4, and no matter of new perks will change that. COD 5 is like new wallpaper over a moldy wall. It will be pretty long enough to buy it, but then it will leave you with the same sense of accomplishment for using a more powerful gun as it's predecessor. I am not saying it is bad without playing it, actually I am... kinda. In a sea of new games with new experiences, COD 5 is just like any other game out there, more so COD 4. Which make sit a pointless buy considering that the 4th instalment is $20 cheaper. Dearest me, I have made a fatal mistake. I have been saying COD 5 all this time, when it is actually COD WaW. Now I'll have to face the wrath of Activision and numerous fanboys. The thing is, WaW and 4.5 are both 2 keystrokes more than I need to type, so I call it COD 5. Now you can give me massive **** because I have not played this game, or probably ever will outside of the beta demo, but I have seen enough to safely say I am not missing out on much. The story seems seemingly pointless for anyone who has taken History class know the Americans lost, and unless Treyarch wished to re-write history, that isn't going to change. COD 4 was fun for the first few months, but then it got repetitious online. Play some games, kill people, constantly gain experience for every little action you do until you reach a full rank, unlocking an arsenal of unbalanced weaponry, only to kiss it all goodbye before starting at the base of the mountain again. This was fun for the first few times, until several things become apparent resulting in a paradox. It becomes obvious that the stronger weapon most always wins, and since they are only available for those of higher ranks, logic prevails and you realize that you'll need to be a higher level if you wish to kill anything. So in that sense, their is motivation to rank up. However, that road is short and easy, with experiance flying at you from every corner, and next thing you know you've made it to the top, and you no longer have anything to work forward to, so you prestige and start all over again. Eventually you realize that good guns get boring, but the necessity for them is overbearing, and you are left hitting yourself in the head for ever giving it all up in the first place. Simply put, COD 4 and 5 are perfectly good buys, they will keep you occupied for quite some time, but COD 5 simply does not stand out in this years choices since it has borrowed from any game and movie there has ever been involving WW2 or Vietnam. Fable 2 is one of those games that you either love it or hate it, or hate to love it and love to hate it. I for one, love it, and never regretted dropping $60 of my hard earned cash. However, if you like games like COD 5, praising them to be innovative and fun, then this game will probably disapoint. Or will it? Like COD 5, it takes no particular skill to kill massives ammount of people. However, unlike COD 5, you enjoy doing so because unlike holding down the right trigger as your 50 calibur mini turret slices through everything, you have 3 buttons that you get to mash instead. No, tapping "X" and swinging your sword as fast as you can will bring no satisfaction, or success. You still mash buttons, but you do it in a way that flows. For example, hold X blocking an enemies attack, then rolling to the right with "A" avoiding a second flury, then to press "X" knocking him to the wall, finishing it all off with a quick draw of the gun ("Y") decapitating the fellow before he gets back on his feat, is highly satisfying. Now I can praise this game like Gears, but I suppose it would be best to follow in the same linear direction I have, and just make clear what you might not like before you ***** that I "didn't tell you so". Firstly, don't expect a challange, for dying has no real consequences, and the story is like a light breeze in terms of length. Also, be prepared to be infuriated on how easy it will be to get fat, for the only way to become thin is eating celery which must not be a common form of produce grown at farms. Also, people will love you, or hate you, and often do both at once. If you think that hiding your family in an interdimensional realm seperated from society will keep them from the oppressive truth that you are, in fact, a dictator in a socialist society due to the fact that you bought there is everything there is to by and take pleasure in killing the numerous gays and fat people who happen to love you, then you are mistaken. Every act you do is heard, which can add a sense of responsibility, sometimes frustrates you as you realize that you have about as much privacy as a middle eastern man living in the United States. The is probably more to critique in the game, such as the disappointment in co-op, but it is all covered up by everything else that is brilliant about Fable 2. It is a casual game that will leave you with enough time to play Geras of War 2, and hopefully not COD 5, yet one that you will return to time and time again. Now, you might be wondering how come I haven't said anything about Far Cry 2 yet, and that is simply due to the fact I have not played it, and cannot gain enough info regarding it by watching gameplay or reading opinions. While some say the multiplayer lacks and the Map Creator (not editor, don't say that, because that is not what it is even if it is titled so) is the best thing ever to grace a console; others say the complete opposite. So naturally, it is as hard for me to make out heads or tails as it would be for a boy sheltered by his Catholic parents will make out the difference between atheism and satanism. Though I can say this. Those who disliked gameplay love COD. They have become infected with an incurable disease that makes them think any game that isn't futuristic needs to play the same. Meaning, you can run around shooting at anyone in your path while ignoring how dangerously close you are to dying because your gun can cause more damage than theirs. No, they can not seem to accept that guns are balanced and that a word such as "cover" exists, and that one needs to get behind it in order to heal themselves. Other than that, I can't say much about FC 2, but I am planning on renting it in the near future. /rant (and the fire pit where COD 5 disks are used as the marshmallows for S'mores)
IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US. Anyways, I read it and I say kudos for you, taking the time. CoD5 BEING CoD4 is pretty much why I want it. Kill me all you like, but I like it because it's CoD4 with a re-skin and such with Co-Op campaign. The only reason being - I have never owned a CoD game, thus making not a fanboy and ranting about ''how CoD: WaW is actually CoD 4.5'.' I also like it because it's WWII themed - a break from the future-weapons (Halo) and such. Fable 2 seems like a game I would love - killing massive amounts of people easily. It gives you power and it feels awesome. It feels as though you're progressing through the game and getting stronger; somehow. In your FC2 rant, I didn't quite see which 'side' you were getting on. But, zomfg. Nice essay.
Well, I own COD 4, and it greatly pleased me for some time, however it wears off. In my opinion, COD 5 is really a 4.5, though fanboys would argue that it is a game on it's own. But really, it is just a reskin of COD 4, so you would be experiencing much of the same thing with either game. However, COD 5 is more worth the $60 than the 4th, for it does feature more. Though, in my opinion, the game deserves little praise. COD 4 got the praise it did for being inovative and unique, while Treyarch went copy pasta with Infinity Ward's game. As for Far Cry, I really am not on either side, for I have no experience what-so-ever with the game. If I was to choose a side, straight out, it would be that I think the game has good gameplay, and the Map Creator is a little plus, but will never ammount to Forge in popularity.
Well I can only state my opinion on things. If your getting Cod4 don't get WAW. It's the same thing just with differant guns. Gears2 is an excellent choice, I think it's the best game out right now. If I were you I would probably get Mirror's Edge. It's the most unique game I've seen in a while and I can't wait until I get it.
I know this may not be what you're looking for as an answer, but i must ask to clear a few things up. Do you have to get 3 video games for Christmas, or is that just your choice?
Why? I just would like 3 for christmas, no more. Is there a specific reason? Which is exactly why I want it (CoD:WaW). >.< Mirrors edge = Rental. Anyway, I think I'm going to get Fable, to get away from a shooter and to have a game that I can have for a while and not get over it. (RPGs tend to do that...) (Oh and Sweeny, I read your post. Don't think I didn't. )
I think nightfire meant, only get two games if there are only two you want. As for sweenys argument on CoD4 vs CoD 5 (WaW) actuality, cod4 isn't any cheaper. Granted, the game gets old fast, is way too easy, and throws experience at you like crazy.... Fables a good choice, go with that.
If you're looking for multiplayer/campaign games just stick with Cod WaW and GoW2. If you're not into RPG's, then don't pick up Fable 2. I wouldn't reccomend FC2, simply because you most likely wouldn't be playing it since no one else is. So just take two games and for your third get some nice clothes.
Haha Rusty, what a coincidence. I actually asked for some clothes, if it were possible. I think I'll get; 1. Gears2 2. CoD5 3. Fable 2 4....Whatever. (Clothes, etc. xD)