TownsMent v.2! This Is my v.2 here is some things i fixed or added- 1 more shotgun-more interlocking on buildings- another truck (lol) The first one took me 5 hours to build (2 hours thinking of what to build) and v.2 took me 2 hours of installments and fixing things. Gamertag xBlackops xAOSx. Infinte ammo for zombs and survivors. 12houses to hide in or search. Alpha Zombie traits 90% Damage resistance no shields not immune to headshots 300%damage modifier Speed 200% Gravity 75% No Radar Forced color white no camo Zombie traits 50% damage resistance no shields not immune to headshots 300%damage modifier Speed 200% Gravity 50% No Radar Forced color white no camo Human Traits Normal resistance normal shields normal recharge rate not immune to headshots 200% damage modifier normal speed normal gravity no radar no camo no forced colors (warning not for the faint of heart) Objective of game is to hold off zombies long enough until the starve to death. Teamworks the only way to stay alive during this fight for life game. Ok here are some screenshots of v.2 Survivor Spawn. Survivors start off with smg and magnum. Zombie Spawn Zombies wait 2 minutes until a cannon man spawns and pushes the dumpster (thats enough time for the Survivors to get there weapons and ammunition) This is a Example of one of the house doors- use whatever's by the house as a door for the house for example many houses have a wire spool you just simply hit the wire spool or crate to the entrance and then the zombies have to jump or croutch to get in. This is what happens when you dont have a door to block entrance... Action Shots! Holy........OUCH! Plz Dont Laugh... this was embarassing... Mr.Extreme saves the day Epic Fail! Teamwork owns ok look either shoot or hit the wire spool torwards the entrance.. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details for map TownsMent v2 : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details for gametype the study... Plz download
FIRST POST i think i had V1 under the name township... is this right? Anyhoo this doesnt seem like that much different, but another shotgun should make gameplay a little fairer (those zombies ripped us apart!) Not worth downloading again just for a shotty and a truck (heh), but those of you didn't snag this the first time around, i would definitely queue it up. 4.5/5
yes it is rioht but, my frieind someguy187 built it with me but we didnt agree on the names so i named mine townsMent and he named his townShip
This map has been stolen, this is Township made by Something. I am reporting you for this, stealing maps is not tolerated here at forgehub.
Township was v1... Yeah, well the map is pretty nice, it looks nice and clean for infection. Next time though, you should use actual players instead of spawn points in your pictures. People don't like it when you take your pictures in forge. From the looks of it, this is a pretty basic infection game, so I give it a 4/5.
I dont know if we can clasify it as stolen yet. He said they built it together but went their seperate ways because they disagreed. The map does look very similar to the township so I have to ask, how long did you to work on the map together? if all that is different is the shotty and a truck then it does not deserve a download sence I have the first one.
To tell you the truth, I've played this so many times I have no idea who the original maker was but I've never seen it posted here yet so whatever. On topic of this map, it's really fun for an open area zombie map and I like the door closing thing. For the map, 4.5/5
Oh yes, about that. First, my Gamertag is someguy798. Second, I don't know who you are. Third, you totally and completely stole my map. If proof is somehow needed, I've got it. But seriously, can a mod just come and lock it? EDIT: Seems this guy is creating lots of confusion over versions. I made a"V1" of this map some time in early august for FH. After getting feedback, I updated it with a V2 a week or so later. Township V3, which was released a couple weeks after THAT, is still lurking in the bowels of this forum. All were called Township. The only help in any form was simply suggestion like ILALQ and others. Other than changing 4 letters, this guy completely ripped off my map.
Yo, I'm reporting him too. You might remember me, I'm the one that wrote a hardcore paragraph about how I hate unbalanced infection. I've played your map and its the same thing as this map, he changed some things around and claimed it all to be his map. This is unacceptable. A mod needs to ban this guy like RIGHT NOW! And By the Way someguy, I love your map, did I neglect to mention me and my friends play it every time one of us hosts a halo 3 party?
Funny how when there is overwhelming evidence that this guy stole a map he doesn't reply to anymore posts. Another fail to map thiefs. EDIT: gtfo forgehub.
Hmm this could be fun to play infection on for about an hour with a bunch of friends. I would add more aesthetics to the map if possible. Other than that this map is realy nice