Moon Waffle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Devinish, Nov 23, 2008.

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  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Moon Waffle
    What would they taste like?



    If the map name isn't crazy enough to blow your mind, the gameplay certainly will. The map, designed around lines of sight, ensures that no spot is safe from crossfire. You must use teamwork to secure victory. The map itself has a balance of confined areas and wide open areas, perfect for that grenade/BR combo that we all have come to love. The map also makes use of symmetry options for some refreshing gameplay. But the key component of this map is the elevator.


    Players Supported: 2-6 (Recommended: 2v2)
    Gametypes Supported: All standard gametypes (Recommended: CTF, Slayer, Assault)
    For CTF, I would suggest Flag at home to score and a shorter respawn time for maximum fun.


    BR x 3
    Spike Grenades x 3
    SMG x 2
    Spiker x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Needler x 1
    Bubble Shield x 1

    BR x 3
    Spike Grenades x 3
    SMG x 2
    Spiker x 2
    Carbine x 1
    Bubble Shield x 1
    Active Camo x 1


    Some call it "The Pallet Parade Killer." While Shock Theta has called it "Godly," but I'll let you decide for yourself. The video below should help with that.

    The Video


    Looking from Top elevator to Snipe spawn.

    Looking from Attacker spawn to Needler


    Bottom Elevator

    Needler to Attacker spawn

    Attacker Spawn


    Thanks to all of the testers who have given suggestions and advice. Thanks to PonyDx for helping with the water effect, and NeverlessWonder for help with a particularly stubborn GeoMerge. Also, special thanks to Tender Bisquit for this beautifully organized post, which I shamelessly stole and replaced with my map's information.


    Also check my sig for more schweet maps, gametypes, and guides. vvv​
    #1 Devinish, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    This surely is one of the most innovative maps I've seen in a while here on ForgeHub. The most precious maps IMHO come from the ones who rarely release their maps, but when they do, they are jewels. The elevator is ingenious, amazingly constructed. The map's lines of site are visible from the pictures, and I'll be sure to give this a download and a closer look. Great job yet again Devinish, great job yet again...
  3. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Wow, that elevator is the cleanest, best-working, and coolest one i've ever seen. I would've liked to seen some more pics. I'll dl and check the rest of the map.
  4. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    I really like how the elevator has doors to it. I'm downloading to see how gameplay will turn out. Some items appeared to be crooked, but who knows, maybe you did that on purpose, or i'm going blind.
  5. thesteven00

    thesteven00 Ancient
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    this map is a true beauty, the pic at the top is sets the mood of the map, dont even get me started about that beautifull elevator switch!. . .why name it moon waffle?
  6. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    could use an overview pic. but it looks pretty good. it kinda looks jumbled up in some places but im sure thats just a part of the map. over all its a 5/5. ill DL for sure. The evelator looks simply amazing!!
    Edit: i found a place in the elevator where u can hide forever and no one can kill you!!!!!!!!!!! all u have to do is take the elavator down and the door doesnt spawn automaticly. so u just jump up, wait a little bit and you cant be killed!
    #6 SoLo92, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  7. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Glad to see this finally released Devin. I sure had a hell of a time testing it, and with the little changes you've made. I know this is the best it can be. The elevator is for sure my favorite part of this, I know that it is one of the most innovative parts of any map I've seen in a while. In my opinion, more so than Pallet Parade. No offense to Cosmic, but this is just more gameplay-oriented.

    Everything else works amazingly, and gameplay is great. Multi-Flag was definitely one of my favorites. Although slayer is still really enjoyable.

    I'll see you on the front page Moon Waffle!

    EDIT: Please don't spam and/or double post Deathhawk. Especially in the map section. It is extremely frowned upon, and disrespectful.
  8. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    DL foe show. Omg I was wondering what everyone was talking about with the elevator, and then i saw the vid, Ugh aegg (Having a forge-attack). Im definitaly going to have to give this map a forge-through just to see elevator (Ok i guess ill look at the map, lol). Great job
  9. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    You sir,have one of the greatest maps i've ever seen.If i tried to make an elevator it would probably explode or die of AIDs.This map has only one word to describe it, BEASTLY.Very,very nice post and map.Downloading right now
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You already know I have tested this map.

    You already know I love this map.

    You already know that this will be featured based solely on it's epicness.

    We already know that when it does get featured someone will ***** about staff only featuring other staff members maps.

    We already know that this is living proof that staff members actually have (*gasp!*) some serious skill at Forge.

    I love the name of the map, lawl :0)

    The sight lines and clustered yet familiar feeling makes this map play like a dream. One game and you will have the map memorized and you'll want to come back and play and play again. Good work Dev, and Pallet Parade killer it just may be.
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This is map is wonderful and feature-worthy. That elevator works flawlessly, great work on that. Also, gameplay should be really fun on a map like this. I'll download now and 5/5.
  12. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this map is sloppy and has no use it does not do any thing i even hit the ghost switch, by the way GOOD IDEA! ill use that in my next map but i dont see any point of it here. sorry 2/5 you got a 2 because i never thought of using the vehicles like that.
  13. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    lol? Try playing a game on it as opposed to going into forge. Then come back and try to earn back your dignity.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    wow this map has really nice competitive gameplay to it, and the aesthetics are great.
    I would love playing this with team slayer all night
    I like how you used the stairss for aesthetics, they turned out nice as well, good job
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    This, my friend, is amazing. I love to see switches but I'm always skeptical as to how useful in a real map (great in theory, meh in practice). That being said, you accomplished two feats of legend... not only is the switch the coolest one ever, it fits in a real map. Five out of five golden tacos.
  16. drak

    drak Ancient
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    4 cant just rate a map when all "educated" forgers know that switches require a new round restart. Some dont even work like that! Next time, don't talk, play a game on it like Devinish said...
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    wow. get your trolling ass outta here. seriously, you have NO idea what you are talking about. like...NONE. Id suggest not returning to this thread again, because you are the epitome of what is wrong in FH posters.

    Now, onto the map. Dev, amazing job. The way this map plays is unlike any Ive seen so far.. and I havent even had more than a couple small party FFAs so far. The lines of sight on this map are ridiculous, and I can see how communication is most definitely the key to success here, which makes this map top notch in my book. I won't even get into the epic elevator of epic.. because said epic elevator of epic is very epic indeed. I think my favorite part of the map's geometry is the room with the water effect. Like I told you, you've done water the onlyway I deem it accaptable in a competitive map. Low, unobtrusive, and smooth. The Camo drain is awesome (ive never seen that done before), and the raised, curved side is real clean. I also really dig the waffle-effect fence wall...wall (lol) opposing it. Seriously, phenominal job, Dev.
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    This map is nothing short of a amazing. The elevator is the most innovative I've ever seen, and the gameplay looks awesome(grenade/BR FTW!) This map looks amazing and I give it a 10/5. And I agree with Creeping death, I mean, they're staff at FORGE hub and there has to be a good reason for that
  19. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    My only problem is that it looks like the elevator takes a few seconds to start working. Couldn't someone just chuck in grenades and kill you while you were trying to escape?
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    wouldnt you fight back?
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