Totally stealing Whisper's thread title/idea. TOP OVERVIEW: FLAGBASE: OPPOSITE THE FLAG BASE: SPAWN BASES: The idea is that both teams try to get the flag from the enemy's base and try to bring it back up the "Flag Base". Obviously it's missing the little asthetic objects such as cones but I'll put that in when I forge it. So pretty much I'm sort of coming across a blank on for what else to put in the middle so it's not as open. Does anyone have any suggestions or any feedback on the rest of the map? UPDATE
Maybe you could add something like a hand coming out of the ground. But only the fingers coming out. I bet it would add some extra spice to it. Everything else is looking great BTW.
That sketch looks awesome. The bases are pretty sweet, but like Smeagle said, the middle is a bit empty. Can't wait to see this map finished.
Well I'm trying to keep it more like a competitive map so a hand wouldn't work so well, nor would I really know how to make a hand coming out of the ground. I can't really add anything like that in the middle because the floor is going to be the foundry floor so I can't go any lower than that. I was thinking of putting a pillar in the middle with a bridge going over it from the flag base to the base opposite of it.
Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. Or maybe put this floating off of Avalanche or Blackout, with those bridges, so you could make them chokepoints. I think that could be cool.
Well I really didn't mean an entire hand, more of just five double boxes geomerged into the ground in a circle. And then have them at finger lengths, like the thumb being the shortest, middle finger the longest, etc. And if I may say so myself, the map is looking very wall-oriented. Like that of Onslaught. I'd would recommend you extend them out a bit, and then create small obstructions at angles at lower heights.