A giant explosion device made by Nicksternater. 1st 20sec into the game there will be an opening where a doublebox will spawn. Feel free to jump in there before it spawns. But thats only if you wish to. Note: The bomb will activate as soon as the game starts. It also may cause lag sometimes. Download Kablam!
i cant tell much by the pictures by from the looks of it it seems really basic. i like the name it caught my eye and i dont like it when the games lags, as you said. but any way i will try it out but from what i see i dont like it but i will try it out aand get back to you.
so its just instant spawn fusion coils? or is it a game? i dont really get it, but by the looks of it, it seems like just a big explosion for no real reason. u should post a map using it at least.
i think you need to add a better description because I cant tell anything about the map from the pictures. Is it just some big dome that you play in or is their a real purpose. what gametypes do you play on it. slayer. infection. i really do not undderstand this map and I think you need to give a better desrpition because the level doesnt look that good. What is the point of thee wraith being put up on its side in the last pic. I dont think you are going to get many downloads off of this post because nobody understands the level. 2/5 and no download until you give a good description.
Wow, very unoriginal. I've seen this done dozens of times before. Now, if there was a game that was like a minigame or a competetive game, then it might not be so useless. You should also try to make it without the lag. Tone down the fusion coils and the lag might stop. Make it into a minigame or something so it will get more downloads and it will be a lot of fun instead of something to goof around on when your board.
well the section i posted this map on should tip you off that there is no competative play going on & no gameplay. just a scenery
So is this like a canvas to build a map around or are you showing a giant explosion just because it's awesome?
i dont really see a need for this map.... people could just make their own version of this and probably make a better one! you need better ideas i like your naming though it really caught my attention
why is this in aesthetics? sry to sound mean but anyone could make this and probably better. You could probably make this into a map. no D/L 1/5 Keep on forging