Just posted by Sketch: "...please be aware that installing Halo 3 to your HDD will actually result in longer load times and thus a less optimal experience than if you run the game from the disc drive. This happens due to the way Halo 3 already uses a HDD to cache data and once you do an install, you are copying between two different areas of the same drive as you are loading a map. If you just plan to play campaign or offline content, you may feel that the tradeoff is worth it in order to have a slightly quieter Xbox 360 and reduced impact to your disc drive. However, if you play Halo 3 online, please be aware that increased map loading times can have a negative impact to everyone's experience. In some cases, it could take considerably longer to load multiplayer maps, meaning that everyone you are matched with is also stuck waiting for your maps to load. If people start to lose patience, you then have scenarios of players leaving parties and aborting matching because they don't want to wait. This adds to the problem, creating a cycle where more and more people have a harder time getting into the games they want to play. To avoid this negative situation, we are advising that Halo 3 players do not install the game to their HDD." Read on for greater details.
I was going to install my halo3 game to my HD as soon as I got home from work. TY! You saved my butt.
A message pops up telling you not to when you turn on halo lol. I was gona make a topic, but squid beat me to it lulz. Honestly, I think the installing to hard drive is a bullshit waste of time. Someone said gears takes up 8 gigs? And wtf you still need the disc? UT3 for my PC only takes 8 gigs, the graphics are higher and I don't need the disc. The only reason I'd wanna install anything is because I'm too lazy to change disc, but since that doesn't help..wasteful feature?
It will help for those who don't want to change their disks to join a friends party, who may be playing Gears, while they're playing Halo 3.
It makes the loading times slower, but I personally think it is much better when it isn't harming my Xbox, nor my ears. So I installed it anyways. =] I mean matchmaking, it already takes ages to find a match, I don't really mind the wait.
Well that sucks... I was looking forward to having a quieter Xbox. I'm really hoping that all those 10 year olds realize that if they install it on the hard drive it will take longer to load games.
Yeah when i got on h3, i said dont install it and i thought 'Ok well, Slower=Fail' so i just didnt do it.
Actually, even though slower may = fail, I'd rather take slower than have to replace my xbox because it's disc drive motor stopped working. If you spend a ton of time on Halo 3 like myself, I'd recommend installing it to your hardrive. It's never a good thing to keep that disc spinning within your xbox disc drive. This is kinda the reason to why NXE had this option in the first place to reduce the amount of wear on your xbox's disc motor. Yes, you are still required to have the disc in the drive while the game is played because Microsoft doesn't want people copying games that they don't actually own.
Just how much slower do they go? I have a scrached disk so if its only by a couple seconds I might want to DL it anyway. I can't evan play campain :-(' If I DL it will I be able to?
i installd it and i playd some MM and it didnt go slower or faster. but once i found out it made no difference i uninstalled it. my point being its not slower or fastr. if actualy installd the game u would know this instead of basing everthing on a note from bungie.
The point of installing it on your hard drive is also to reduce noise and heat. It does make a difference.
The reason they don't want you to install it is because it makes the MM experience worse for everyone. Longer map load times, harder to find games..maybe you didn't notice on the few you played, but hell..listen to them. Why wouldn't you base everything on a note from Bungie? They made the game. It's not like it's some random kid on the interwebzz.
ok dont join our parties, we dont want lag lol ya it does affect it and that sucks really bad, hopefully a solution is found to make it faster