Kon's Compass:: get your map into MM

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kon Artist, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    Hello fellow forger! As many of you already know, Bungie Atlas group is now open. Atlas is a group ran by Bungie's own Multi-player guru Shiska. The purpose of the group is to give aspiring game designers an opportunity to have their map(s) in a special user created match making hopper (sometime around Jan. '09). I have been following this group very closely. . . And most maps that have been entered are not Match Making ready. And that is where the idea came to me-- most people need a compass to stay on course!

    So I would like to introduce Kon's Compass-- I put together this post to help others stay on course throughout the map production process. Keep in mind that the idea isn't the most important thing, but the execution of the idea. Here is a set of steps that I use in the creative process of level design.

    1. Basics:: If you're new to level design, this is a good place to start. Read the competitive design guide for quake. This guide is written specially for Quake, but the theories and fundamentals are universal.

    2. Concept stage:: Drawing on paper and/ or computer programs. I still start with pen and paper. For those that like to use google sketchup (a free 3D program) to develop ideas; here is a link to download it. Fritzster has also taken the time to make most of the Forge components to scale for you to build with. You can download those here.

    3. Building:: I would recommend that you spend a good amount of time with-in the first 2 steps. Especially if you plan on incorporating a lot of merging and geo- glitching. If you are new to forge, here is a link to a library of tutorials at forgehub to help you learn these techniques. Forging 101 Merging and geo- glitching isn't a requirement to have bungie put your map into match making, but does look very sexy:) There are no real short cuts when fighting the objects' in game physics. If you are going to glitch your map; have your ipod ready.

    4. Spawns:: You have made a masterpiece, now make sure it plays like one. Most forger get burnt out after making a map. The last thing they want to do is spend time placing spawns. So, unless you never die in a game-- having good spawns is important. Here is a guide on spawn placement.

    5. Testing:: When testing your map, make sure you get a verity of testers. What I mean is-- a group of players that like different things and have different skill levels. Competitive players and casual player; play much different. Ideally you want to make a map that can be enjoyed by both and those in between. Here is a link to the testing guild. A group dedicated to help people test maps.

    6. Rethinking:: If you have spent time in phases 1 and 2, rethinking wont mean starting over (but sometimes it does). Take the feedback that you have received, write it down, and objectively evaluate it. This is usually when I place weapons, spawns, and objectives in there final place.

    7. Branding:: Giving you map a name that is associated to your theme or idea. More often then not, this is the last thing I do. The names of my maps, are a reflecting of my ideas that drove the creative process and how the map feels and plays. When you're naming a map, make sure that you are not infringing on a TM or Registered TM. Here are two places to check-- Wikipedia and The United State Patent and Trademark Office.

    8. Posting:: Follow these instructions.

    Compass Group is a group I will personally over see on B.net. The purpose of the group is to help each other get maps MM ready by::

    Compass group will have weekly testing of members maps.
    Compass group will make sure your map(s) meets Atlas Standards.
    Compass group will make sure you feel like your popular on the weekend:)

    Join Compass Group
    #1 Kon Artist, Nov 21, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ill join the group just for you kon :D

    im mostly just interested in testing the maps rather than make one for atlas so yeah.
  3. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    Wasn't there a notice that no maps that use either geo-merging or a budget glitch would be accepted? That blows away a LOT of maps. I would enjoy seeing a some of the maps be playable though.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Geo-Merging is acceptable, but Budget Glitch is not
  5. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no budget glitch
    geo glitch is ok, if done well:)
  6. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    Hey great guide man. It's amazing how much thought you put out. By the way, do you really think that trademark infringement is a worry? After all, forge is just one application of one video game. Good guide though. Follow this and no worries.
  7. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Same reason I'm gonna join. I doubt I'll get the map I'm working on finished in time to submit it to Atlas, but I'm glad to help test out new competitive maps people are coming out with.
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What are the chances of a use made map ( not made by premium or staff/mod) actually getting into matchmaking. Also, is it going to be like another heading on the list of types? Like beside Hardcore you pic "Atlas" or somthing?
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Apparently they're accepting maps for most playlists with the exceptions of Grifball and MLG because those playlists are controlled by non-Bungie sources. As for your chances of getting in? If your map is great, and doesn't break any of the rules, you stand a good chance of at least getting into a double exp weekend or user-created playlist if/when they finally make it.
  10. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    Bungie is now focused on generating interest for community members to create maps with Team Objective in mind. I've been searching for answers at BNet and I have found Shishka has been answering a lot of questions in the public forums.

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