Debate Aetheism vs Theism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pigglez, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Rebelic Sins

    Rebelic Sins Ancient
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    I just want to know what makes a God(s) so special that they can exist first, and then choose what we look like, how we act, where we live, what does and doesnt make us sick, and so on. I’m an atheist, and my family doesn’t agree with my decision to be one, so we don’t really talk about it. I’m not saying I won’t listen to other’s points of view, I’m not like that at all. I do say grace at dinner, out of respect for my families beliefs. However, I wont say Amen, and my family’s cool with that. I’m only really knowledgeable in the catholic religion, so I was taught there was Adam and Eve. Which brings up the question, if Adam and Eve were this Aryan perfect race, why aren’t all of us blond haired, blue eyes Nazis? I don’t believe that two people could make the 6 billion that are here today. Science could tell you that with all that inbreeding, none of would exist anyway. That’s just my opinion.
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ....Alright... I'm just going to ask how much do you know about the bible ...I mean that's where most of my argument is going to come out of...

    BTW I don't think Aryan Race had anything to do with Adam and Eve.. that was the German Native..with Hitlers Dream It was TO make a Perfect race.. Not that the Aryan Race was perfect... at the time...

    And Your not really digging much of why you don't believe.. Its fine just wondering...

    Because Is it basic facts need? Or is it a personal Argument?

    I mean Allowing and Purposely doing something are entirely different...

    We have had an argument of God allowing things and not..but How things are are how they are... we can only do what strength to which we are given... So tell me your argument...
    #62 G043R, Nov 20, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2008
  3. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Well, I am neither agnostic nor atheist, so I don't really know about that kind of stuff. I was just giving information based on facts I pulled from the dictionary. And when I say that agnostics are a sort of middle ground, I mean that agnostics in general are more in the middle than atheists.

    Just out out of curiosity G043R, why do you put a lot of pauses in your posts? And who is dodging their religion? (I'm Catholic btw.)
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Strange Posts

    I'm curious about your posting style, too. While there seems to be some good thoughts and valid opinions swimming below the surface, it is incredibly hard to see them through a bizarre web of pausing, random capitalization, and fragmented ideas. If English is not your main language, I apologize in advance.



  5. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I have encounter middle ground Agnostics, more often then middle ground Atheists. I think Agnostics are more middle ground because they are more open beliefs and that God could exist. This does not mean that all Atheists are closed minded, Nitrous and I are perfect examples.
  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    That's Go43r for you... you'll get used to it. You have to learn his ...... language, lol. He's very bright but he writes in his own

    This whole thing about labeling beliefs is a bit lame. A person can choose to call himself something but he may not fit the strict definiton of the term. Really it's not possible to make labels for this reason.

    I think I fit the neutral, open to anything (to include the possabliity that there is no god) stance, but in my mind I call myself agnostic. But that's daft on my part because it's a inadequate lable.
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Don't look at me. I didn't label myself as an atheist.

    Is it just me or does labeling someone an atheist make no sense? I mean you call a football player a football player but you don't call non-football player a non-football player. They are just a person that is classified by some other means. It's all very strange.
  8. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Well, if you don't believe in a god (if you're a strong atheist) then you get called an atheist. I guess it's just a general term.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ... Yeah they do... they call the bystanders OR Fans... Or w/e else they want to.. but the Players are players...
  10. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No you are a bystander whether you are a lawyer or policemen or a football player. You are a person/bystander no matter what you do for a living. You are defined by what you do, not what you don't do. So if you are a football player you are defined as such, not as a non-football player.
  11. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    I have something to add, but it's more relevant to the earlier pages of discussion, namely that of The Big Bang.

    Everyone who was arguing for Theism said essentially that "someone supernatural had to start everything in motion, namely, God". My question to these people is: why choose someone. Why does it necessarily have to be an entity that started everything, rather than something. I know that it was somewhat generally agreed apon that Creation was a chicken-egg paradox, and that was why discussion moved, but I'm just throwing that out there.
  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Well, you don't have to consider God to be a person. God is an entity, which is not necessarily a human. Plus, people who made these religions probably thought it would be easier for people to relate to a human-like God rather than just a thing.
    #72 EonsAgo, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2008
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Unless you actually believe in the "God" since the Bible says that he created man in his own Image, therefore implying that God at least "Appears" human.

    Anyhoo I'm not going to get too involved in this debate because I'm very opinionated on the matter, needless to say though I'm atheist, but I believe that people should be allowed to believe whatever they want to believe until there is enough "Proof" (I hyphanated Proof because even that in itself is opinionated) to prove otherwise. Until then no one can really accuse anyone of being "Wrong".
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Your drifting into agnosticism. Might as well consider god as the equilibrium. Which would be the most accurate representation of god but it couldn't have possibly made us in it's image, nor sent a son to die.
  15. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Hmm. A subject which i could go on about forever. But i will go on for lots of lines, instead.
    O.k, so...
    1- Why won't God heal amputee's?
    What do you theists think of this? On one hand, you 'know' that God answers prayers and performs miricles, on the other, you also know that he completely igonores amputees....
    2- Why are there so many starving people in our world? A bit strange, that a loving God cares for those in a developed country, but ignores starving people in an undeveloped country....
    3-Why does 'God' demand the death of innocent people in the bible?"God demands the death of homosexuals" God demands that we kill al who work on the sabbath day." And many more. Why would a loving God wnat us to murder people over such trivial matters....?
    4-Why does the bible contain utter nonsense? God did not create the world 6,00 years ago like the bible says. There was not a worldwide flood that covered Everest like the bible says, and many more.Why would an 'All knowing God' write nonsense...?
    5- Why do bad thing happen to good people?
    6-Why did none of jesus's miricles leave behind any evidence whatsoever?
    7-How do theists explain the fact that jesus has never appeared in front of them? He is all powerful and time-less, but if you pray for him to appear, nothing happens...
    8-Why would jesus wnat you to eat his body and drink his blood? Why would such a loving God want people to take part in such a sick, cannibalistic ritual?
    9-Why do chrtians get devorced at the same rate as non christians?Christians get married in front of God and all their christian friends, all of whom are praying for the marrige to succeed, but they will get devorced at the same rate.....

    If you think about theese Honestly, they make no sense at all, do they? And you have to admit that.

    This is the good part. What if we consider that God is imaginary? A strange thing happens. Providing you look at the questions with an intelliegent and thoughtful manner, all the questions suddenly make sense!
    1-God is imaginary, and he does not answer any prayers. All 'answered' prayers are a coincidence. Alll scientific evidence supprts this.
    2-God is imaginary, therefore unable to answer their prayers.
    3-God is imaginary,the bible was actually written by ridiculous men, rather than an all loving being.
    4-God is imaginary,the bible was actually written by ridiculous men, rather than an all loving being.
    5-God is imaginary,bad things happen at the same statistical rate for everyone
    6-God is imaginary,Jesus's miricals are myths.
    7-God is imaginary.
    8-God is imaginary, and this bizzare ritula came from a pagan religion.
    9-God is imaginary.

    The point is, when you say God exists, theese questions make no sense, but when you say he is imaginary, they make perfect sense.

    You simply do not have good answers to theese questions. I have posed them to an intelligent christain. He just says 'God can do what he wants, and he did create the world 6000 years ago.' Sorry, that is not an answer, that is an excuse.

    This is because at the end of the daym, atheists always win, even when they lose. (an argument) No matter what a theist says, they are talking about a God who-

    1-With all logic considered, is unlikey to exist.
    2- Even if he does you do not know, and never will know.
    The beleif of a God is blind, whether you like it or not.

    FEW,*Takes breath.*
  16. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Scientific evidence has disproved answered prayers?
    I know of none that have been proven or disproven.

    Your post is somewhat biased and opinionated.
    You say it makes no sense, and that the notion of a God is illogical. However, that would mean that a great many people are delusional, because a great many people believe in God. (Well, it's true that there are a lot of idiots out there, but not because they have a religion.) Also, you seem to be focusing on Christianity, without taking into account other religions.

    Only extreme religion (the kind of stuff that tries to disprove science) is illogical.
    Nothing in science has disproven the existence of a God, hence the masses that believe in one.

    Also, people belonging to a religion are not all strictly faithful. That would explain your divorce rates.
  17. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No prayer has been answered. Let's consider you have a double-blind study where you have a placebo and a pain pill. Out of 100 people the placebo only works for 2 and the pain pill universally works.

    Now, let's consider you are in the hospital hoping for a speedy recovery. There is high tech equipment for one group and another several clergy who help them pray. If only 2 heal faster or at the same rate as the other participants they can be regarded as an abnormality or statistically insignificant and placebos/prayer will not be used as a serious medical practice.

    You also have to consider that when god answers prayers, they are very convoluted and never straight forward. "God helped me pay the mortgage," "God sent an angel to save my child from that passing car," or "God was there to help me through a hard time." He never heals amputees, gives rain to dehydrated natives during the dry season in Africa, he never does anything that can make us go, "hmmm, well that shouldn't happen!"

    Would you believe a woman that said to you, "The placebo didn't stop me from feeling pain, but it did help my daughter through some hard times." "Ma'am did you give her the pill?" "No but I think it kinda leaked out over to her and gave her the strength to keep on keeping on."

    A great many people fell for the **** regime. The Roman Catholic church is a good example.


    Current Pope's **** past
    I don't pick on Islam because if I'm not debating an Islamic person head on, I'm just pissing and moaning my time away and it isn't doing anything to those bat **** loons over in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and, unfortunately, Great Britain.

    Extreme religion is called fundamentalism.

    No but science does increasingly decrease the scope of god. First he created rain and lighting in the heavens. Until it was shown as a natural process. He created animals and plants. Until it was shown as a natural process. He created the universe. Until it was shown as a natural process. Now the last stand of god is the creator of the big bang and string theory is hot on that trail.

    Frankly, I think god will always retain a place in society. Right now he is pompous and over-grown but to simply do away with such a concept would be foolish.

    I think the arguement was that god would do more to keep them together instead of allowing a sinful divorce. If you're interesting in statistics...

    *General Population:
    Christians - 75%
    Atheists - 11%

    Divorce Rate:
    Christians - 29%
    Atheists - 22%

    Prison Population:
    Christians - 75%
    Atheists - 0.2%

    * The general population of each is a rough estimate. There are thought to be much more "closet" atheists than polls show.
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    SO as a questions... where are your sources on that last bit Nitrous... because becoming Christian after going to prison doesn't help your stats does it?

    SO god is held responsible for a failed marriage more than the two people married now?

    I mean there are a few people that label them self as the popular Religon ..just because... That has nothing to do with a true figure...

    So Lets just wonder why is it matter the general of a certain type have a sinful habit. Sin is sin...

    Now If there is one thing God Caused for all this to happen getting past strings and Big bangs... just the simple of push can cause it all to happen... and if not ... it would not be...

    Think about it... i just feel that this one hunch of everything is spawned from this one action... and I'm sick and tired of people being a pain about my opinion... So you don't think god exists..

    Where does this data come from that ultimately proves any thing? I think that is a question science ignores because ... its not logical... though only a sane person has to ask every day.. about the information he has to decipher as worthy or not ...
    #78 G043R, Nov 29, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    The results of the Christians vs atheists in prison investigation.
    Prison stats

    U.S. divorce rates: for various faith groups, age groups and geographical areas
    Divorce stats

    I doubt a bunch of atheists or muslims or jews will convert as soon as they go to jail. Even if they did publically they would most likely behind closed doors admit their true religion so long as no harm would be brought upon them by peers.

    It just seems evil atheists should have a greater evil presence in the world and Christians a greater good.

    Our omniverse was birthed from a broken symmetry order. Does that solve your push thing?
  20. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    My post was very long. However despite disagreeing with it, you could not actually answer those questions, could you? Not stictly faithful? How faithful they are is not the point, the piont is that they are, but God did nothing in helping them stay together. Why? I think i answered that several times, God is imaginary.

    Yes, but no-one has ever been close to approve the existance of a God, have they? How can science dissapprove something which is not there? Thats impossible, so your statement bascially backs up the fact the god is imaginary.

    CORRECT! Lets face it, if you beleive in something that cannot be proven, will never be proven, and thus may as well not even be there anyway, in what way are you not slightly dellusional? If you believe in a God, you have not considered much, apart from what your parenets told you, and what the bible (Which i have already stated is full of rubbish) as you were growing up.

    No, scienticfic eveidence shows that an aswered paryer is more likely to be a coincedence, or something that was going to happen anyway.

    Lets face it, theists cannot really win an argument, until you have something that may prove gos exixtance. Don't talk about the theory of creation either, thats got about as much eveidence to back it up as god has.

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