lemme clear this up.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xSharpshooter94, Nov 18, 2008.

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  1. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I get what you're saying sharp. I think some of the old loyals (BKBillsfan, Potzar, Grimz) should be removed and new loyals should be promoted. Some of those old loyals haven't been online for months. They aren't loyal anymore so they don't deserve the rank of loyal. There are many members on forgehub who have done way more than those who already are loyals. So I understand what you're saying, you've been more active and done more than some of the older loyals so maybe you deserve loyal, maybe you don't. It's not my decision to make.
  2. E93

    E93 Guest

    See, here's the thing, do you really need loyal to ''help out the community'' ?
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I'm going to quickly put out my opinions of a bunch of well known members right here... We have a thread like this in the Hub Pub where all the colored members discuss about next loyal candidates, but it couldn't hurt to give you my opinions alone here.

    First off: Sharp... you're far from getting loyal. You try to freaking hard, and it comes off fake - have fun with the website, don't try and gain a special rank just for the Hub Pub, do what you want and if people respect you and your opinions eventually, then hey - maybe you'll grab yourself a purple suit someday.

    EZguitar: Out of all the people that have posted in this thread (excluding Nemihara, as he's stupid), you probably have the best chance of loyal simply because you haven't asked for it nor have you been an outright annoyance to the forums. You've always been calm and a pleasant face in the sea of off topic, but if you'd like Loyal you should probably help out a bit more.

    Sdrak: No. Just no. You've never been helpful on a single occasion from what I've seen, you constantly abuse the english language (though your paragraph earlier in this topic was fairly well written grammar-wise compared to most of your posts, at least you capitalized your letters), and you've been warned on several occasions. I respect you for the fact that you outright say that you don't want loyal (props), but do try and be less annoying?

    Nor: I can't imagine you with loyal, really. You're one of ForgeHub's well known normal users... You could definitely snag yourself a spot if you started helping around more in other forums besides off topic, but as of now it's a no just like the rest of you fellas in this topic.

    There, happy now guys? Even though I very rarely post in the next loyals topic, this is a chance for you to reflect upon yourselves based upon what others see and hopefully make a change for the better if you truly want a Loyal postition. I mean, my ****ing goodness - don't do the change just for the Loyal itself you materialistic bastards, but change so that people's opinions of you change - Loyal members are known to be respected as they're respectful to others while simaltaneously being helpful and insightful with most, if not all their posts (I'm probably the acception there, but I've already got myself purple).

    Make what you will of this post and stop making topics like this one. No one friggin' cares.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ya I joined the mini mod group to help on FH a little more, i have reported losts of posts. I feel like im helping the community, im not asking for it though.
    Its something you earn not just wait for and get for having lots of posts
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i do try hard Dom and well i dont know why but in that trying hard i do have fun. i dont know i guess im werid...or maybe that is my OCD....eh? i do have fun and well i guess you're right i do come off as fake, lol you told me that a while ago and well i guess i should start listening. thanks dom. and E93,dude, did you comprehend what i was say. i said what loyal represents, not loyal itself
  6. E93

    E93 Guest

    No, I didn't comprehend what you was say. /lol
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    lolo well isn't that ironic. well still the question stands....lol
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This is not an off topic forum people lol
    We are still in general chat your posts are close to spam lol!
    I am saying this to people who are older than me on the site with more posts
    oh well
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    Trying to act all serious now, are we?

    Chill, we know.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Insane is way too awesome to know at all...unless you know Insane. Thats a different story...
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    well i hang with you the most insane so... lol im trying to bring you in...lol but serio insane input on how much of a jackass i am?
  12. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The PubHub is not that important.
  13. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    ugh i just hate being left out of things i know that vinny.
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    im just helpin' a nigga out

    like reword your **** because some asshole is going to come in and think that you don't know that

    i got ur back
  15. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    You're white.

    I know this is a shocking realization, but please try and watch your nerdy wangsta mouth before something slips out while you're in a bad neighborhood.
  16. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    um...thanks i guess but i think it is pretty clear

    BTW Domi...QFTW

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    I agree with what DomiBoy said completely. Everyone should relax and have fun with the site; You will get loyal when you get it until that time just be helpful around the community. Help out the community enough and you will become noticed within the staff forum and just around the site in general and soon I bet you will get loyal.

    I will admit that I wanted loyal a long time ago just for the rank. But, as time grew and I became more involved with the community I stopped caring so much. I then realized that it's just a Rank and nothing special except that. As proof you don't need a special rank to host a TGIF as I got to host one recently and I enjoyed it.

    You also don't need a special rank to be helpful just hit the report post button if the post is breaking any forum rules and move on. Help new members (nicely) when they ask a question and don't flame others when they ask a stupid question that they don't know. Respect others and you will gain respect in return. I know this will be hard for some since this is a internet forum but if you can do this then the site will live for a long time to come.

    And before I leave, I have one last thing to say: Everyone need to stop trying so hard to get loyal it's a rank and nothing else. Relax and have fun with the site. When you hear that you may be getting loyal soon relax and stop trying to impress other people who can get you loyal. Don't go around and spam all the staff members with links to where you helped another member. Because you never know if you will get and you definitely won't get it by asking for it.

    To sum it all up: Treat others as you want to be treated.
  18. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    I've an idea.. how about the oldies get a new rank.. anyone who joined before the member surge. I don't know the exact date but i would say it was about midway through January, or before the site left wordpress.. that way those of us who were once "in" with the present-day mods and loyals will get something for their continued loyalty to the site. Now, it may not be the PubHub, but a forum like that for the oldies would be pretty darn sweet
  19. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    thanks matt for completely restating what everyone else just said...lol. good advice, thanks, i know all this ****....yada-yada-yada...
    that would be sweet but alas it will never be. it is too "insignificant" and "unneeded" (adds little kid voice). Though what would happen to Marcus and Norlinsky who came here in April. They aren't my best friends but i will admit that that isn't fair.
  20. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    meh your right.. i guess those of us who have been here for a while and are still active gotta do more to be loyal eh? lol
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