Alright! Now that's what I like to hear! And yea aren't those wheelie things awesome? Have you tried going onto them backwards? With the right driving, you can get on 1 wheel!! No joke! If I can perfect those things, I might even make a map made just for those! Like a wheelie race or something XD
i hope scarfac3d sees this you made his skatepark look like junk. you are a really talented forger and id like to see what you can do in the competitive section.
Fa sho - coming from an amazing forger, that's awesome, and I think our (mine and scarface's) parks are just different. Mine is more focused on reality and aesthetics and his are more on the separate features (Like a bowl in one corner and a grinding place in the other.) I catch your drift though thanks for the compliment.
Doog, you've outdone yourself. This is freaking awesome. The interlocking, the aesthetics, the whole map, deserves a 5/5. This is one of the most realistic skate parks I've ever seen in Halo. Great friggin' job, man.
Well everyone else has basically said what I was going to say. This map actually reminds me of a real skate park and it looks really nice. This definitely looks like the best skate park map so far and I wish the best of luck to you. (By wishing you look I mean I hope this map gets featured and does not go ignored) Also, remember how in the shoutbox I told you that I had a lot of ideas. One of these ideas includes a gametype that goes along with a skate park. Please feel free to pm me if your interested.
Thanks man like I said before it's posts like this that give me the inspiration to keep makin maps as awesomely as possible so Great job to you as well. Yea I hope the same thing for this map. I spent quite a lot of time on forging it and designing it (on a piece of paper ) And yea I'm definitely interested. I'll PM you asap.
Holy noodles with wings, im not allowed on my xbox and im dling!!!! this map is SICK u have some of the best potential i have ever seen from someone on this site, everything is perfectly interlocked, i can really say that I am extremely jealous of your forging ability!!!!!! You have more maps posted than a lot of the people on this site, if you can turn your ability towards maybe a competitive map, i'm sure ur heading for a feature, at least ONE of your maps deserves it, ur heading for premium dude 5/4.8 well Freaking done
Ooooo someone's gonna get in troublleeeeeeee Great reply though a lot of people think some of my maps are feature worthy as well hopefully they get noticed by Forge Hub staff. And don't be jealous, just consider this inspiration to show you what you're capable of! And yes. you are. We have the same controller so we can do the same things. It just might take a little longer than expected. Thanks for the feedback and I hope the best for you and your old/current/future maps. And what's up with the weird rating system? XD 5/4.8 lol that's a first
I put a couple new pics showing the Spectator's Box and the Sender Node to get there. (And yes even the teleporter looks crazy )
Wow, this is prolly the most action I've seen a map get in the first day in a while. And it is well deserved. I love the look of this, and it seems that you made it so that you can actually play on it like a real skate park, unlike a lot of others. This really looks stellar; now if I can only figure out how to kickflip on a mongoose...
Yea I was saying the same thing to my friend a while ago. (About how much recognition this is getting). The more the merrier though. And keep me posted on the kickflip quest
Um, cheers? What do you mean, great job to me? All I did was comment You made the insane map that we are currently posting about.
Yea but I'm just saying if it wasn't for all you guys posting, my forging frenzy would probably come to an end. It did for a while, but then I came here and that all changed.
wow doog nit you are really quite the forger. i download this and ill get back with how it plays. Also the tele merged how you merged it made mai jaw drop. Hell the whole map itself made my jaw drop. Everything in this is very neatly forged. How long did this take you?
For one thank you for all the good feedback and secondly, it took me about 2 days of SLEEPLESSNESS.....ok fine I'm lying lol but yea about 2 days not including sleep/breaks/etc.
holy. ****ing. hell. i wont be downloading it because i only play competitive maps, but boy, do i bow to your skills.
Thanks dude you're not bad yourself. I've seen one of your maps (Something network) and it was pretty tight. For everyone: I have just made a pretty big update to this map which is that it now can be used with a game variant. (Skate and Team Skate). Unfortunately my internet that goes to my xbox is down until 7 o clock tomorrow so I won't be able to share the games or the map with you yet, but I will have them up by tomorrow guaranteed. Also, my wireless internet that goes to my computer is still on, so if you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I should get back to you momentarily. If you already downloaded the original map, I'm really sorry for not introducing this in the first place, but with the inspiration from Blue Pariot (A Member of Forge Hub) I decided to add it. The DL links will be in the same places as before. Other things different are as follows: Removed "Doog" Logo 8 Mongooses and 8 Ghosts Removed Soccer Ball (Don't know why I put it there in the first place)
I'm really sorry to double post. I just needed to make sure everyone knows that v2 is up with pics and a description of the game variants that go with it. If you've already DLed v1, you're probably going to wanna DL v2 since it has a game variant included now. Again, sorry for the double post.