So I downloaded Halo 2 Vista(Legally) and put in my Serial key and everything.(Its virturally impossible to get a cracked serial key for H2 Vista, Mines Legal.) I am having one difficulty with it though. It won't let me apply the update. Does anyone know how to update it manually or know what the problem is. If its any help, Im on a dual boot of XP and Vista. Halo 2 Vista works perfectly on XP but doesnt on Vista. My Vista drive is (Z Logical Partition NTFS My XP Drive is (C Primary Partition NTFS Please, Please Help me. H2 Vista is my only halo resort as my xbox has got the red ring of death. Cheers.
I have alot of memory installed on the PC yes. I dont know where to check it with vista though. I think its a 1GB. The update goes to install then does nothing. Litterally, It closes down then a Update Dialog pops up for a fraction of a second then nothing else happens.
I have a fresh install of vista, Installed it a couple of hours ago. I have downloaded all necessery drivers.
Nope, I have full admin control. Whats really interesting is that there isnt any registry keys that have been entered for Halo 2 Vista. Might that account for something? Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyhow, have you turned off the pop-up blocker for you browser? That could be keeping it from downloading.
I tried this multiple times. The game is fine, the updates just wont update the game. I dont think they can find the path. Can you put it reg keys to guide the updates?
I have no idea how to help you. You might want to call technical support or something. They might manually update it for you.