Carlos in saints row 2, He got dragged on the back of a truck through a road and dirt roads and when the player find him he's all mutilated and can't pull him off the chain attached to the truck so he just ended up shooting him in the head to end his missery. The CoD4 ending was sad too, your entire team dies, including Griggs and Price. At least I got to empty a clip into that bastard's head.
I was playing runescape once... And I accidentaly hit a 50 on my best friend... I cried as I took his 27k
Someone above you just answered that. He was seeing what he wanted to see. But as he kept looking, he realised that it was just his imagination.
Oh, I forgot about Red Fox from MGS. That was sad also. And a few others from MGS3 like when he had to kill The Boss. For some odd reason I can't think of any other character deaths that are as sad as any in the MGS series. Well, other than Sgt. Johnson in H3. That was horrible...
Man exactly what I was going to say. I read this whole thread and I was like, "yes nobody put it yet!" and here it is on the last page. Saddest death ever.
No crap. That death needs to be done in better graphics. One where where the graphics are as good as FFXIII. People will pay millions just to see that moment again better quality.
Master Chief. ALWAYS REMEMBER 117!!!!11!!! He's not dead jackass! STfU he's dead cause COrtna pulled the feading toob