Well that sucks because I just happened to wake up because I am not tired, but I don't even have my Xbox right now so I can't check the update. It's okay though because I am going to my friend's house for lunch so I'll see it then.
Wow what nerds. How about you go to sleep, then when you wake up tomorrow you go to school, then you come back home afterward and do your homework. I guarantee the new dashboard will be ready by the time you do this.
Hmm... I guess I might be the only one that can wait for this update. I really am not looking forward to the new avatar system. I would go buy a wii if I really wanted one.
lmao stfu way, it's not our fault youve had the dashboard for like a whole day (since it's almost the 20th now lol), and you're bored of it. Beside, I don't have school, homework or anything better to do than get up out of bed and come see if my update is hur. Which it isn't...damn.
Huh...I coulda sworn this was the Halo Discussion board, why do I hear all this talk about Xbox and stuff? Ey mods, move this **** yo.
It doesn't come out for me a day ahead mate. They release it at their own time. So no I don't have it. In fact it's probably out now and I still don't have it. I wont be getting it until much later tonight after work and my ride and hanging out with the boys and girls down at the bar.
I was being sarcastic way lol, I know you don't have it early. Meh I was two seconds away from going to bed when it dled for meh. It was quick so I didn't mind wasting my time.
Well it's out now. I got to test it at my friend's house and spent half the t\ime creating an avatar.