lemme clear this up.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xSharpshooter94, Nov 18, 2008.

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  1. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Well you guys all, or mostly all know me. Throughout my time here i was told that all i wanted was to get loyal. That i was a suck-up and a kiss-ass. Well i don't know if that is true or not but i gotta say something about it. Yes I want loyal but that is not for the reason that you all think.
    You see of course i want loyal, who doesn't but i want it not for the cool rank or just because i can. Well you see I'm active i am seen in off topic and the regular forums. But i have actually been here since january and well all of the people i play with on live or talk to on here are Mods or loyals/Premiums. I here them all talking and i join in where i can but as soon as they start talking about the PubHub i am no longer a part of the conversation.
    Obviously this sounds a little self-centered but i have a point. I love this site and it is the reason i have stayed and spent a lot of my time on here. I do loove this site but after 11 months the normal things a member can do on this site become tiresome. I want to do more. Unfortunately there are certain things only a loyal+ can do. I want to do more. I want to help host a TGIF i want to help do write ups. But i can't do any of that stuff without loyal because to be hinest with myself nobody is completely in love with me here.
    Now don't get me wrong i am happy here and if i never get loyal it is not like im going to flip out. Also I want to get my loyal(if i ever do) by earning it. Truely if i was given loyal for no reason i would feel undeserving and guilty. I want to get loyal like everyone else did, by being a helpful fun member who just all-around loves this site.
    This is also the reason i make all these silly groups and have all these stupid ideas. Im trying to help out like i should but of course i get the people saying "oh your just trying to get loyal!" You know what yes i am. But shouldn't we all strive to be what a loyal represents.
    So mi hope this clears things up about me and my "reputation" and well i know im going to get bombed for this so go ahead. bomb away. i spoke my mind, i told the truth and if i get bombed for that, so be it.

    ^^^posted a little later in the thread^^^
    #1 xSharpshooter94, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2008
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Honestly I think you made this thread to try to get loyal lol
    Ok thanks for summing things up...?
    Ya everyone wants loyal thats a fact though, everyone but mods and stuff you know
  3. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    thanks E i knew you'd understand
    did you actually read that entire thing
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ya I read it and to tell you the truth I feel the exact same way about it.
    Sure I would like to have loyal but I know I will never get it, im not really true to the community, but ya loyal is something you earn
  5. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Well sharp my already well sized box of respect for you just grew about 10%. At least your honest I figure and honesty is a rare quality to have when your anonymous.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    There's a reason you aren't doing write ups...
    Sometimes you try a wee bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, I want loyal, but I don't try for it, I come here mostly for the people here; and the occasional laugh, also the maps. Just don't let it occupy your mind and you won't care anymore.
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Firstly, this looks like a pity attempt. Don't we all?
    Second, grammar helps a lot in your sentncs bcz i cnt rd thm
    The thing is dude, not everyone can have it, and they are at one of their last loyals, so I've heard. I don't know dude, but it just seems to me this is a run for nothing. I say you have a higher chance of getting premium than loyal with this stunt. Did any of the loyals now get it by creating these grammar-less writeups? Did they get it by saying 20 times, "I do want loyal, but....."
    No, they didn't.
    Do I want loyal? Not really...
    Do I deserve it? He-ee-ell No...
    Do I have a chance? With my reputation? Cross that out...
    Do I want premium? Yes
    Do I have a chance? Yes, as does everyone else.
    In my mind, what you are asking for is having a say in higher member's decisions. Any colored rank can get you that, and right now you look premium-ish to me rather than in purple.

    EDIT: Think about it this way: What is the first thought you get when ForgeHub is dying? (Theoretically lololol)
    My first thought shoots out to where will I get this sum of people that I know about back together again? Sure I haven't been here long compared to others like you, and the other members, but comon....
    Basically, like Hotpokamminny here said, I just come here for the people and to converse. The laughs I've had here, the arguements....
    I have no idea where I will become active on a forum after I leave this one....it just seems pointless, you know? I connect with people, and all that nice stuff, but its the after ForgeHub. Let's be realistic here. Nothing lasts forever. But if we can somehow get eveyone to know everyone, and get them to keep talking, let it be in Off Topic, but I hope this site lives well past Fall of '09, when Halo Recon comes out, as well as Grif getting excited for every new game that comes out and discussing it in the "Official" thread for this game and that game. It's the community I'm here for, not any colored rank, just to talk and become friends with people. People I wouldn't have met, that are great people, and would have never even approached them if I even saw them on the street. Those people that I truly cherich knowing.....except for Insane. Insane is a different story here....
  8. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    maybe I do try too hard but ya know what I'd risk that to help this site
    thanks sheo I guess this is true cause you actually posted
    your right and well thanks for taking the time to read this thanks a lot man
  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I wuv you sharp... lawlz...

    nice that you spoke your mind... I didnt think people perceived you like this. Thats sad that you cant try to help without being called a suck up, kiss ass...
  10. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    I personally don't agree with some of what you said but I am happy here and a lot of the **** here is effing hilarious but I basically made this to clear up my original statement regarding peoples opinions of me
    I wuv you too pigglz and well it is not true for all but I only notice mine because it's mine
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    Hey this is the exact same reason why I got my Mikey account deleted.

    Same scenario cept it was with Loyal to Staff.

    It does sound selfish of me and probably is but hey =/

    I was like if I cannot be helpful then Hell, I will just delete my account because I am bored and I can.

    It is probably a good thing I did not get Staff though, because of those incidents I had back in February-March.
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Mind specifying exactly what would be so "effing hilarious"?
    It seems to me that I was perfectly serious....
    Otherwise, my opinion still stays of you. You are a kiss-ass and a slimy suck-up to me still, and sorry if I wasnt here to see you at your worst, if thats the case...
    Otherwise, you've been pretty cool, but done nothing more than be active and sort-of kind-of helpful around the forums....
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Sorry, but it's just a website. Don't get me wrong, a great website, but a website, nonetheless.
  14. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    Again, Norlinsky speaks the truth. It is just that Sharp feels isolated from his once friends that he talked with all the time before they got promoted to staff or loyal. Now those friends rarely talk to him.
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Think about the whole community we have bunched up in this website. It's not like I couldn't have gone without seeing Mastar you know...yeah....
    But the fact still remains that I truly like this website. Have I ever been active on another website? Then why this one? I have met people of all ages, kinds, types, whatever you wish to call them, but I feel more intelligent. Where did I come to know who got elected? I bet you ForgeHub had it before CNN....or w/e you guys watched. We all know ForgeHub has its own secret satelite orbiting the earth tracking its members...thats why Linubidux said, "Nobody ever really leaves ForgeHub.."
  16. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    You deleted your Account cause you didnt get staff?

    couldnt have said it better myself.

    Were more than just a Halo 3 Forgesite, were like a giant big happy family who happen to live around the world :D

    This shoulda gone in off topic really, this is gonna get off topic soon enough.
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    Read the original post and apply it to me.

    And it is more than just that. I just felt like having some voice in the community and I never got it so I was like "meh"

    Yes this is just the internet. I am aware of that =)

    And did I not tell you this in Skype...?

    Anyways, I made this account because I talked to Dragoncoals on Skype and was like "I should make a new account lulz"

    Then he motivated me by going "Dude I want you to"
  18. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    No, it was never mentioned to me why you suddenly left.
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Norlinsky 4 super admin 07?
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    This Thread-->Off Topic.

    Pic unrelated.

    Oh, and I was wondering what happened to Mikey.
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