If the humans didn't make the Locust, then how why was the Locust Queen saying in the game that they will "retake Sera"? Unless they were some kind of species that once co-existed with the humans before being pushed underground.
Sounds good. When can we start? EonsAgo: No one had seen the Locust until Emergence Day, so this is very unlikely.
the ending is about the wrong legacy being left behind lambent are inferior according to the queen therefore may be the 'wrong legacy' plus watch until the end of the credits youll hear a little extra
How could marcus have been in a jacinto prison..unless the prison wasn't in jacinto? Cus if I remember correctly..when they rescue him I think the place they are is pretty much completely destroyed and everyone else is like dead?
Have you ever seen a MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON inside of a major city? Nope. It's for Jacinto, but it is not in the city boundaries, but perhaps down in a smaller town just outside of Jacinto or even in the middle of no-where.
The area surrounding Jacinto is bedrock thats undiggable. Thus why I was basically saying, wtf thats gotta be far away. Why would the name a prision after a city that actually only became one of the more major citys because it couldn't be sunk, which is after the prision was constructed... okay it's just a stupid name for the prison.
No, the entire metrolpolitan area is on that bedrock, so anything outside of Jacinto metro could could actually be digged through. Jacinto Maximum Security Prison was in the middle of no where, but still close to Jacinto. I mean my city's prison is actually 10 kilometers out of the city, so why should this be different?
Okay i have a little information that proves the queen created, not gave birth to,but created. In one of the collectibles it says that humans created the queen,but then the queen created, again, created not gave birth to.
Yeah you can. You can play against 5 bots with 4 bots on your team in a full game. Or you can play against Domi Boy and his 4 bots and dominate him
I do not think so. I'll look as hard as i possibly can. Unless you mean in game...then no. Hey guys i found more information. In one of the collectibles i had found it says that a patient had reduced hair growth. It could be that that is the queen. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. I have a theory: You guys know how Maria had that short hair and looked all old and stuff right? It could be that the queen and traded bodies or faces with her. And thats why she hadnt been tortured yet. I know she wasnt tortured because she was in that coffin. Tai had a whole bunch of cuts everywhere and Maria did not. The switch could have taken some time. And thats why the queen has that human look and thats why Maria looks ugly. And thats also why she has really short hair. Also in the end of GoW 1 the queen had looked like RAAM. Maybe she can take others bodies. Any thoughts?
That could be possible, because all we know is she is Ugly, and then she became not ugly. Who knows what happened in between Gears 1 and 2. Guys, I'm serious now. Is there some website with all the GoW2 Collectables and what they say in like a screenie or something interactive like the Halo terminals thing.
I am lost, since when was the queen ugly? We have never seen her, and they just wanted us to believe that was her at the end of Gears 1, they never stated it. Second, took her Maria's beauty? Now you guys are venturing upon a tragic fantasy. That is not Gears, Gears is a brutal, grindy and gruesome war based fiction. No fairy tale here. Maria was tortured? Those coffins are torture cells, and they can take people out of them too? On the map, Ruins, they have those coffins dangling over imulsion. Seems like torture to me. Not to mention, she seems to have cuts and staples. Not to mention, I doubt Locusts do the same exact thing to every person, it would get boring fast. We have to face the fact that we just don't know enough, and these wild conclusions are a bit elaborate. Most of them. Sorry if I sounded harsh, now that I re-read that...
Uhhh, you got to see the queen towards the end of the second game. She wasn't ugly. She looked like a big rock :O
Has anyone ever even stopped to think that maybe the reason Maria is the way she is, is because she is just being plain ol tortured and not fed? you clearly see some stranded doing some slave work for the locust at one point. maybe part of her brain was taken out also, as you clearly can see a super jumbo scar on her forehead, which is what is giving her her "Opie" look. Alot of you guys are just plain ol venturing a bit TOO far into assumptions for the story that make no sence really.