My 3rd Youtube Vid! Yay! Here's the description I put on youtube: Several tips on how to make your Windows desktop looking more like a Mac. Rocketdock: RocketDock - Download RocketDock Mac Icons: DeviantArt Mac Wallpapers: Wallpaper I downloaded:
Why? It's amazing how Apple can simultaneously claim to be individualistic while at the same time making all of your computers look generic imitations. I mean, I'm no fan of Windows, but I just get tired of how hypocritical they can get with their advertising.
Suggestions: You said "um" over nine-thousand times. Don't. It makes it seem unpro. Pretty good vid though. I new most except for how to changes the icon settings on rocketdock. So that helped.
Well, I don't want to debate OS. I don't care which one's better, or which one has a better look or is more user-friendly. I just made it for the sole purpose of the people who like me, have Windows, but enjoy the dock and some extra features.