Fish in a Barrel By Stealth the one, Sdrakulich, Kingjudge Recommended # of players: a gazilian. no i suggest 12-16 Map description: After releasing v1 of gauss and mouse and deciding it needed work sdrak kingjudge and i began v2. But things came to a change when creeping death suggested changing the name to fish in a barrel. So bagan fish in a barrel. there were a lot of no u's in the process of making this map be as great as it is now. The fish spawn near mongooses and get in them driving around their fish barrel. in 20 seconds the shooter rises up to shoot the fish in the barrel. The term easy as shooting fish in a barrel never seemed so wrong. The fish take more than 1 hit to die. The last fish standing gets himself an extra 5 points for fish heaven. The shooter spawns under the barrel and in 20 seconds he rises up to wreak havoc. Changes to the map: 1. All the floor is interlocked and bigger than v1. (do not suggest the florr be any bigger as there is no way to make it bigger. 2. A flare and a radar jammer have been set to spawn at set times near the shooters head later on in the game for those lucky enough to survive. 3. More spawn points were added so the game now supports 16 players! 4. Placement of shooter is farther from the fish spawn and is surrounded by cones. 5. Map is unbreakable. 6. Mancannons are now behind the walls 7. The warthog no longer falls in the middle of games Changes to gametype: 1. Zombie is now invisable 2. Fish take less hits to die 3. Last man turns from black to white. (from fear) Honor rules: Just as in regular mice and tremors and mice this has its own set of honor rules. 1. Mice should stay in mongooses 2. mice should not hijack the turret drive the warthog or ride in the side seat of the warthog. 3. Do not teabag the Gauss for you will be killed Pics: Inviso-Zombie = ZOMG!?!?!!!1!!! Death and barrel rolls Epicness of many fish actually driving Epic lose plan at blacking off the zombie with mongeese lol Teh flare!!!! Last man ownage Hey Stealth do a wheelie!!!! Elite says "Remember to FEECHURE NAO!!!1!!" Download Gametype Download Map
**Video Coming Soon to a theater near you...** Sorry guys, video is uploadinz to youtube tomorrow...had no time tonight, and my mom's being a *****, threatening to shut off electricity to my room nao... Its truly a great game here, and I R thar
dude, what are you babbling about? look at the poster of v1.....its Stealth the One, and since I collabed with him to make v2, I am co-creator of v2, not v1. Therefore, STFU and GTFO if you continue this nonsensical nonsense
read Read the description before you post. Looks alot better but it could still be improved if you ask me, i'll stop by some time and have a forgethrough
I would like to say that im sorry, i truely am i should have read more. It's just with all these people showing up here and messing up the site it puts me on edge. im sorry once again i should not have made such rude out going remarks to you nor your map. i geuss im one of those people then, lol. ill download and try it out and reply for my mistake. sorry.
well this is one of the funnest mini-games i have ever played and can be hilarious at times with a group of a lot of people. Glad you decided to merge the boxes after i told you to like a couple days ago lol to make it look nice and good to hear you solved the problem of me breaking the map lol cause now i cant lol
I like the invisible zombie. It makes the map look like a bunch of Spartans trapped in a room with a turret trying to kill them. I loved the first one and I'm sure I'll love this version. I say: FEECHURE NOA!!!1!11!
This map has to be one of the funnest looking mini-game maps I have seen in a long time. This is obviously a v2 of Gauss and mouse right? I would really want to download, but I am really having a hard time choosing which maps to delete and which ones to keep on my hard drive. When that problem is over, I'll consider downloading. That FEECHURE NAO pic is awesome, lol.
Hey nice making the zombie invisible. I like that. The flare and radar jammer make for some changed up gameplay too. Overall I would say that this map and game is 1.5 times better than V1 even just for those few reason\s I gave.
This reminds me of cat n mouse alot but with a big change.The map looks very fun and looks very well made.I hope its not to easy for zombie to kill mouse.I'll probably play this soon with some friends.Nice work
This is not a FEATURE NAO map it's just a smaller version of cat and mouse and it isn't that great. There's flaws to it like getting out of the map and places were you can stay and not die. The map isn't that great and i could probably make one better and overall fun. I do not see much effort in this map. 4.32/10
Let me guess your going to call me a playa hatter and rant about me not being awesome that indeed my friend was a spam post. Just because you made it doesn't mean it's awesome. Your to full of your self and you have to get over it.
NOTE: Read the effing description plox ;0 As for The map I like it alot I played it with my buddy/buddies and we all enjoyed it very well. The map cannot have structures in is cuz you could just hide and that would be cheap. If there is a way of fixing the honor rule of hijacking please do it. People just keep hijacking constantly. Also if you do that you could make the fish slow and they would HAVE to get in the mongoose. Resulting in an honor free map of awesomeness EDIT: No he corrected you because you are too ignorant to read and play the map before criticizing it. The fact that he helped make the map has nothing to do with your Ignorance. ig⋅no⋅rant /ˈɪgnərənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ig-ner-uhnt] –adjective 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics. 3. uninformed; unaware. 4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
Thats what we were lacking in v2....if we fixed that, it would be FEACHURE NAO now, its FEACHER 99.999% NAO get me? We are wondering if someone could help us devise this type of system....idk, maybe window panels blocking it or something. In a v3, what do you guys think about adding shield doors all the way around, or at least on the side with one mancannon, and on the bridges? As for the video, check out the sad truth of what happened here:****.html#post582408
WOOHOO!!! THAR I AM!!! now to the map... i really enjoyed playing this game, its very hard (for me) and its annoying when people break the rules. It's good that it is not breakable now, but i have some suggestions. 1. less mancannons 2. more ramps/jumps 3. aesthetic touches yah, the whole area just looks kind of plain, and just driving around in the circle is still fun. I hope you take this into account, and great job, and great idea! 8.9/10
No it's not FEACHER NAO it isn't that great stop kidding your self and accept the truth this map is just a cage with a simple warthog under the map thing but then the rest is just plain. tremor and mouse just got featured and that was a lot better than this, so what makes you think that this is a feature map.
So you have all the sudden played this map after false accusations? In like 2 minuets? And you do not like it? Play it then talk as much crap about it as you like. But you cannot say anything til you play it.
I played it, it tested it. All it is you just go around in circles with no jumps or anything fun to go off of. It's not fun.
well then, tell us how to improve it, and we'll tell you NOO fail and win over you lololol No seriously though, tell us how to improve it, since its obviously that bad...