I found Far Cry to have a less accessible editor. And i would consider that an unbiased statement as i am one of the few who has quite an extensive knowledge of both games, and both sequels.
I have to side with TSB and Matty. Pretty pointless argument. You are just going by the fact you like Farcry better. Not to say this is true, and I might be wrong, but it seems you are more complaining that you can't forge well, thus Farcry is better. A map editor should require some skill, and Forge has that, as it requires a great imagination. You don't need to make the next reflex as an example (mentioned previously). A good map can be a basic, non interlocked/geo merged map with just an innovative new gameplay idea. Like the original forged maps. Like ideas like Hobo Heights, and Albatross and cat and mouse. Those kinds of ideas make it more exciting, difficult yes to a certain degree, and fun. It is only difficult if you can't think of an idea. The forging part itself isn't as hard, and I am not the best forger, it just really is basic. It is when you try to overdo yourself with too much aethetic pieces you become overwhelmed. Farcry, which btw I have played, does not have as much of an innovative editor. Yes it is maybe 10x easier than Forge, but it isn't as creative because it mostly is just foresty layouts with some small wooden huts. You can make nicer structures than in Forge like The Yellow's, "Hoover Gorge," which resembles the Hoover Dam. However, at least so far, nothing can or has been created that extremely differentiates itself from every other Farcry map. They all are practically coming out the same just with minor variations. So basically, although Farcry is easier, and you and others might prefer that as Forge is somewhat more challenging, Forge lets each map come out as an individual map. Almost no two maps look like the same thing. But this is just my impression...
So, if someone completely new to both editors sat down with each one for 10 hours, which map maker would produce the better map? EDIT: There's a debate section Zstrike.
To the first part, Forge, because you can make something original and something that doesnt look exactly like almost every Farcry map made. And I had no idea there was a debate section, thanks for pointing that one out... oh wait, I did, and this isnt in the debate section, nor did you even really respond to anything I said... EDIT: and btw, I know there is a debate on this, but I wasnt debating either. I was responding to the conversation you were arguing...
I didn't want this to turn into an argument, that's why I said to take it to debates. I am only trying to say that map makers shouldn't be based on skill, yes, they should take a small amount, but not so much that it is hard. And don't pull out that "everything looks the same" bullshit on me, I could say the same for foundry maps.
the bottom line is that in forge, a player is forced to fight the system and abuse unintended glitches to achieve something close to what they want, and even then you still have to use your imagination most times. the skill comes in design, not forging. forging is the application to which you apply your design skills. And to be honest, the forge is a shitty application to do so. although I do like to forge still.
It also takes a steady hand to pull of perfection too, another key to creating great, feature worthy, top maps.
Im not saying that my so called, "Bullshit" is the sole reason it isnt as good. Because I know foundry maps all look the same with the same generic looking boxes. What I meant by my "bullshit" was that they are the same map with minor differences. As in, the environments are the same. Not much is also placed into it. Some hills, some small huts or barriers. Foundry maps, though they look alike by the box color and all, they can have greatly varying looks. and let me point out some other, "bullshit" on you. Im not saying Farcry map editor is bad. Its extremely cool, Ive played it, and can be used to create awesome things. However it gets almost too easy, and IN MY OPINION, there should be a level of difficulty to it. Not an extreme amount, but some amount. I understand your side that it should be easy, I prefer challenges in games. Thats what Im saying. And I read the whole debate thread, and as said there, Ill say here. They are two really hard to compare games and editors. Farcry has a map creator. You create something from scratch and thus have unlimitted options. Forge is an editor. You go into a already made map and move boxes, create new looks and such. I really don't want anymore "bullshit" thrown around, so I'll leave. The point of this thread from the start was a mini little rant to say Forge is too hard and Farcry is better. I'll leave this at they are extremely different games, with extremely different editors, and should really not at all, or ever, be compared on this.
Weren't you arguing about this same exact thing earlier in the Debate Section? Seriously, get over it. You really can't compare the two.
You made a thread stating that FarCry's map maker is better than Forge and you didn't expect to have an argument about it? That's interesting because I could've sworn we were on Forge Hub. My bad I totally forgot we were in Utopia where no one has their own opinion. What did you expect to have people say to this? Nice find? lol there's nothing to reply except either A. Totally I agree, or B. No way, stop smoking crack. You're what Bungie calls a "troll". And as Bungie says "Don't Feed the Trolls." I'm usually pretty sincere to most people, but stupidity and immaturity combined is something that I cannot tolerate. And on top of all this, you're wrong. I'll pretty much say this as quick as possible. Forge is the first of it's kind in the Halo series meaning this: It's only going to get better. As a first attempt at a map editor, I think it's fantastic. Of COURSE there are some problems to it as there are to everything. You think the first cell-phone had internet, caller ID, e-mail notifications, and text? Well it didn't. It became better as time went on and became more and more popular. And even today, there's still flaws with them. But you still think cell-phones are cool don't you? Don't even say you don't because you do. In conclusion to this massive essay, I think that Forge might not be at it's best, but it is a great map editor in my, and most people's, opinion. Plus, do you not see the big title at the top? FORGE HUB! You really think we care that you think another editor is better than this one? We obviously like Forge so if you don't, feel free to leave. That's like going to Bungie headquarters and saying "I don't know why you guys think you're doing a good job. Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie were WAY easier than Halo. You guys phail epic lee alololol HAXORZ." So yea. you have fun reading all of that. Hopefully you understand now what an idiot you're being (yea right) and you'll think twice before posting something like this again. [/overfeeding troll]
I partially agree. But you have to remember that forge was only originally designed for machinimas and alternate weapon/vehicle placement. Foundry was only created on request. They should have edited forge so that it could do more stuff, though, for the Heroic map pack. What's Far Cry 2's editor like?
Personally I just like that Forge maps look nothing like what Bungie had intended. Everything I've seen from Far cry look like the game developers may as well have made it themselves. They have nothing in them that is unique or different.
in farcry, you can make a forest, yes? well when you "RANDOMLY GENERATE" a forest, well does that meen that you know your way around it? no. you just "RANDOMLY GENERATED" it, and you need to learn your way around it with others as youre testing it, and the fact that forge takes skill and patients and knowledge and excecution, makes it more impressive when a quality maps comes out. far cry maps are different, and the 2 cant be compared. forge maps are more difficult and have to be improvised, utalizing creativity on the users part, how can i make a hill??? i know, ill make a flat surface and then interlock oblong single boxes to make rocky cliffs. the fact that its more difficult, makes it more impressive.