Wtf? Who knows how it works and can help me? Nah, can't be. I had 3 gold bars and got murdered in a lag fest. Immediately i lost my gold bar. My party laughed at me. =( Actually like YE5 said it's supposed to be based off the Halo system. They don't show enough stats though, its frusterating. If it is like Halo's then it's much worse. It's not indivdual games and you can never know when your ranking up. Sounds abnout right Rusty. My friend had more then me in every category by about 100. Yet he is 2 bars and I'm 3 This is probably because I snipe while he is out lancering and whatnot.
I've heard that its just based on how many games you play. My source is my friend and the fact I played 1 game, lost and went up in rank. But i'm not entirely sure.
Idk, all I know is I've been stuck at 2 bars, winning 3 games and losing one, winning 3 games losing 1 kind of deal. Surely I should have my gold bars by now?
I don't understand it... I've won like tons of games and yet I am still a one bar... Halo's is if you win a game, you get EXP. Is it like their true skill ranking thing?
Its kinda easy really, If you beat a team with higher ranks than you, you get a **** load of experience, if you beat a team that is about the level as you, you get moderate experience, If you loose to a team that is ranked under you, you lose a **** Load of experience. Basically, dont loose to peope lower to yourself and always win with people who are higher than you. Or beter yet, just plain old dont lose at all ;]
I believe it is based on true skill. Every kill gets a certain amount of points depending upon the method. The more skill you take in killing your opponent then the higher 'true' skill that you have. It isn't about winning, it's about how nasty you are at the game. Ask anyone I play with, I pop heads like druggy pops pills, so I have more points as well as ratio of points to kills because my kills require more skill. But as true skill goes, I can lose bars depending on how poorly I play, which has happened. That's my take on the matter, I just wish that there was an easier way to review your stats.