I FINALLY got this video uploaded. I'm on a mac, so i had to export the file, then upload it, while i was trying to upload it as it was. anyway, hopefully this is enough proof for you . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1lX-DaZ_6s
fake lol. No, seriously, twice! congratulations. Nice vid. I think I would not have kept my hands in front of the camera for that long... How long did it take anyways? 10 minutes?
Dang you couldnt even see your hands moving, oh thats because it was fast forwarded lol hehe Nice job I guess
I can solve a Rubik's Cube in about 30-40 seconds on average. I believe my fastest solve was 17.83 But still good job if you can solve it, really.
Hmm... How do we know it was REALLY you doing that??? lol nice job though. XD ... if it really IS you...
i have pics, here go to this thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/43771-jealous-yet-skills-chief-wiggums.html that is where it all began...
ya but I all I see is your hand. So iz no proof. You dun do it!!! ITS A TRAPP!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!! lol jk, I believe you, just messing with your head.... or am I???
My friend's mastered this down to a 45 second art. He got so bored of the three cube he picked up a 4,5,and 2 and figured those out in a relatively quick fashion as well.
Wow, thats fast. I think my fastest was exactly 1 min. i guess im slow,btw wiggums,its wierd that u start with green i always start with white,do u always do it that way or randomly pick a color
The world record is like 10 seconds blind folded or something like that so that must mean you guys are pretty damn good. My fasted time is......fail.
My fastest time is 10 minutes, I have to learn the algorithms better. I can solve one side from 100% memory and that's good enough for me.